Areas where you start main quests.
1 – Area where you start the "Pirate Alliance" main quest.
Important locations.
C – Entrance to the Citadel of the Demon Hunters.
Areas where you start main quests.
2 – Area where you start "The Ancient Knowledge", "New Allies", "The Spirit Ritual", "Recruit Eldric", "Recruit Chani", "Recruit Zacharias", "A Powerful Spell" and "The Right Place" main quests.
Areas you visit while completing main quests.
2a – "New Allies" quest: Room where you can find Wilson.
2b – "New Allies" quest: Area where you can find Hanna.
2c – "New Allies" quest: Area where you can find Porter and Yvette.
2d – "New Allies" quest: Area where you can find Mason.
2e – "New Allies" quest: Entrance to the mine.
2f – "New Allies" quest: Area where you can find Cyril.
2g – "New Allies" quest: Bodies of the slain demon hunters.
2h – "New Allies" quest: Area where you can find Fenn.
2i – "New Allies" quest: Area where Iona is hiding.
2j – "New Allies" quest: Path leading to the castle ruins.
2k – "New Allies" quest: Area where you can find Winter.
2l – "New Allies" quest: Shadow Lord's lair.
2m – "The Ancient Knowledge" quest: Area where you can find the grimoire.
2n – "Recruit Eldric" quest: Locations of the teleporters.
2o – "Recruit Eldric" quest: Eastern teleporter.
2p – "Recruit Eldric" quest: Campsite of the demon hunters.
2q – "A Powerful Spell" quest: Area where you can find the spell.
2r – "Recruit Eldric" quest: Lair of the Shadow Lord of Doubt.
2s – "Recruit Eldric" quest: Location of the crystal portal.