Key points of Might & Magic: Heroes VII - M20 No Peace in This World
Red number - cities
Yellow number - important places
Units you can add to your army
Strong enemies
Treasures and chests with gold
Whirlpools / Passages between levels
Red number - cities
1 – Kuwananjaa
Your starting city.
2 – Oasis
3 – Castelroc
Hostile Haven city.
4 – Destroyed Bridge
To rebuild the bridge you need 1000 gold, 15 wood and 15 ore. It will take 1 turn.
5 – Obelisk
Reveals part of treasure map and Teaches the spell Reveal Treasure.
6 – Chest
You will find spell "Vessel of Shalassa" inside.
7 – Ninakula
The map above shows the third mission in the Stronghold campaign. The adventure begins on a desert and, especially in the initial stages, you need to hurry to avoid losing most of your army. Your opponents this time will be the armies of Haven, which, luckily, are not as determined to expand and build their forces as they could be. There are only two, long side quests to complete in this mission. Don't forget to visit the obelisks and complete the treasure map necessary to find the Tear of Asha.
Home on the Range - main quest
You and your tribe are stuck on a way too big desert. Your first objective is to find a way out. Head North-West, until you reach the Oasis (M20,2). The quest will be updated as soon as you see it.
You will be given a new objective - claiming the city of Castelroc (M20,3). Since from now on you won't be losing a part of your forces every turn, you can slow down a bit. Begin capturing the structures on the map and build your army. When you feel that you're strong enough, attack and conquer Castelroc (M20,3).
After the battle is won, your hero will gain control over a second Stronghold city - Ninakula (M20,7). You will be tasked with reinforcing its defenses. You have 7 days to achieve that. After that mark, an enemy hero will appear in the Eastern part of the map. The safest way is to hold your ground hidden behind the city walls and defeat him during a siege. You can also challenge him in the field if your army is strong enough. His forces are not very big. No wonder, as he was nothing more than a scout.
Soon after, two more enemy heroes will appear from the portal, with bigger armies, and they also will have to be defeated. Two battles later, you will be challenged for the final duel with Asad. His army comprises of 28 Rakshasa rajas, 24 Djinn channelers and 152 Master cabirs. After you've beaten him, the quest will be completed, and you will receive +1 to Attack, +1 to Magic and +1 to Luck/Destiny.
Locating the oasis should be your top priority during this mission.
Road to Starvation - main quest
Staying for too long on the desert can mean starvation for your tribe. You need to find a new home for your people, as soon as possible. The quest needs to be completed without any delays, for every day you will lose 5% from your total unit count. To survive on the desert, one of your heroes needs to head to the Oasis (M20,2). As soon as he gets there, the quest will be completed.
As a reward, you will be given 1000 gold, 1000 experience points and Barbarian Armour, which gives you +2 to Power and +2 to Defense.