Key points of M26 - Tyranny - Sentinel Stand
Important Locations
Important Locations
Path to Sentinel Stand Outer Walls
Entry to Sentinel Stand Keep Interior
The above map presents Sentinel Stand, a location where you will continue the storyline of the civil war. You will learn many interesting details related to the plot, and find a number of hidden treasures.
Quests in Sentinel Stand
Main quest: Making a Stand - For the first time, you will meet the Regent of Stalwart. Unfortunately, you won't be able to convince him to your ideas, and thus will have to make your way into the Sentinel Stand.
NPCs in Sentinel Stand
Straydus Herodin - Regent of Stalwart and commander of Unbroken. He will meet you at the main gate of the keep. After a brief conversation he will run inside, and you will have to deal with his troops. In the end you will reach him and decide on his fate.
Dimitris - commander of The Disfavored. He will appear once you are close enough to the keep. He will accompany you and enter Inner part of the keep. He will also join the battle with Unbroken and the Regent. He is immortal in this location which makes the whole task much easier.
Amelia (The inner part of the Stand) - Daughter of Graven Ashe. She is directly related to Making a Stand and you will decide on her fate.
Enemies in Sentinel Stand
Unbroken - they fight in close combat for the most part. They have healing spells and are quite tough. Remember to focus on ranged units and casters as they are the weakest. Once you kill them, draw your attention to the strongest warriors.
Traveling to further locations from Sentinel Stand
From this location you can only move to - Sentinel Stand - Hall of Regents.