01-08 | QR Codes Watch Dogs Guide
Last update: 02 February 2017
The QR codes tend to be split between two or more buildings/ objects. You only need to find the spot from which the code looks like the whole thing. From the point marked on the map, you learn only where the code is located - as for the camera that is capable of capturing the whole thing and scan it, you need to find it on your own.
The first camera is on the post, next to the parking lot which is Northwards of the code's location.
The camera view must have, in its view, the code next to the crane in the docks. Southwards of where the camera is located.
The second camera is located on the edge of the building over the bridge. It is the first one at the edge, attached to the roof.
The QR Code is on the large company containers, across the river.
The third camera is at a level with the second floor, on the edge of the building, virtually above the railway station.
The camera is to be panned in a way that will allow you to see the tall factory chimneys, close to the building.
Camera #4 is close nearby, just one building past the QR Code itself. It is the first camera at the corner of the building on the Southern side.
The camera needs to be panned towards the West, next to the code, you will notice the billboard that reads "RACINE".
The next camera is to the South of the code, in the middle of the building's length, on the Western side. It is hanging at a level with the first floor.
The code is at the end of the street. On the screen, you can also see a fragment of the turret that clearly stands out.
The sixth camera is directly across the street, from the spot in which the code is. It is the one on the red-brick building spotted with big windows.
The code across the street is between two buildings.
The next camera is high above the ground, within a short distance to the South, of the spot where there code is. Right below, there is the end side of the railway platform.
The QR Code is Northwards, under the big billboard.
Camera #8 is Westwards of the code on the first building, separated from the rest of the semi-detached red-brick houses.
The two-part code encompasses the buildings in the East, in line with the rooftop of the neighboring line.