Steelbeard's Artifact | The Sword Coast - Quests
You'll receive this quest right after the death of Captain Steelbeard, after talking to Patty on the beach of the Sword Coast (see: The Titan Weapon). Unfortunately, the old pirate didn't have enough time to tell you where he had hidden his piece of the Titan artifact. Your goal is to locate it and obtain it. Because of the fact that this is one of the most complicated quests in the whole game, the description has been divided into the following several smaller parts. The way the mission goes depends on the faction you've chosen to side with - it's been taken into consideration in subsequent chapters. If you preferred the Native way, you should be particularly interested in reading the Isle of the Dead chapter, while if you're a member of the Inquisition, take a closer look at the Maracai Bay.

The Sword Coast

To escape from the Sword Coast and be able to continue your mission, you need to get a ship. You can do it in the A New Ship quest, which is activated right after you talk to Sebastiano (see: Talk to the Commandant). After the fat Inquisitor explains to you that you're nothing but garbage to him, have a few words with your companion (see: Talk to Patty), and follow her to the harbor [#1] (see: Follow Patty). There, she'll explain to you her plan thanks to which you would leave these unwelcoming shores.

To get a new ship, you need to complete several sidequests:
- Secure a water supply - can be done in two ways, depending on whether you've sided with the Inquisition (Golden Masks) or the Natives (The Puppet). In the first case, you need to help the innkeeper [#2] from the city acquire the treasures of Commandant Sebastiano (three golden masks are his garrison [#3]), and in the second - possess him through Chani's [#4] ritual and use his body to ask Miguel [#5] to deliver the merchandise.
- Assemble a proper crew - you can recruit the cook, Hawkins [#6], the soldier, Venturo [#2] or the shaman, Chani [#4] (depending on the chosen faction). It involves The Third Crew Member and The Fourth Crew Member quests.
- Destroy the cannons in the docks - if you don't do it, the ship's journey will be very short and painful. Sabotage is necessary. Damaging the cannons isn't difficult - ask Patty for Rusty nails and perform the work of destruction. The guns are on the coast [#7] and on the Inquisition's tower [#8]. Fighting guards is inevitable, so bring your companions along!
- Take over the ship in an open battle - this is the goal of the Liberate the Ship quest. You will have the support of your future crew members during the attack, so the battle won't be too difficult.

When all the above conditions are met, board your new ship and talk to Patty. This way you complete the A New Ship quest and are free to sail wherever your hearth desires.
If you want, you can ask around about Steelbeard's treasure (see: The World's Best Hiding Place). There are two people who had known Steelbeard well enough that they might know something about the treasure's location. They are: Admiral Alvarez [#9] on Antigua, and Booze [#10] who you've met in the tavern on Tacarigua. After talking to either of them you'll automatically complete the quest and learn that Steelbeard had hidden his treasure in Garcia's chest. Now you need to find the man who has been last seen on Caldera.
Note! If you've sided with the Natives, Chani will tell you the location of the Isle of the Dead, where you can find Steelbeard's ghost (involves the Steelbeard's Ghost quest). If you're no too fond of Caldera or Maracai Bay, you can completely ignore their parts and sail to the Isle of the Dead at once. You'll get the complete resolution to the Steelbeard's Artifact quest there - just remember that this way you'll waste a substantial amount of Glory points you could have otherwise collected if you had completed the quests one by one!
![Upon arriving at the shores of Caldera, talk to Carlos [#1] who will give you the Following Garcia's Trail quest - Steelbeards Artifact - The Sword Coast - Quests - Risen 2: Dark Waters - Game Guide and Walkthrough](/risen2/gfx/word/1138227515.jpg)
Upon arriving at the shores of Caldera, talk to Carlos [#1] who will give you the Following Garcia's Trail quest. Your goal is to find Garcia - the pirate who owns another Titan artifact. Though it seems easy enough, in truth it involves a whole lot of subquests you'll be forced to complete. Even the first one, Mauregato!, can be finished in two different ways, depending on the faction you've sided with. Leave the Crystal Fortress and go to Mauregato's house [#2].
If on the Sword Coast you have sided with the Natives, you can obtain Mauregato's Wig and use it to possess him. Go to the east part of his house and take the Claim ticket [#3]. Show the document to the merchant Pantaleo [#4] (if you don't have it, you can simply steal the Wig from him, as long as your Thievery is at least 75). Regardless of the chosen option, the item will be yours. Lastly, go to the second floor of the hotel and use Di Silva's altar [#5] to create the voodoo doll. With it, return to Mauregato and use your magic.

In the body of the grumpy politician, go to the cathedral [#6] and talk to Custodio [#9] there, who will inform you about a council meeting. Then, tell the man on your right, Puco [#10] how he should vote (for or against the alliance with Mara). Sneak into Mauregato's office [#11] to steal the Incriminating letter (you need to do it before going to the library!). Move to the library [#12] and read the scroll with High Council Rulings - it will end the Following Garcia's Trail quest and start a new one - Maracai Bay.
If you want to finish the Mauregato! quest, enter Godin's office [#13] (opposite the reading-room) and tell him about the meeting. Meet with all the politicians in the main hall and carry out the voting. Unless you vote for the alliance with Mara and then reveal your treachery, the outcome of the voting will have no effect on the plot. Otherwise, you'll be killed and the quest will be cancelled! If that's what's happened, the only other way to solve the problem of Garcia is to do the Errand Boy quest.
If you want to disgrace Mauregato, steer the voting into not supporting Mara, and then admit to treachery. The man under your control will lose his position in favor of his opponent - Azuro.

If on the Sword Coast you have sided with the Inquisition, the Mauregato! quest will end the moment you talk to man in question. Since you weren't able to gain anything, ask the townspeople about Garcia (see: Follow the Servant). Thanks to that you'll be approached by the servant Azuro [#7], who will let you talk to his master [#8]. This opens the Errand Boy quest. It's divided into two subquests:
- Messenger's Attire - bought from Pantaleo [#5] for 500 Gold;
- The Signet Ring - has to be stolen from Mauregato's house [#2]. Get the Key to his bedroom (it lies in the room on the ground floor, and the cook Hermina carries another one on herself). Use it to open the door to the bedroom on the upper floor, and take the Signet ring off the table.

When you have both items, report back to Azuro. He'll give you a forged Pass which will allow you to enter the cathedral (put on the messenger's clothes first!). Inside, talk about Garcia to Custodio [#9]. This way you'll discover that the librarian Cassandra [#14] had talked with the pirate about books. Meet the woman, then (see: Scrolls, Books and Shelves), buy a key to Mauregato's office from her (costs 500 Gold) and steal the Incriminating letter from there [#11]. Next, enter the library itself (see: Access to the Archives) and read the scroll titled High Council Rulings. At that moment, the Following Garcia's Trail will end, and another one will begin - Maracai Bay (that's where Garcia is hiding!).
Maracai Bay

Note! This part of the quest is optional and can be replaced by the Steelbeard's Ghost mission, which can be completed on the Isle of the Dead.
The most important quest on the Maracai Bay is Search Garcia's Possessions. Leave the harbor [#1] and take the path going south. Go under the rope bridge [#2] to reach an old campsite [#3], then turn east. Go south on the crossroads [#4] and pass by Angus [#5]. Next, go down to the beach and get into the boat there [#6]. When you approach the pirate's ship [#7], you'll have to fight the captain's thugs (see: Seize Garcia's Ship) - there're quite challenging, so it's better to have some companions with you.
Enter Garcia's office and on the desk next to the bed you should see a Map (see: The Treasure on the Pirate Coast) and a book - Garcia's logbook. Read it to learn the location of the captain's hideout and the password that will allow you to open its gates (see: Open Sesame). You'll also complete the quest The Password which you might have gotten on Antigua if you looked inside the gates under the waterfall (even if not, the quest will still be completed).

This is when you need to talk to Patty [#1] (which ends the Search Garcia's Possessions quest) and sail to Antigua. That's Steelbeard's artifact has been buried.
Isle of the Dead

Quest giver: Chani [#1] on the Sword Coast or Admiral Alvarez [#2] on Antigua
Note! This part of the quest is optional and can be replaced by the Search Garcia's Possessions mission, which can be completed on the Maracai Bay.
The Isle of the Dead is a legendary location only few can reach. There are two ways to learn of its location:
If on the Sword Coast you have sided with the Natives, you'll receive the sailing map from Chani after telling her about Captain Steelbeard's death (see: A New Ship). The clever witch will tell you that you can talk to his ghost on the Isle of the Dead (see: Steelbeard's Ghost). You'll get access to it at once and you can sail there as soon as you get a ship. It's not recommended, though - in such early stages of the game you have no chances of surviving in that hostile land. Monsters that live on the Isle of the Dead, such as Ghouls, Warriors and Guards will rip you apart before you even know it. It's much better to go there only after completing all other quests pertaining to the Titan artifacts.
If on the Sword Coast you have sided with the Inquisition, you'll get access to the Isle of the Dead only after collecting all Titan artifacts. If you have them, talk to Admiral Alvarez on Antigua (see: Steelbeard's Ghost).

Regardless of the choice, the course of the quest is the same. You need to go to the Isle of the Dead and complete quests: The Journey to the Underworld and The Skull Sceptre. The first one is received from the guard Tao by the entrance to the land [#3]. Your goal is to brew a potion which will allow you to cross over to the underworld. You'll need Black lotus and Grave dust to make it (see: Black Lotus and Grave Dust). Both items are found in the further parts of the island. Go through the gate opened for you by Tao, and face a Warrior [#4] lurking there. Further on you'll have to fight a difficult battle with a Guard and a Ghoul [#5] - firearms work and some Dirty Tricks work best here. Afterwards, focus on collecting the necessary ingredients - you can find their locations below. Remember to remain cautious - there are enemies everywhere!

Black lotus can be found:
- right behind the place where you fought the undead [#6];
- next to it, by the slope [#7];
- near the grave at the Arena [#8];
- right after leaving the cave and reaching open space [#9];
- next to it, under the withered tree [#10].

Grave dust can be found:
- by the arena, in the house on the right [#11];
- in the northern cave, in the corridor on the left (climb the slope) [#12];
- at the grave between the houses [#13];
- on a shelf in the Thief's Temple [#14];
- in the hut near the huge gate, on a shelf [#15];
- in the house opposite the gate, on the table [#16].

Once you have all the necessary ingredients, enter the temple and talk to Tao [#17] (killing two Warriors by the door on the way). Tell him that the search is over to receive the Potion of false death from him. Lie down on the altar and drink the mixture. When you do it, The Journey to the Underworld quest will end and another one will begin - The Skull Sceptre.
When you wake up, take the Old coin off the shelf (a legendary item) and talk to Nahele [#18], who is standing by the entrance to the Altar of Transition. The witch can create a tool for you to be able to communicate with Steelbeard - the Skull sceptre. She needs four pieces to combine it. Bring her:
- Steelbeard's hat - you got it after completing The Titan Weapon quest, right after the captain's death. If you sold it, you're going to have to go get it back!
- White diamond - received during The Thief's Curse quest. Open Akanda's chest using a lock pick [#19] (Lockpicking at 60) or a special Key. With the second option you'll need to pay Nahele 300 Gold to make it.
- Spear of the Warrior - owned by Kusko who can be found on the Arena [#20]. Defeat him (see: The Warrior's Curse) to receive it.
- Skull of an undead animal - can be received from Motega [#21] if you kill the Silverback [#22] for him (see: The Hunter's Curse).

Once you have all the items, report back to Nahele. She'll give you the Skull sceptre. The Artist's Curse will end, but to continue the present mission report to Tao by the entrance to the land [#3]. When he resurrects the captain, ask him about the location of Earth Amulet and the password (see: Open Sesame). This way you'll complete the main quest - Steelbeard's Ghost. What's more, since you've joined the Natives while on the Sword Coast, old Tao will tell you the secrets of the most powerful voodoo acana (he's a master of them) and let you keep the Skull sceptre. This will allow you to summon Steelbeard's ghost any time and place!
Epilogue - Antigua
![When you arrive upon Antigua, go to the waterfall [#1] under which you'll find a Strange gate - Steelbeards Artifact - The Sword Coast - Quests - Risen 2: Dark Waters - Game Guide and Walkthrough](/risen2/gfx/word/1138227734.jpg)
When you arrive upon Antigua, go to the waterfall [#1] under which you'll find a Strange gate. Stand in front of it and say the password that you got from the logbook (see: Garcia's Treasure) and the way will be opened for you (you'll also complete the Open Sesame quest). Proceed forward, but watch out for Cave Bats and be ready for a Grave Spider [#3] - your companions' help will be much appreciated here. When the threat is over, approach the spot marked by the huge X [#6] and dig out the treasure that's buried there. If you open the chest and take the Earth Amulet, you'll complete the main quest - Steelbeard's Artifact.

Note! If the Earth Amulet is the fourth (and the last) Titan artifact you've found, tell Patty about it. The girl will suggest asking Admiral Alvarez what next. Talk to him, then - this is how you'll receive The Water Temple quest (the last quest in the game!).
- 1000 Glory points for completing the quest;
- Earth Amulet.
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