Let's Get Out of Here | Main Quests - Crab Coast Risen 3 Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
How to unlock the quest: Automatically after completing the main quest "Hunting for Treasure".
Quest Giver: Bones (point 3 on the map)
The quest begins with a conversation with Bones on the beach (point 3 on the map), from which you will learn that he resurrected your character from the dead. During this conversation it is recommended to select the dialog options with care, as they will impact the Soul parameter of Nameless Hero. It's a characteristic symbolizing the humanity level of the main character. For example, if you express concern for the crew during the conversation will award you with positive soul points and improve your humanity level, whereas being harsh towards Bones will result in being awarded the negative soul points and a minor loss of your humanity.
Note - besides this very quest, an additional main quest called "Only Worth Half as Much" was unlocked. It's a very long quest, connected with visiting the headquarters of the three main fractions of the game.
Note - the recent death of your character means a few interesting things and changes to the game. The Nameless Hero has lost the title of a captain, as well as all of his attributes and abilities. Only a small portion of his equipment and attire was left (all of the remaining items from the inventory were left intact). From this moment onwards you will be able to develop your character by accumulating Glory Points. An Astral Vision mode was unlocked as well.
Note - Bones just joined your party.
After completing the first conversation with Bones, you will be able to complete two important activities. First things first, you will be offered to spend your accumulated Glory Points to increase the attributes of Nameless Hero (you don't have to spend all of them at once, though). Secondly, you will be able to try out the Astral Vision, which will prove helpful when searching for various objects of surroundings. At the time a very basic version of it is available to you, but as the game progresses, you will be able to further expand the ability.
Note - it is recommended to speak with Bones again to use all of the possible dialogue options. It will allow you to unlock two more main quests called "Report for Admiral Alvarez" and "New Allies", as well as two optional quests connected with the Crew - "Find Jack the Lighthouse Keeper" and "Find Patty".
To leave the Crab Coast you will have to talk to Bones at any given time and the option to get back to his Sloop (100 Glory Points). After finding yourself on the boat, interact with the steering wheel, which should bring out the map of the world.
Note - as was mentioned in the introduction to this guide, you are given a full freedom of choice concerning the order of quest completion and visiting various main locations. Select the place which interests you the most and go to the corresponding section of the guide.
Rewards for completing the quest:
- 200 Glory Points