Key points of M18 - Tyranny - Twin Rivers
Important location
Important location
Passage thorugh river – Requires Athletics 47
Old Walls entrance
Welby – If you help her with battle talk to her - you'll gain some respect.
Treasure 1 – Requires Athletics 26
Treasure 3 – Iron ingot
Treasure 7 – Requires Subterfuge 42
Treasure 10 – Requires Athletics 42
Kalea – Optional person: connected to quest Blind Ambition.
Twin Rivers is a location strictly connected to The Symphony of the Forge / On the Hunt quest. You will meet many warriors of the Bronze Brotherhood here, which makes a perfect opportunity to improve your relations with this faction if you help them in combat.
Quests in Twin Rivers
Main quest: The Symphony of the Forge / On the Hunt - the location unlocks while performing this quest (more precisely: after visiting Deserter's March).
Side quest: Blind Ambition - if you helped Kalea join the Brotherhood, you have to find her here to continue the quest.
Non-player characters in Twin Rivers
Brother Caleus - he will ask you for help in fighting the Bane. If you assist him, you will gain the Brotherhood's Favor. Otherwise, the faction turns hostile to you in this location.
Welby - if you help her fight the Bane, you will gain Moderate Favor with the Brotherhood.
Kalea - the girl appears in this location if you took on the Blind Ambition quest and agreed to help her join the Brotherhood and if you cleaned the location of monsters earlier. Otherwise, you will find her dead at the river near the Oldwalls.
Enemies in Twin Rivers
The Bane - pay attention to their color. They have different resistances, especially to fire (the red ones) as well as electricity and often ice (the blue ones). Despite that, they usually aren't too durable so fighting them shouldn't be a big problem.
Going further from Twin Rivers
The next location that you will visit in the course of the main quest is Twin Rivers Oldwalls - Brotherhood Camp. You can go back there whenever you want to.