Key points of M13- Tyranny - Iron Hearth
The attached map represents Iron Hearth, the location strictly related to the ongoing Civil War. You will come across new side quest, goods that can be purchased from the quartermaster and several hidden treasures.
Quests in Iron Hearth
Main quest: Into the Maelstrom - a quest from Bastard City, given by Tunon. Once you have a conversation with the Archon of War, you will be sent to Sentinel Stand, to get rid of hostile leader from Blade Grave. Once you get there, you may also search for the missing daughter of the Archon of War.
Side quest: Broken Spear - quest given by Acalos. Your task is to eliminate one of the lieutenants of the Scarlet Chorus -Mouth Breather Nefsio. To accomplish that, you will have to travel to Caedo, located not far from Lethian's Crossing.
NPCs in Iron Hearth
Graven Ashe - Archon of War and commander of the Disfavored. You will gain his Wrath if you bring Verse to Iron Hearth. Here, he is directly related to Into the Maelstrom. Speak with him and you will unlock Sentinel Stand.
Acalos - leader of the Disfavored. Speak with him, and he will mentioned that the Disfavored encountered a problem in Caedo. He will ask you to take care of the case, and if you agree to do that Broken Spear will be unlocked and the village will be marked on your map. Apart from that, you can ask him about his role in the fraction.
Osmia - member of the Disfavored. You can have a short conversation with her but it won't affect the plot.
Alfonsa and Halfways-Dead - a Disfavored and one of the warriors of the Scarlet Chorus. You will encounter them during your second visit in the location. Halfways-Dead will be eager to join the Disfavored, along with his gang. You will have to decide on the case. If you allow him to join the fraction, you will receive Favor of the Chorus, and if you decide to kill him, you will gain approval of the Disfavored.
Ovinus and Fox Trick - You will encounter them during your second visit in the location. It's very similar to the previous disagreement between Alfonsa and Halfways-Dead. You will have to decide on Fox Trick's fate.
Travelling from the Iron Hearth
Once you complete all the activities related to Into the Maelstrom you will unlock Sentinel Stand. If you decided to solve Broken Spear from Acalos, Caedo should appear near Lethian's Crossing. You can enter and exit the location from the place where you entered it in the first place.