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Develop those of the attributes that are going to prove to be most useful - Character development - Risen 3: Titan Lords - Game Guide and Walkthrough
Develop those of the attributes that are going to prove to be most useful

Character development in Risen 3 takes place in two different ways. First of all, there are eight main attributes that you can raise, whether by spending glory points (to learn more, see the next page of this chapter), or by obtaining unique magical items (note - only a legendary item can raise the value of a given attribute, or a talent, permanently). These attributes are:

  • Melee - developing this attribute affects proficiency at using Swords, Slashing Weapons and Piercing Weapons. Arguably, this is the key attribute if your character prefers melee combat.
  • Ranged - developing this attribute affects proficiency at using Shotguns and Muskets, and also increases the chance of a Critical Hit. This is, arguably, the key attribute if your character favors long range combat.
  • Cunning - developing this attribute affects proficiency at using Pistols, Crossbows and Daggers, and also increases the chance of a Critical Hit. It is a good idea to invest in this attribute if you like using secondary weapons, regardless of your playing style.
  • Influence - developing this attribute affects the use of talents such as Silver Tongue and Intimidate during conversations with NPCs. Raising this attribute is a good idea, regardless of the playing style that you prefer, because it is easier to get richer, or end many quests in a more interesting way, thanks to additional dialogue options.
  • Toughness - developing this attribute affects your character's toughness in melee (Bladeproof), in ranged combat (Bulletproof) and Resist Magic. This is the most beneficial for warriors, but it is a good idea to raise this statistic a bit, also if you are playing as the mage.
  • Dexterity - developing this attribute affects proficiency at Lock Picking and at Pickpocketing. This is not a priority attribute, but you can gain access to many additional treasures, thanks to it.
  • Magic- developing this attribute affects your proficiency at Rune Magic, Crystal Magic and Voodoo Magic. Arguably the most important attribute, if your character favors using magic in combat.
  • Spirit - developing this attribute affects your proficiency at Alchemy and Astral Vision. In my opinion, this is the least useful attribute and it is best to leave developing it for the very end.

To sum up:

  • If you want to fight your opponents with melee, the primary attributes to develop are Melee and Toughness, to a lesser extent.
  • If you want to fight your opponents in with ranged weapons, the primary attributes to develop are Ranged and Cunning, to a lesser extent.
  • If you want to fight your opponents with spells, the primary attribute to develop is Magic.
  • Regardless of the fighting style that you choose, you should not neglect Influence and Dexterity attributes.
An example trainer - Character development - Risen 3: Titan Lords - Game Guide and Walkthrough
An example trainer

Another way to develop your character is unlocking new skills that are connected with the attributes named above. There are several tens of skills in the game and there is only one way to learn them, i.e. learning them from trainers. You can find a complete list of trainers, and the skills they are proficient at, in the chapter entitled Trainers. Below, you can find a list of skills, along with a short commentary on the usefulness of each (some are very helpful, whereas the other ones completely worthless).

Note - Each training costs several hundred or thousands gold pieces. Therefore, you should first focus on the ones that you consider the most useful to you, because it is highly probable that you will not have enough money to learn them all.

Melee skills

The name of the proficiency

Development levels


Piercing Weapons


This proficiency increases the development rate of the Piercing attribute.

Unlock all three levels if you like using this type of melee weapon.

Slashing Weapons


This proficiency increases the development rate of the Slashing attribute. Unlock all three levels if you like using this type of melee weapon.



This proficiency increases the development rate of the Swords attribute. Unlock all three levels if you like using this type of melee weapon.



This proficiency unlocks the skill of counterattacking in melee. It is a highly useful function and, as a result, it is a good idea to buy this one, early into the game.

Blade Dancer


This proficiency increases the speed of the attacks that you land. It is a good idea to obtain it if you favor standard attacks over their slower counterparts that are to be charged first.

Fencing Master


This proficiency allows you to extend your combos. It is a good idea to take interest in it, if you like weakening your opponents with series of attacks.



This proficiency increases damage from melee attacks, by 20%. It is a good idea to unlock it as soon as possible, because the increase in strength of attacks is considerable.



This proficiency unlocks the skill of crafting, upgrading and repairing melee weapons in smithies. It is a useful one, especially if your character specializes in melee combat.

Shadow Hunter


This proficiency increases damage dealt in combat against Shadows. It is exclusive for the Demon Hunters' faction and it is a good idea to take interest in it because, by default, many Shadows are tough.

Undead Bane


This proficiency increases damage dealt in combat against the undead. You can unlock it, although this is not a priority.

Spider Hunter


This proficiency increases damage dealt in combat against spiders. It is exclusive to the faction of the natives. I recommend against buying this one, because you do not fight spiders that often and even the largest specimens are not too strong.



This proficiency increases damage dealt in combat against sea creatures. It is exclusive to the Natives and you can unlock it, although it is not a priority.

Ranged proficiencies

The name of the proficiency

Development levels




This proficiency increases the development rate of the Pistols attribute. Unlock all three levels if you like using this type of secondary weapons.

Critical Hit


This proficiency increases the development rate of the Critical Hit attribute. Unlock all three levels as quickly as possible, because the increased critical damage is one of the key upsides of ranged combat.



This proficiency increases the development rate of the Shotguns attribute. Unlock all three levels if you like using this type of ranged weapons.



This proficiency increases the development rate of the Crossbows attribute. Unlock all three levels if you like using this type of secondary weapons.



This proficiency increases the development rate of the Daggers. Unlock all three levels if you like using this type of secondary weapons.



This proficiency increases the development rate of the Muskets. Unlock all three levels if you like using this type of ranged weapons.



This proficiency unlocks the skill of crafting, repairing and upgrading ranged weapons at crafting stations. It is a very useful skill, especially to characters that favor ranged combat.

Blazing Barrels


This proficiency speeds up weapon reloading. It is an immensely useful skill because, in the case of many weapons, reloading takes lots of time by default.

Big Game Hunter


This proficiency doubles the chance of scoring a critical hit, against large monsters. try to unlock this skill as quickly as possible, thanks to which it will be easier to defeat the most demanding opponents.



This proficiency doubles the chance of scoring a critical hit, with thrown daggers. Take interest in this skill only if you like using daggers.

Toughness proficiencies

The name of the proficiency

Development levels




This proficiency increases the development rate of the Bladeproof attribute. It should be most interesting to warriors but, it is not only them that will profit from it.



This proficiency increases the development rate of the Bulletproof attribute. It is not that important to buy this skill, because you do not fight against opponents, with firearms, too often.



This proficiency increases the development rate of the Doctor attribute and, as a result, increases the rate of regenerating your character's health bar. This skill is important for the warrior, although characters that favor ranged combat and fighting with spells should also unlock, at least, 1-2 levels.

Resist Magic


This proficiency increases the development rate of the Resist Magic attribute. It is a good idea to unlock all three levels, because opponents that wield magic, nearly always, pose a threat to your character.

Liquid Courage


This proficiency improves on the effectiveness of Painkillers. Unlock it only if you are often healing yourself this way.



This proficiency makes healing with Provisions more efficient, by 25% and it is to be used by the Crystal Mages because, even if the bonus is added, it is the poorest form of regenerating health points.



This proficiency makes healing with liquor more efficient. It is worth considering, unless you have a surplus of healing supplies and/or you are always accompanied by Bones, in your travels (he can heal you for free).



This proficiency unlocks the skill of using distilleries, i.e. allows you to distil liquor. Consider buying this skill only if you heal your character, with liquor, on a regular basis and, as a result, you suffer frequent shortages.



This proficiency unlocks the option of spontaneous regeneration of the health bar. It is not too useful a skill, because the easier and faster way to do that is heal with, e.g. provisions, which are plentiful in the game.



This proficiency increases the development rate of the Intimidate attribute. It is a good idea to unlock three levels although, it is worth knowing that intimidation, during conversations, frequently results in negative souls points being awarded.

Magic proficiencies

The name of the proficiency

Development levels


Voodoo Magic


This proficiency increases the development rate of the Voodoo Magic attribute. It is exclusive to the native faction and unlocking all three levels is recommended only if you are playing as the mage.

Crystal Magic


This proficiency increases the development rate of the Crystal Magic attribute. It is exclusive to the Crystal mages and unlocking all three levels is recommended only if you are playing as the mage.

Rune Magic


This proficiency increases the development rate of the Rune Magic attribute. It is exclusive for the Demon Hunters faction and unlocking all three levels is recommended only if you are playing as the mage.

Master Mage


This proficiency cuts down cooldown times on spells. It is a skill highly recommended to all those, who use magic, especially that default cooldown times on spells are long.



This proficiency allows you to chain attacks into longer attacks. It is an interesting skill if you are playing as a character that combines the properties of a mage and a fighter.

Spell Dancer


This proficiency increases the speed of casting spells and it is exclusive to the Crystal Mages faction. Unfortunately, it only affects those of the spells that are used in melee combat. If you do not use this kind of magic, ignore this one.



This proficiency increases the development rate of the Alchemy attribute. It is recommended to unlock higher levels only if you are interested in meddling into alchemy.



This proficiency increases the development rate of the Astral Vision attribute. In my opinion, this one is useless and not worth attention.

Brew Potions


This proficiency unlocks the skill of brewing potions. Buy this one only if you are interested in this matter and/or you do not want to spend money, and time, on finding or buying potions.

Create Talisman


This proficiency unlocks the skill of enchanting various talismans (rings, amulets, etc.). It is a good idea to unlock it later into the game, because you will then already have all the necessary ingredients.

Craft Spells


This proficiency unlocks the skill of creating your own spells. Unfortunately, these are disposable spells. Still, every mage should take interest in this skill.

Ritual Master


This proficiency extends duration of potion effectiveness, by 50%. Buy this skill if you are going to use potions, e.g. to enhance your character's combat, or defensive skills.

Vision of the Adventurer


This proficiency enriches the Astral vision attribute with the ability to detect traps, switches and quest items. It is exclusive for the Demon Hunters faction and natives. I recommend against wasting gold on improving Astral Vision.

Vision of the Alchemist


This proficiency enriches the Astral vision attribute with the ability to notice alchemical ingredients. It is exclusive to the faction of natives and to Crystal Mages. I recommend against wasting gold on improving Astral Vision.

Vision of Blood


This proficiency enriches the Astral vision attribute with the ability to notice living things. I recommend against wasting gold on improving Astral Vision.

Vision of Death


This proficiency enriches the Astral vision attribute with the ability to notice the undead. It is exclusive for the native faction. I recommend against wasting gold on improving Astral Vision.

Vision of Gold


This proficiency enriches the Astral vision attribute with the ability to notice valuable items. It is exclusive to the faction of demon hunters and Crystal mages. I recommend against wasting gold on improving Astral Vision.

Vision of Magic


This proficiency enriches the Astral vision attribute with the ability to notice magical items. It is exclusive to the faction of Crystal Mages. I recommend against wasting gold on improving Astral Vision.

Vision of the Shadows


This proficiency enriches the Astral vision attribute with the ability to notice Shadows (a type of monsters). It is exclusive to the faction of demon Hunters and Crystal Mages. I recommend against wasting gold on improving Astral Vision.

Vision of the Fighter


This proficiency enriches the Astral vision attribute with the ability to notice weapons. It is exclusive to the faction of Demon Hunters and the natives. I recommend against wasting gold on improving Astral Vision.

Hunting proficiencies

The name of the proficiency

Development levels




This proficiency unlocks the skill of health regeneration with raw meat. It is not too helpful, because meat can be cooked. Apart from that, you can heal yourself in many different ways (also free of charge).



This proficiency doubles the healing properties of plants and it is exclusive to the faction of Crystal mages. Consider buying it only if you pick plants on a regular basis (it is not worth buying them).

Shadow Eater


This proficiency unlocks the skill of health regeneration thanks to demon meat and it is exclusive to the faction of Demon Hunters. In my opinion there are more important skills than this one so, even if you want to buy it, postpone it until later.



This proficiency provides you with the skill to find a greater number of ore and gold in mines. This is not a priority, although you can consider buying it, if you occupy yourself with smithing.



This proficiency unlocks the skill of skinning monsters. Skinning is a good way of making money so, the money that you spend on this skill come back to you, with time.

Take Teeth


This proficiency unlocks the skill of collecting teeth dropped by some monsters. Collecting teeth is a good method of making money so, the money that you spend on this skill come back to you, with time.

Pull Claws


This proficiency unlocks the skill of taking claws of some monsters. Pulling claws is a good method of making money so, the money that you spend on this skill come back to you, with time.

Take Horns


This proficiency unlocks the skill of collecting horns dropped by some monsters. Collecting horns is a good method of making money so, the money that you spend on this skill come back to you, with time.

Pull Trophies


This proficiency unlocks the skill of collecting trophies dropped by some of the monsters. Collecting trophies is a good method of making money so, the money that you spend on this skill come back to you, with time.

Thievery proficiencies

The name of the proficiency

Development levels




This proficiency unlocks the skill of sneaking. It is very helpful, while stealing items from NPC houses and required to complete several side quests so, it is a good idea to buy it, at first opportunity.

Silver Tongue


This proficiency increases the development rate of the Silver Tongue attribute. It is a good idea to unlock it because, thanks to developed persuasiveness, you will be able to obtain additional rewards and end some quests in a more interesting way.

Master Thief


This proficiency increases the development rate of the Pickpocketing attribute. The list of the NPCs, whose pockets can be picked, is not too long, but you can steal some valuable items from many NPCs. Therefore, it is worthwhile to unlock successive levels.



This proficiency decreases price of goods for sale (up to 15%). The differences in price becomes noticeable only in the case of the best items so, you do not need to buy the higher levels right at the beginning of the game.

Monkey Trainer


This proficiency unlocks the skill of controlling monkeys. Although it may not seem so, it is a useful skill because there are many locations with treasures, in the game world, which can only be reached by a monkey. As a result, it is a good idea to buy this skill early into the game.



This proficiency increases the development rate of the Lockpicking attribute. I recommend that you start buying the successive levels quite early, because complex locks require this attribute developed to a quite high level (even as high as 110-120 points).

Risen 3: Titan Lords

August 12, 2014

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