The map above depicts Kahanga Palace. This is one of the bigger buildings that can be explored during your stay in Neketaka. The entrance to the building is located in the Serpent's Crown district. This is a very important location story-wise because this is the place where you can meet with the queen of Huana. There, you can unlock a few new quests, recruit two companions, meet with a skill specialist or collect loot.
Important places in Kahanga Palace
1. Throne room. An audience with Queen Onekaza II is a part of The Veins of Eora main quest. You will receive a new main quest Distant Light and also a side quest called The Brass Empire. After the audience the queen will go on the roof of the palace (M25,8).
During the audience you can recruit Maia and Pallegina as new party members. You can also talk to them later after the audience with the queen (note - Pallegina's presence in the palace depends on your decisions in the first Pillars of Eternity game).
Prince Aruihi can give you Trade Secrets quest. You will also receive the Envoy's Badge from him to complete the aforementioned quest.
2. Hall of Remembrance. You can talk to Granis Yirgar about his armor. He's also a skills trainer - in exchange for 3,000 gold you can raise the main character's Survival and Athletics skills by 1 point.
6. Large hall. Barati can give you Bounty type quests.
Quests that can be unlocked in Kahanga Palace
[The Hunt for Eothas] Distant Light - This main quest can be automatically started during your meeting with Queen Onekaza II (M25,1).
[Royal Deadfire Company] The Brass Empire - This quest is started automatically after attending the audience with the queen (M25,1).
[Huana] Trade Secrets - Meet with Prince Aruihi (M25,1).
[Huana] Bounty - Barati (M25,6) can give you a series of quests during which you have to eliminate certain characters. The first mission is about killing Diccila.
Quests continued in Kahanga Palace
[The Hunt for Eothas] The Veins of Eora (M9) - The quest ends when you meet with Queen Onekaza II.
Skills trainers in Palace Kahanga
Granis Yirgar (M25,2) - Pay him 3,000 gold to raise your character's Survival and Athletics by 1 point.
Other important NPCs in Palace Kahanga
Queen Onekaza II (M25,1) - You have to meet her during the main storyline. Note - The queen moves to the palace's rooftop (M25,8) once the audience is over. Go there if you want to talk with her again.
Maia (M25,1) - This is a potential new party member (she can be a Ranger or you can merge this class with a Rogue or a Wizard to create a multiclass character). Maia can be recruited during the audience or after it.
Pallegina (M25,1) - This is a potential new party member (she can be a Paladin or you can merge this class with a Fighter or a Chanter to create a multiclass character). Pallegina can be recruited during the audience or after it.
Prince Aruihi (M25,1) - He gives you Trade Secrets Huana faction quest.
Barati (M25,6) - He gives you Bounty type quests.
Other information related to Palace Kahanga
Try to not delay your visit in the palace. Completing the main quest rewards you with a lot of XP. You can also recruit two new party members which give you more options when it comes to choosing your "active" party. Also, don't miss your chance to meet with a skills trainer. Increasing Athletics can be especially useful, e.g. for completing certain scripted interactions.
There are two pairs of stairs on the palace's rooftop. They lead to a large terrace where you can, e.g. find a pet and meet another skills trainer. The rest of the attractions that await your party there are described on the map of Serpent's Crown (M16) (the game loads up this map when you enter the terrace).