1st mission - No Country for Orc Friends
Main quest: Stealth, the Orc Way
Goals: find Irene
Reward: 15000 XP, Ring of Celerity (+5 to all army's initiative)
We begin on the north (M1,1). We can move only along the one path, but by the way we'll meet few orcs (join them, join them!) and hostile Haven's troops. Of course, you can go crazy, fighting with humans is a perfect source of XP.
![]() Lot of allies at the beginning.
| ![]() Thanks to them we'll get our first city.
When we get to the crossroads, we can search around (few items to collect) and head to the enemy's castle (M1,2). It's weakly guarded by the Haven's army so the enemy won't stand against our maulers (if we recruited them). After a short battle we seize the castle which we should convert and develop. There is also a dwelling nearby (M1,3) which will be very useful.
![]() Task on the south...
| ![]() ...enemy on the east.
When we get our city, Sandor should move south (M1,4) where he obtains Unexpected Liberator quest. Completing this will give him a support of goblins and many other unit which he will be able to recruit. Although it isn't a part of any quest, it's worth to liberate some group of slaves. Rather big troop of elementals guards centaurs and harpies (M1,5), creatures that are very important for our development. That's why we should arm properly and rescue them (during the battle focus on air elementals - they have very strong attack).
![]() It's worth to liberate some slaves
| ![]() They will be useful during the siege.
When we do it, there will be a time for siege of another city (M1,6). It's also not specially protected so we'll win the battle for sure. It's enough to shot at enemy constantly and charge at his gates. After a battle don't forget about convertion.
![]() Famous gates to the north.
| ![]() They'll lead us to the Marcus and Irene.
If we completed Unexpected Liberator the gate to the north (M1,7) would be open. We should go there immediately, that's where Irene is imprisoned. On our way stand many not-challenging enemies and Marcus (M1,8), son of hated Gerhart. During fight with him, we have to behave very carefully: he has lot of powerful spells and rather big army. Our tactic should based on defense: shot enemies and not let them reach centaurs and goblins. There is also important to hold enemy in the middle of the battlefield with dreamwalkers and maulers. Of course our main target should be enemy's sisters and shooters, but we can't forget about others formations.

When Marcus lose, we rescue the Irene who is held in the fort on the east (M1,9) (easy battle with the garrison). When Sandor's sister is free, the quest ends and we receive mission The Great Escape.
Main quest: Unexpected Liberator
Goals: rescue four groups of slaves
Reward: +2 to Destiny, 7500 XP, Bone Spaulders (+2 to might defence)
This quest we receives when we move south form our first city. We'll meet there a troop of preatorians guarding goblins (M1,4). When we move close to the humans we will have a choice - we can kill them (+50 blood points) or set a fire to our sawmill to scare them away (50 tears points). When we made decision, there will be nothing left to do besides liberating goblins and looking for rest groups. From now on, we can recruit goblins.

Second group of harmed barbarians is located a little on the east, nearby entrance to the undergrounds(M1,10). Maulers are guarded by crossbowmen which should very quickly give in to our charm. When it's done, it's worth to conquer nearby Haven's city (M1,6) and go to the cave with a gold mine and warmen guardhouse.
![]() Orcs need our help.
| ![]() Their underground prison has some treasures.
Third slave group is on the south (M1,11): dreamwalkers and maulers are use to building city for humans. We don't have to bother about enemy's hero. On this stage of a game we should crush her. When the battle dust droop, we can collect resources and troops. Big plus is a joining of dreamwalkers which will be available in our cities from this moment.
![]() Stop the construction!
| ![]() You're attacking the smaller one?
The last troop of slaves is on the southern east (M1,12), it's a small goblins group guarded by griffins. Encounter with winged creatures is rather easy. They have so little HP that our maulers smash them in few blows. When we rescue ll slaves the quest ends, and the gate on the far north opens (look at: Stealth, the Orc Way).
Main quest: The Great Escape
Attention! This quest is available after finishing Stealth, the Orc Way!
Goals: reach the port and flee from the continent
Reward: 10000 XP
When we release Irene (M1,9) we'll have to run away from Gerhart and his troops. To do that, we need to reach the only one port in this region (M1,13) and sail to the island Hashima, where Sandor's sister will find an asylum. There are no doubts that Haven's armies will do everything what they can to stop us.
![]() We don't have to conquer castles but it's a good idea.
| ![]() This castles are awful, anyway.
To reach the port, we should go through the gate (M1,14) opened thanks to the quest Stealth, the Orc Way. Behind it we'll see enemy's city (M1,15) which is very well protected. We'll need all our forces from all castles to stand its garrison. Admittedly, conquering this castle isn't obligatory (you can run straight to the port) but only doing it we'll be able to replenish our army and do the quest Rampage. During the encounter we should sent dreamwalkers and maulers under the gates and fire at enemy's sisters and shooters with the rest of our troops. When we rush inside the walls, the slaughter begins. We have to only watch out on preatorians who increases nearby allies defence.

When the city is ours, we can regenerate and prepare to further expansion. At the very south, nearby the shipyard (M1,13) we can find last enemy's city(M1,16). Scheme of a siege is the same as in the previous one. When the walls fall, we only need to kill all the defenders and rise the anchor. Hashima and Pao Islands are waiting for us!
Secondary quest: Rampage
Goals: conquer all Haven's cities
Reward: 15000 XP, +2 to might attack, +100 blood points
Our goal is very simple and complete almost by the way. All enemy's cities are marked on map M2,1. Most of them we'll get during The Great Escape, Unexpected Liberator and Stealth, the Orc Way quests. Two last cities (those on the east) can be troublesome, with their numerous garrison. But if we wisely destroy gates and eliminate sisters and shooters we'll handle this.
![]() Five castles to conquer.
| ![]() Convert them all!
Of course we should convert all conquered cities, thanks to that we'll be able to recruit more and more troops.
Secondary quest: The Choice
Goals: reach first level of tears or blood reputation
Reward: +2 to Destiny
Mission accomplishes itself - every choice get us closer to the finish. Remember, that reputation points we gain not only in buildings (like arena or arcane library) but also thanks to quests (Rampage, Unexpected Liberator) and decisions connected with neutral armies (8 blood points for chasing, 10 tears points for letting free).

If we don't collect enough points, we'll finish this quest in the next scenario.
1st mission - maps
M1 - storyline map

1 - beginning
2 - Haven's city (Rampage)
3 - dwelling
4 - slaved goblins (Unexpected Liberator)
5 - centaurs and harpies
6 - city (Rampage)
7 - gate to the north (Unexpected Liberator, Stealth, the Orc Way)
8 - Marcus (Stealth, the Orc Way)
9 - Irene (Stealth, the Orc Way)
10 - orcs (Unexpected Liberator)
11 - dreamwalkers (Unexpected Liberator)
12 - goblins (Unexpected Liberator)
13 - shipyard (The Great Escape)
14 - gate to the east (The Great Escape)
15 - enemy's city (Rampage)
16 - enemy's city (Rampage)
X - entrance to the undergrounds
M2 - objects map

1 - city
2 - dwelling (increase creature's population)
3 - fort (lets you take control on the nearest area)
4 - sawmill (2 wood per turn)
5 - stone mine (2 stone per turn)
6 - crystal mine (1 crystal per turn)
7 - gold mine (1000 gold per turn)
8 - shipyard (you can buy ships here)
9 - stone of enlightment (gives 2500 XP. Hero can use it only once)
10 - centaur's monument ( +5 movement points of an army and +10% to ranged damages. Once per week. )
11 - Crystal of Power (Gives permanent +1 to hero's magic power. Only one-shot for hero)
12 - Dragon vein (regenerate hero's mana completely. Can be used once per week)
13 - mother earth shrine (increase hit points of all unit about 10%. Once per every fight)
14 - war ancient (increases hero's fate and Charismatic Leader about 5 for next battle, additionally, he gains 5 movement points. Can be used only one time per battle)
15 - observatory (discover nearest area)
16 - arena (After defeating guards it gives +2 to might power or might defence permanently. After fight all lost troops are resurrected)
17 - stable (increases hero's movement points by 5. Hero can use it once per week)
18 - Conflux Orb (You can sent messages to the other players)
19 - blind maiden (increase hero's destiny by 5. Only once per fight)
20 - ruins (Guarded by group of creatures - when you win a battle, you get some precious item or troop of friendly units joins you.)
21 - armoursmith (permanent +1 to the might defence. Only one-shot for hero)
22 - Chorus (+5 to Leadership and magic power to the next battle. You can use it once per battle.)
23 - hell gate (Guarded by demons - when you win a battle, you get some precious item or troop of friendly units joins you
24 - weaponsmith (gives permanent +1 to hero's might attack. One-shot for a hero)
25 - Revelation Crystal (Gives +1 to magic defence permanently. Only one-shot for hero)
26 - Dragon Nexus (doubles hero's maximum mana points. Can be used once per week)
27 - arcane library (Gives hero + 1-3 magic power or + 1-3 to magic defence. Number of points depend from hero's level (1-10: 1, 11-20: 2, 21-30: 3). Hero can use it only once)
28 - Knight Shrine (+1 to unit's movement radius and +5 to the morale for a week. Hero can use it once per seven turns.)
29 - Well of souls (+10 to hero's magic power to the end of a week. You can use it once per week.)
X - entrance to the undergrounds
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