Key points of Risen 3 - Fog Island - Trainers
Areas where trainers can be found.
Areas where trainers can be found.
1 – Trainer: Venturo. This character teaches Big Game Hunter, Skinning, Pull Teeth, Pull Claws, Take Horns and Pull Trophies skills. Important - In order to begin your tranings you must first complete two quests tied to Venturo!
2 – Trainer: Hull. This character teaches Liquid Courage, Doctor and Drinker skills.
3 – Trainer: Gonzales. This character teaches Muskets, Shotguns, Pistols and Daggers skills.
4 – Trainer: Nathan. This character teaches Piercing Weapons, Swords, Slashing Weapons, Riposte and Blade Dancer skills. Important - In order to begin your tranings you must first slay a nearby soul eater!
The above map marks the locations of trainers, who stay on the Fog Island. Each of the trainers can teach the Nameless One from one to several skills (of course for a payment).
Two important notes - Some of the trainers may move around so, in such a situation, there are several markings on the map. In extreme situations, taking advantage of a trainer's services becomes available only after, e.g. you have completed a quest.
1) Venturo
After you complete two side quests, Venturo reaches the Inquisitors' camp
Venturo is an Inquisitor and it is in the camp of that faction, in the central part of the map (point 1 on the map), that you can find him. At first, Venturo is staying on the Western beach and only after you complete the side quests "The Terror of the East" and "The Commandant" that he reaches the Inquisitors' camp and becomes an active trainer.
During the conversation with Venturo, you can ask him to train you. He specializes in the following:
- Big Game Hunter from Hunting
- Skinning from Hunting
- Pull Teeth from Hunting
- Pull Claws from Hunting
- Take Horns from Hunting
- Pull Trophies from Hunting
2) Hull
You can find Hull in the forest at the campfire
Hull is an Inquisitor and you can find him at the campfire in the Northern part of the isle (point 2 on the map), close to the hiding place of one of the Soul Eaters.
During the conversation with Hull, you can ask him to train you. He specializes in the following:
- Liquid Courage from Toughness
- Doctor from Toughness
- Drinker from Toughness
3) Gonzales
Gonzales is guarding one of the paths
Gonzales is an Inquisitor and you can find him next to the path in the South-Western part of the isle (point 3 on the map), near the hiding place of one of the Soul Eaters.
During the conversation with Gonzales, you can ask him to train you. He specializes in the following:
- Muskets from Ranged
- Shotguns from Ranged
- Pistols from Ranged
- Daggers from Ranged
4) Nathan
Nathan will be able to train you only after you kill the soul eater
Nathan is an Inquisitor and you can find him in a small encampment in the valley in the South-Eastern part of the isle (point 4 on the map). By default, he cannot train you. The only way to change this, is to kill the nearby Soul eater, while completing the side quest "Paths to the Afterlife".
During the conversation with Nathan, you can ask him to train you. He specializes in the following:
- Piercing Weapons from Melee
- Swords from Melee
- Slashing Weapons from Melee
- Riposte from Melee
- Blade Dancer from Melee