Sieges - attack M&M: Heroes VI Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
If we are attackers, we should focus on destroying a gate - it's on our way to victory. To do this, we may use small melee troops - they should come up to gate quickly and destroy it. Sending elite unit is bad idea, because they occupy 4 squares - then rushing into castle is more problematic because our troop will block a path. Indepedently from number of units, damages caused to gate are always the same - so it's enough to send weakest units (but big units cause doubled damages). Good idea is also putting there unit with highest morale - it increases chances for another hit.
We rather shouldn't sent our troops on the sides of fortress - units get into moat which decreases their defence. The only one exception is situation when there is an impasse at the gate - but such cases are rare, especially when we have flying units. When we have flyers, we should fly over walls and attack shooters and healers - those are main problem during sieges.
What else we should think about? Abilities for sure - they can provide our victory. For example, sun rider can move on the battlefield through obstacles like walls - it's worthy to use. Another advantage can be our hero - there is many abilities which curse enemy's shooters and also using spells like erosion and earthquake is worth considering.