Dying Light 2: Trophies / Achievements - list

This page contains a trophy guide for Dying Light 2. You will learn how to get 100% achievements and how difficult the platinum trophy is in Dying Light 2.


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This page contains the Dying Light 2 trophy guide, which describes all 58 trophies in great detail. Each achievement contains a description of its requirements and tips on how to get it. We have also prepared information on how difficult it is to get platinum/100% of achievements in Dying Light 2.

General trophy information

  1. Dying Light 2 has 58 trophies - 1 platinum (available only on PS4 and PS5), 1 gold, 8 silver and 48 bronze.
  2. Some trophies are bugged and may not unlock. This applies e.g. to selected achievements related to the progress in the main story; another one is the Man On a Mission trophy. Unfortunately, there is no effective way to prevent this issue from happening. We can only hope that the bugged trophies will be unlocked automatically with one of the future game updates.
  3. It is impossible or extremely difficult to get all the trophies in a single playthrough. Specifically the Fit as a Fiddle and Ironheart achievements may be unlocked only if you make save file copies (not possible on some consoles), or at least play through a large portion of the game again.
  4. Collectible-related trophies are very easy to miss. The reason for it is that some of the unique secrets are in locations that you vision only once in the game, and you can't return to them later. This refers to e.g. the prologue - the game will not allow you to return to these areas and collectibles located there.
  5. Important choices don't affect the trophies. You can unlock story-related achievements regardless of your decisions. You'll get the trophy for completing the game regardless of what ending you choose.
  6. There are no achievements related to the difficulty levels in the game. If you want to unlock the platinum trophy faster, you can play on the easy level from the beginning (or change the difficulty in the pause menu at any time).
  7. To get platinum, you need to complete almost all optional activities - this includes e.g. challenges, side quests, anomalies, quarantine zones or bandit camps. All of these things can significantly increase the total gameplay time.
  8. Two achievements are related to online co-op and can't be obtained by playing in single player mode. Fortunately, they are very simple and you can unlock them even in a few minutes.
  9. Online mode may help you get some achievements and cheat the game. For example, if you join another player's game, who managed to get the maximum affiliation level for one of the factions, you can get the Boot Licker trophy even if you missed it in your game. You can try joining different multiplayer sessions and see what happens.

Pilgrim's Path

How to unlock: Get all trophies.

Trophy type: platinum

Comment: The platinum trophy in Dying Light 2 is available only in the PS4 and PS5 versions.

Into the Unknown

How to unlock: Reach Villedor.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: You get this trophy by making progress in the main storyline. You can get it on any difficulty level, and you definitely won't miss it.

First Shot

How to unlock: Use an Inhibitor for the first time.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: You get this trophy by making progress in the main storyline. You can get it on any difficulty level, and you definitely won't miss it.

Herzlich wilkommen!

How to unlock: Enter the Bazaar.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: You get this trophy by making progress in the main storyline. You can get it on any difficulty level, and you definitely won't miss it.

Under Pressure

How to unlock: Activate your first Water Tower.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: You get this trophy by making progress in the main storyline. You can get it on any difficulty level, and you definitely won't miss it.

On the Trail of the Enemy

How to unlock: Learn Waltz's location.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: You get this trophy by making progress in the main storyline. You can get it on any difficulty level, and you definitely won't miss it.

Light in the Darkness

How to unlock: Activate your first Electrical Substation.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: You get this trophy by making progress in the main storyline. You can get it on any difficulty level, and you definitely won't miss it.

Get Outta My House!

How to unlock: Defeat the Renegades attacking the Fish Eye.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: You get this trophy by making progress in the main storyline. You can get it on any difficulty level, and you definitely won't miss it.

Debris and Ashes

How to unlock: Reach the Observatory.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: You get this trophy by making progress in the main storyline. You can get it on any difficulty level, and you definitely won't miss it.

We Will Be Heard!

How to unlock: Restore the radio broadcast tower.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: You get this trophy by making progress in the main storyline. You can get it on any difficulty level, and you definitely won't miss it.

Known Associate

How to unlock: Learn the whereabouts of Veronika Ryan.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: You get this trophy by making progress in the main storyline. You can get it on any difficulty level, and you definitely won't miss it.

Brush with Death

How to unlock: Wake up after the missile strike.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: You get this trophy by making progress in the main storyline. You can get it on any difficulty level, and you definitely won't miss it.

Going Down

How to unlock: Enter the X-13 elevator.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: You get this trophy by making progress in the main storyline. You can get it on any difficulty level, and you definitely won't miss it.

Family First

How to unlock: Find your sister.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: You get this trophy by making progress in the main storyline. You can get it on any difficulty level, and you definitely won't miss it.

Your World, Your Rules

How to unlock: Complete the game with any ending.

Trophy type: gold

Comment: You get this trophy by making progress in the main storyline. You can get it on any difficulty level, and you definitely won't miss it.

Municipal Services

How to unlock: Assign all Facilities - Dying Light 2: Trophies / Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Dying Light 2 Guide

How to unlock: Assign all Facilities.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: Facilities include water towers and power plants - large structures on the world map. You'll unlock some of them by making progress in the main story, while the rest you can find on your own and take them over by restoring their power supply. You can then hand each such facility either to the Peace Keepers or to the Survivors.

Note - Check the description of the Boot Licker trophy so that you don't miss it when unlocking towers and power plants.

Tunnel Entrance

How to unlock: Assign all Facilities.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: Metro stations are unique locations on the map, used as hideouts and fast travel points. The stations don't activate immediately after you find them. You have to first explore it, which is best to do it at night to have fewer monsters in the station.

To take a station over, you need to find the power supply switch and reach the generators in the basement to turn on the lights, and get rid of all the monsters in this location.

Tube Map

How to unlock: Activate all Metro Stations.

Trophy type: silver

Comment: This is a more difficult version of the Tunnel Entrance trophy described above. There are 9 metro stations on the map in total.

Sancho Panza

How to unlock: Activate your first Windmill.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: Windmills are unique locations, which you can find by using binoculars or by freely exploring the map. We have listed them in a separate chapter of the guide.

When you reach each windmill, you have to climb to the top to interact with the crate, which can be an environmental puzzle that requires e.g. jumping to the moving elements. To unlock this achievement, choose one of the simplest windmills in the old town.

Tickets, Please!

How to unlock : Use a Metro Station to fast travel.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: This trophy is linked to the Tunnel Entrance achievement described earlier. After taking over any metro station, find the interactive map in one of the main corridors that lead to the platform (an example map is shown in the picture above). You have to interact with this map and choose any location from the available fast travel destinations.

Note - You will not get the trophy if you fast travel during free roam in Villedor. You have to use the map inside the metro station.

Don Quixote

How to unlock: Activate all Windmills.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: This is a more difficult version of the Sancho Panza trophy described above. There are 17 windmills in total on the world map.

Can't You Read the Signs?

How to unlock: Collect all Inhibitors hidden in GRE Quarantines - Dying Light 2: Trophies / Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Dying Light 2 Guide

How to unlock: Collect all Inhibitors hidden in GRE Quarantines.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: GRE Quarantines are unique locations on the world map. They are very dangerous during the day, but some monsters leave them after dark. They usually have an entrance on the roof, and when you explore them, you can e.g. find some inhibitor crates.

Our guide features a separate chapter which contains a list of locations with inhibitors, including GRE buildings. We suggest that you save this trophy for later, until you increase Aiden's stamina bar and equip him with good weapons and gear.

There are 6 different quarantine buildings to explore in total, and each contains 4 inhibitors (in different places).

Find Anything Interesting?

How to unlock: Open all Airdrops - Dying Light 2: Trophies / Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Dying Light 2 Guide

How to unlock: Open all Airdrops.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: Airdrops are objects that you can find while exploring the world map. They are hidden on roofs and in other hard-to-reach places. We have included the locations of all airdrops in our world atlas.

Unlocking this trophy may be difficult, because you won't find all airdrops under the question marks in the two main districts of the city - Dying Light 2: Trophies / Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Dying Light 2 Guide

Unlocking this trophy may be difficult, because you won't find all airdrops under the question marks in the two main districts of the city. You also need to explore the area called No Man's Land in the south-eastern part of the world map (see picture above). 13 airdrops can be found here:

  1. 1 airdrop on the roof of a skyscraper - it's best to glide there from the roof of the VNC Tower.
  2. 12 airdrops in areas that, depending on your choices, may or may not be underwater. If the area has been flooded, you can still examine the airdrops. The only difference is that they will then be at the bottom - you have to dive to them and open the chest before you run out of oxygen.

It Wasn't That Hard, Was It?

How to unlock: Defeat your first GRE anomaly.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: GRE anomalies are locations found while exploring the world map. During the day they are "inactive", so you need to return to them at night. The strategy is always the same - you have to attack and kill the elite Revenant monster, and then get to the room with the inhibitor.

We have listed the locations of the anomalies in our world atlas on the GRE Anomalies page. To unlock this trophy, choose any anomaly at level 1.


How to unlock: Defeat all GRE Anomalies.

Trophy type: silver

Comment: This is a more difficult version of the trophy described above - That wasn't so hard, was it?. There are 12 anomalies to complete in total.

Any of the artifact bows that you can find in the traders' offer, starting at level 5, can be very helpful in dealing with higher-level Revenants. Thanks to the bow, you can shoot at the Revenant without entering the anomaly area, so the monster won't respond to your attacks. Having a good bow will allow you to kill the Revenant after just a few successful hits.

Flag Burning

How to unlock: Clear your first Bandit Camp.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: You get this trophy by making progress in the main storyline. You can't miss it. Attacking and capturing the first camp (Jack and Joe's) is part of the main mission The Raid.

Ban Hammer

How to unlock: Clear all Bandit Camps - Dying Light 2: Trophies / Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Dying Light 2 Guide

How to unlock: Clear all Bandit Camps.

Trophy type: silver

Comment: This is a more difficult version of the Flag Burning trophy described above. You have to attack and take over all bandit camps on your own. We have included their locations in our world atlas. There are 4 camps to capture in total.

To clear a bandit camp, you have to deal with its leader and lieutenants, as well as interact with the flagpole to finish capturing the enemy base.

You Never Forget Your First...

How to unlock: Craft your first item.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: You get this trophy by making progress in the main storyline. You can't miss it. The reason for it is that during the prologue of the campaign, you need to craft a medicine. It will be enough to unlock the trophy.

Oh, So This Is How it Works!

How to unlock: Modify your weapon for the first time - Dying Light 2: Trophies / Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Dying Light 2 Guide

How to unlock: Modify your weapon for the first time.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: This trophy is related to using any weapon mod - you can buy them from traders. To unlock the trophy, purchase any modification and install it in any weapon that has slots for such upgrades. More information can be found e.g. on the Crafting page.

A Friend in Need...

How to unlock: Help 50 survivors in Encounters.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: Encounters are random events that occur while you're exploring the world, and are marked with blue icons on the map.

Only helping random encountered survivors counts towards this trophy. This may include, for example, giving a medicine to a wounded person or saving a survivor held by renegades. Encounters happen throughout the whole game, so you don't have to worry if you miss or fail one of them. We do recommend doing them from the very beginning of the game, though.

Parkour Master

How to unlock: Achieve maximum Parkour Proficiency.

Trophy type: silver

Comment: This trophy requires you to buy all skills from the Parkour tree. To do that, you have to earn more skill (development) points in parkour. Ultimately, you need to gather 25 Parkour points.

We've covered the entire process in more detail on the Character Development page. You can earn parkour XP e.g. by performing parkour moves and as rewards for completing selected quests and activities.

Combat Master

How to unlock: Achieve maximum Combat Proficiency.

Trophy type: silver

Comment: This trophy requires you to buy all the skills from the Combat tree. To do that, you have to earn more combat proficiency points. Ultimately, you need to accumulate 25 combat points in the Combat tree.

We've covered the entire process in more detail on the Character Development page. You can earn combat XP e.g. by attacking and eliminating enemies, and as rewards for completing selected quests and activities.

Boot Licker

How to unlock: Reach City Alignment 7 for any faction - Dying Light 2: Trophies / Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Dying Light 2 Guide

How to unlock: Reach City Alignment 7 for any faction.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: This is a more difficult version of the Municipal Services trophy described earlier. You not only have to take over 7 facilities (water towers and power plants) related to the city alignment, but also transfer them all to the same faction , i.e. to the Peace Keepers or Survivors. Only then will you be able to unlock all 7 rewards associated with your chosen faction (we have marked them in the picture above).

To unlock this trophy, you can "cheat" by using the co-op mode - Dying Light 2: Trophies / Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Dying Light 2 Guide

To unlock this trophy, you can "cheat" by using the co-op mode. When browsing available sessions created by other players, pay attention to the City alignment column (picture above). If you see that someone has the 7 0 or 0 7 affiliation, join this game. This way, you should automatically unlock the achievement, even if you did not manage to do it in your own game.

Who Wants To Be A...

How to unlock: Collect 1,000,000 in Old World Money.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: This achievement is described in more detail on a separate page of the trophy guide.

Man On a Mission

How to unlock: Meet all your Sparker love interests - Dying Light 2: Trophies / Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Dying Light 2 Guide

How to unlock: Meet all your Sparker love interests.

Trophy type: silver

Commentary: Sparker is the name of a post-apocalyptic dating service (a kind of offline Tinder), thanks to which Aiden can meet other people for dates. The first task from this questline is The Matchmaker, which starts in the old town, east of the Bazaar (picture above).

You have to do Raheem a favor; from then on, exclamation points may appear on the world map for other small tasks related to Sparker and meeting new people. Do these tasks until you complete them all and earn the trophy.

Note - Sparker's storyline may bug and prevent you from getting the achievement - Dying Light 2: Trophies / Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Dying Light 2 Guide

Note - Sparker's storyline may bug and prevent you from getting the achievement.

After you meet Vinnie (your second date met through Sparker - picture above), don't turn off the game and don't leave the Old Town. Keep traveling around the area until the trophy is unlocked. This should happen before you deal with the final quest of this storyline, the icon of which should appear in a similar place to the Matchmaker quest, i.e. a short distance east of the Bazaar.


How to unlock: Travel at least 960km.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: This is one of the more time-consuming trophies in the game. Try to run around the city a lot (and explore the world map at the same time) from the very beginning of the game.

After the Fall

How to unlock: Fall from a combined height of at least 10,994 meters.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: You should easily get this trophy well before completing the game. In the final part of the campaign, you can add more fall meters onto the counter more easily by purposely jumping from skyscraper rooftops and activating the paraglider at the last second.

Good Night & Good Luck

How to unlock: Survive your first night - Dying Light 2: Trophies / Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Dying Light 2 Guide

How to unlock: Survive your first night.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: You should unlock this trophy soon after completing the initial main quests, and after the in-game watch starts counting time (faster). You can get the achievement if you traveled around the game world at night and survived until 8:00, which is sunrise. Alternatively, you can just use the bed and wait till the morning.

Can't Touch This

How to unlock: Kill 20 enemies in a row with melee weapons without taking damage.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: This achievement is described in more detail on a separate page of the trophy guide.

Night Hunter

How to unlock: Kill a Volatile.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: This achievement is described in more detail on a separate page of the trophy guide.

Death From Afar

How to unlock: Kill a Spitter using a ranged weapon.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: Spitters are monsters that, as their name implies, spit toxic projectiles. You can encounter them regularly while traversing the downtown at night. Equip the main character with a bow (the stronger, the better) and shoot any Spitter until the monster dies.

Tanning Salon

How to unlock: Use the UV Flashlight to kill a Viral.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: This achievement is described in more detail on a separate page of the trophy guide (together with the Slow Poke! trophy).

Terminal Headache

How to unlock: Perform 50 headshots with a ranged weapon - Dying Light 2: Trophies / Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Dying Light 2 Guide

How to unlock: Perform 50 headshots with a ranged weapon.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: You can use any bow to get this achievement. Unlocking the Precise Aim skill may help you, as it allows you to zoom in while aiming your bow. Your shots will also be more accurate if the enemies don't know about your presence and are standing still or moving slowly.

Slow Poke!

How to unlock: Lose the maximum level of Chase.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: This achievement is described in more detail on a separate page of the trophy guide (together with the Tanning Salon trophy).

Being All Social

How to unlock: Join a co-op session.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: This is one of the two trophies that you can get only in online co-op . You must join any co-op session. The achievement should be unlocked while the session is still loading.

That's Teamwork!

How to unlock: Kill 100 enemies while playing with at least 2 other players - Dying Light 2: Trophies / Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Dying Light 2 Guide

How to unlock: Kill 100 enemies while playing with at least 2 other players.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: This is one of the two trophies that you can get only in online co-op . Make sure that the required number of players takes part in the co-op game; then, eliminate any opponents (living or zombies). You can get the trophy by playing with a group of friends or with random players - in the latter case, when browsing the available sessions, select only those that display 2/4 or 3/4 of the players. 4/4 is a full set of players, and 1/4 is not enough.

After joining another game, you can choose any opponents (alive or zombies) and kill them in any way. You can get the trophy faster if during a given session players visit different regions and defeat low-level opponents, and therefore, if your character is stronger, the enemies can die from your attacks faster.

Lightning Reflexes

How to unlock: Perform a Perfect Block 10 times in a row without taking damage.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: This achievement is described in more detail on a separate page of the trophy guide.


How to unlock: Modify your weapons at least 50 times.

Trophy type: bronze

Commentary: This is a more difficult version of the trophy described earlier - Oh, so this is how it works!. You can buy the cheapest modifications. Remember that not all weapons can be modified, though. Use modifications on all weapons that have a free upgrade slot (or slots).

Fit As a Fiddle

How to unlock: Max out your Health.

Trophy type: silver

Comment: We've described how to increase Aiden's Health bar in detail e.g. on the Character Development page. This trophy can be missed, just like the Ironheart trophy described below. The reason is that the health bar needs to be upgraded up to level 25. If you've been using inhibitors more or less equally on developing health and stamina, then you may not have enough of them. There aren't that many inhibitors in the game world develop both Health and Endurance fully.

  1. If you play Dying Light 2 on PC or PS4, you can earn both trophies in a single playthrough. You have to collect enough points to be able to develop your Health or Stamina to the maximum. Gather them, but don't spend them. Make a backup of your save files, develop your Health to the maximum and, after receiving the trophy, re-load the old save file to maximize your Stamina.
  2. If you play Dying Light 2 on PS5 or Xbox consoles, expect that you'll have to play it almost twice. During the first playthrough, develop your Health or Stamina to the maximum, and during the second playthrough, focus on collecting inhibitors to maximize the second parameter and get the second achievement.


How to unlock: Max out your Stamina.

Trophy type: silver

Comment: See the description of the previous Fit as a Fiddle trophy. The same information and difficulties also apply to this achievement related to Stamina.

You're Going Down!

How to unlock: Perform 50 takedowns - Dying Light 2: Trophies / Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Dying Light 2 Guide

How to unlock: Perform 50 takedowns.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: Takedowns are simply silent kills activated after catching an opponent - it can be a living person or a zombie (not counting larger elite enemies). Each time, you have to sneak up on the enemy's back and press the interaction button.

Don't Look Up

How to unlock: Perform Smash on at least 50 enemies.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: This achievement requires you to purchase the Smash skill - it's in the Combat tree and requires you to have 1 development point and 180 health points (increase your health with the found inhibitors).

Once you get this skill, look for opportunities to stand on ledges above your enemies (preferably slow zombies) - Dying Light 2: Trophies / Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Dying Light 2 Guide

Once you get this skill, look for opportunities to stand on ledges above your enemies (preferably slow zombies). Head towards them, and when the Smash icon appears, press the interaction button to have Aiden automatically jump on the opponent and crush their head. You must do this 50 times in total.

Get the Point?

How to unlock: Kill 50 enemies with a Spear.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: The spears this trophy refers to aren't a fixed part of your inventory. These are large spears stuck in the ground or bodies, found in the game world - the best chance of locating them appears when visiting anomalies (you can find even 3-4 spears there).

After removing the spear, you have to throw it at any opponent. Unfortunately, each spear is disposable, so you need to find more on a regular basis.

True Nightrunner

How to unlock: Complete all Nightrunner Trials - Dying Light 2: Trophies / Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Dying Light 2 Guide

How to unlock: Complete all Nightrunner Trials.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: Nightrunner Trials are challenges in which you have to e.g. complete a designated route on time. It is best to do them only at the end of the game, i.e. after developing Aiden's health and stamina, and unlocking useful skills. We have described the challenges on separate pages of the guide:

  1. parkour challenges
  2. combat challenges

Bing Bang Boom!

How to unlock: Perform an Air Kick after a Double Wall Run.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: This achievement is described in more detail on a separate page of the trophy guide.


How to unlock: Find all Collectible Notes.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: Notes are one of the secrets in the game. We have described their locations in the Collectibles and Secrets chapter.


How to unlock: Find all Collectible Recordings.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: Recordings are secrets in the game. We have described their locations in the Collectibles and Secrets chapter.

Street Art Aficionado

How to unlock: Discover all Graffiti Tag Collectibles.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: Graffiti tags are collectibles in the game. We have described their locations in the Collectibles and Secrets chapter.

Dying Light 2

February 4, 2022

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