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STALKER 2: All mutants

The appearance of mutants in STALKER 2 is the order of the day. Practically everywhere you can meet them, and they are not pleasant encounters. On this page of the guide you will learn about all the mutants that appear in Zona and how to deal with them.


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The Zone is a unique place where you will encounter not only many different anomalies, but also mutants, from animals to humans. These encounters are not the most pleasant, since you can lose ammunition and health. On this guide page for STALKER 2 you will read about every mutant appearing in the game and how to deal with them.

Mutated dogs

One of the most common groups of mutants. It is a pack of mutant dogs that run at high speed towards the player. When it attacks, there is a high chance of inflicting the bleeding status, which depletes health over time. After attacking, they flee and run, circling the player.

Their strength lies in numbers. They inflict minor damage, but due to their number, you may not be able to shoot them all at once. A good tactic is to climb onto something, e.g. a car wreck. Then they won't be able to bite you. They are also not durable opponents, a few shots from a pistol or one from a shotgun should be enough.


Flesh are a herd mutation, you will usually encounter three or four of these monsters. They are slow, but deal more damage than dogs. They can also cause bleeding. Typically, when they are within 5 meters of the player, they will quickly jump towards you and attack.

The best tactic for these enemies is shooting them with a shotgun at close range. One or two accurate shots should kill it.


This is one of the most numerous mutants, moving in a group. However, they are least life-threatening. Rats move by jumping towards the player. There are so many of them that the best tactic is to throw a single grenade towards them to take out most of them. If you don't have any on you, use a pistol. The rats die after one successful shot. We described how to deal with rats in more detail on a dedicated page in our guide.

Wild boars

Mutated boars are much more dangerous enemies than previous mutations originating from animals. They are much more durable and usually require the capacity of an entire submachine gun magazine or two to three shotgun rounds. Furthermore, when they charge, they can ram you and knock you down, leaving you unable to attack for a long time.

The best tactic is to enter a building, hide in the ruins or jump onto a car. Then the wild boars will not be able to attack you. Of course, it's worth shooting them with a shotgun, especially when they are very close.


Bloodsucker is a dangerous mutation that blends in very well with the background. It is practically invisible, you can see a misty cloud only when she moves, which reveals her silhouette. When it gets very close to you, it deactivates its camouflage, making it visible.

Typically it will attack by first camouflaging itself into the surroundings, running up, showing itself and then attacking, running away and camouflaging itself again. The Bloodsucker will keep doing this until it dies or you run away from it.

When fighting a Bloodsucker, it is best to equip a shotgun and attack when it's very close to you. A few accurate shots should do the trick. Aim for the head to inflict the most damage. You can also jump onto a car, which greatly increases the chance that the mutant will approach you, but will not attack.


At first glance, it is not visible, however, if you look closely you will notice a blue cloud. This is Poltergeister. Its physical form will only be revealed when it dies. During the fight, it will attack you using various items in your immediate surroundings.

This means that it will be throwing wooden boxes, dolls, whatever it finds. If you notice a levitating object, you can shoot it down to avoid getting hit by it and losing health points. To kill a Poltergeister, you have to shoot at the top of the cloud. When it takes damage, it will most likely create a stone shield and move further. Follow the monster and keep shooting until it dies.


Burer, although looking inconspicuous, is one of the most difficult opponents to defeat. You will usually find it in locations with little light, i.e. inside caves or in the underground. It has extraordinary psionic abilities. As soon as you get within its line of sight, a Burer can knock your weapon out of your hands. What's more, if you don't pick it back up quickly, the Burer will start shooting. A Burer also uses a shield, which gives the monster a light coating. Under no circumstances should you shoot at the monster when you see the light, as you will not deal any damage.

Fortunately, a Burer can't knock the grenades or a knife out of your hands. Still, it's best to keep a medium distance and often hide behind covers when fighting this enemy. Burers are very durable. If you don't have to, don't fight it, especially if there's more of them.


The Controller is a very strong opponent who deals psionic damage. As soon as a Controller notices you, a short cutscene will trigger that will affect your vision. It will become darker and the camera will start to shake. Every now and then you will notice ghosts that will run into you and inflict damage. Fighting this mutant is far from pleasant. Moreover, the monster can also control people who will then fight on its side.

The best tactic to kill a Controller is to get close to it and shoot it with a shotgun. Try not to enter the monster's line of sight so that you don't take damage and your vision's not impaired. You have to kill this mutant as quickly as possible, otherwise you will keep losing health.


Snorks are agile, humanoid creatures. Their speed is the biggest threat, as they cover large distances quickly and can jump quite far. Fortunately, they are not too durable.

A single shot from a shotgun should take them out instantly. It's best to let them get close enough so you can hit them easily. Do not let them enter the acid anomalies, as this can strengthen them, making Snorks inflict poison damage.

Zombie soldiers

Zombie soldiers are a much weaker version of regular human soldiers. They look as if they are stunned, often looking down, and they move very slowly. However, they may appear in a large group.

Depending on the equipment they have, the difficulty of killing them may vary. However, they are not as difficult to defeat as normal people. It is best to aim for unarmored parts and shoot them in the head to quickly eliminate the threat.

Armored Elk

The Armored Elk is a very rare mutation. You will surely encounter it during the In Search of a Guide main mission, where you will have to find Trapper. The big mutant will be accompanied by several smaller mutations, such as a dog, rat, or boar. Armored Elk is very dangerous. Due to its armored body, the beast is difficult to kill. It is fast, and can knock you over with its antlers, causing serious injuries.

The best tactic is to shoot at its head and at the spots on the body that aren't covered with armor. When it charges at you, you should quickly hide behind a rock or a tree. In the meantime, kill smaller creatures with a pistol or machine gun.


There are several types of dogs in STALKER 2, and they don't really differ from each other. However, there is one group of dogs, or rather one individual - a psi-dog, which can be really troublesome. While it's not much of a threat on its own, the dog's psionic powers, which allow it to create the illusion of the player fighting a horde of dogs, are truly tiresome and irritating.

While illusions die with a single hot, new dogs will keep appearing until you kill the real psi-dog. You need to focus on the real dog and kill it as soon as possible. If you have the opportunity, reach a high spot as soon as possible, e.g. the roof of a smaller building or a car. Thanks to this, illusions won't be able to attack you, and you will calmly locate the real threat.


This is a mutant you never want to meet. It is synonymous with a damage sponge. It can get shot with 30 shotgun shells at close range, and still survive. The mutant can kill you with two attacks. Each of them practically always causes bleeding. But what's worse, It's fast and can jump at you from a dozen or so meters away, knocking you down. This will most often result in your death.

We strongly recommend avoiding fighting this mutant. You will only lose time, ammunition, and medicine. If you must fight it, seek shelter by entering a building. Te mutant is big enough that it should not be able to get inside. If you try to escape, never run in a straight line. It will always hit you with its leap. Instead, run while changing directions to avoid being knocked over.


If you hear human voices, it may not be a human at all, but a Bayun-Cat. This is how it lures its victims. As for the way you should fight it, it doesn't really differ from a regular dog. Maybe apart from the fact that it is more durable. You can climb onto something located higher, so it won't be able to hit you.


Pyrogeist is very similar to a Poltergeist. However, instead of a cloud of smoke, you will notice a flying flame. Moreover, he will not throw objects at you, but create fire anomalies under your feet. Treat it as you would a Poltergeist, shoot at the cloud until it dies and materializes. You should also try to be on the move at all times.


It is a human-sized mutation, very durable and quite fast. You should consider fighting this type of mutant as a last resort. It's not Chimera level, although you will waste a lot of ammo trying to kill it.

Avoid fighting in closed spaces, otherwise you will be constantly rammed, instead go out into the open, preferably by climbing higher buildings. When he starts running towards you, get out of his way as quickly as possible by running to the sides.

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