Recruitment and management | Heroes Heroes VII Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
As the title of the game suggests, heroes have the lead role in it. They are the main aspect of the gameplay. You will spend most of the time on moving them through the map, developing their abilities and using them to fight various enemies.
You will usually start with one hero at your side. Other ones can be recruited in a special building in your city, usually it is the Hall of Heroes. Usually you will have 4 different heroes to choose from, two from your faction and two from other ones. They mostly differ in statistics and starting armies. One hero cost at least few thousand of gold.
During the game, each hero obtains experience points thanks to which he or she gains new levels. With each new level you obtain a new skill point that can be spend on buying a skill. Depending on hero, the skill circle will look differently. It differs not only due to Might and Magic, but also due to special abilities or hero's preferred magic schools. There are 26 skill trees available in the game, and each hero can pick skills from only 10 of them. The maximum experience level, which is set at 30, limits him as well.
In addition to obtaining new skills, each hero can be equipped with items that increase statistics or add special abilities. There are 8 slots available: head, shoulders, torso, right arm, necklace, left arm, hands and feet. Equipment can be obtained in two ways: it can be found in chests scattered through the map or it can be received for defeating especially strong opponents.