Areas where you start side quests.
1 – Area where you start "The Terror of the East" side quest.
2 – Area where you start "The Commandant" side quest.
"The Terror of the East" quest: Area where you can defeat a soul eater and find Rodrigo's corpse.
"Paths to the Afterlife" quest: Area where you can find one of the soul eaters - Rakazor.
Areas you visit while completing side quests.
2a – "The Commandant" and "A Way Out of Darkness" quests: Entrance to the Inquisition outpost.
Areas where you start side quests.
3 – Area where you start the "Paths to the Afterlife" and "Mortimer's Treasure" side quests.
4 – Area where you start "The Scattered Soldiers" side quest.
Areas you visit while completing side quests.
3a – "Paths to the Afterlife" quest: Area where you can find Fletcher and Hull.
3b – "Paths to the Afterlife" quest: Area where you can find the ducks and one of the soul eaters - Raxkarok.
Areas where you start side quests.
5 – Area where you start the "United in the Afterlife" side quest.
Areas you visit while completing side quests.
5a – "United in the Afterlife" quest: Area where you can find the weathered message in a bottle.
Areas where you start side quests.
6 – Area where you start "The Braggart" side quest.
"Paths to the Afterlife" quest: Area where you can find Diaz and Hector.
Areas you visit while completing side quests.
3c – "Paths to the Afterlife" quest: Area where you can find one of the soul eaters - Xora Rul.
5b – "United in the Afterlife" quest: Area where you can find the weathered records.
Areas where you start side quests.
7 – Area where you start the "A Way Out of Darkness" and "Mortimer's Treasure" side quests.
Areas you visit while completing side quests.
3h – "Mortimer's Treasure" quest: Area where you can dig up the treasure.
3d – "Paths to the Afterlife" quest: Area where you can find Domingo and Gonzales.
3e – "Paths to the Afterlife" quest: Area where you can find one of the soul eaters - Zrak Xakom.
5c – "United in the Afterlife" quest: Area where you can find the protector's notes.
3f – "Paths to the Afterlife" quest: Area where you can find Nathan.
3g – "Paths to the Afterlife" quest: Area where you can find one of the soul eaters - Krak al Rah.
5d – "United in the Afterlife" quest: Area where you can find Calypso's skull.