Key points of M7 - Tyranny - Tripnettle Wilderness
Important location
Companion - you can invite him to your team.
Treasure 1 – Scroll: Sigil of Frostfire (Accent)
Treasure 6 – Requires Subterfuge 23
The following chapter describes gameplay in Scarlet Chorus Camp and Tripnettle Wilderness, in regards to Taking the Outer Valley. You will find out about the available quests and how one should approach them.
Certain aspects were described in separate sections.
Enter the camp
Reach Scarlet Chorus Camp and head for the main gate. You will be stopped by a guard. From the first available dialogue options, pick the one that will allow you to introduce yourself and pave way for other interesting lines. If Barik is with you, guards will object to let him in. here are the possible options:
- Gain his Loyalty and Wrath of the Scarlet Chorus by supporting him.
- If you have 32 points of Athletics, you can make the guard let you in, and thus gain Medium Favor of the Chorus
- You can mock Barik and gain his Fear, and Minor Favor of the Chorus
If you support the Disfavored, it's best to support Barik, but if you are interested in Favor of the Scarlet Chorus and you have enough Athletics, you will be able to select the best option. You may also stand in place without a word, which will eventually lead to one of the guards letting you in. you will not gain reputation.
Start tasks
Near the gate, you will find The Fifth Eye's tent. Mention your main quest and he will ask for help during interrogation of prisoners. You may decide to:
1. Agree without establishing further conditions. The conversation will end and the rest part of the quest will be related to the prisoners.
2. You can offend the Scarlet Chorus, which will grant you additional Wrath of the Scarlet Chorus. The conversation will continue.
3. Demand a bribe. The Fifth Eye won't be pleased but he will agree.
- Announce that you will do this in the name of the Chorus - Scarlet Chorus and Tunon - Gain Medium Favor
- Demand gold - you will receive 1000 rings
- You can select information, but you won't receive any right now. The Fifth Eye will inform you that he will do that once the Edict was cancelled.
Even if you don't support the Scarlet Chorus, it's best to interrogate the prisoners in their name. By selecting certain dialogue options, you can decrease Favor of the Chorus, and you can gain Tunon's Favor. Finish the conversation and meet The Fifth Eye central square.
When you are ready, join The Fifth Eye. Read the walkthrough to learn more about effects of the interrogation.
Approach Variah Kel and start a conversation. First dialogue options won't have any effect. Further options can offer:
- Shout (required Athletics 20)
- Accuse her of lying (requested Subterfuge 30)
- Send her to Archon of the Scarlet Chorus
Each of the three decisions will have the same effect, so if you have one of the required attributes, select it. Using attribute during conversations also develop your character.
The woman will reveal that one of her allies had documents and will ask you to search one of the corpses. Turns out that he had a vellum in one of his boots. The Fifth Eye is willing to kill her but you can save her by referring to the law, according to which the Chorus can conscribe defeated enemies this will grant you minor Wrath of the Scarlet Chorus, and additional dialogue options will appear:
- Make her kill her own companions (minor Favor of the Scarlet Chorus) - the woman will do it and become a member of the Chorus
- Suggest to send her as a spy back to the rebels (Minor Wrath of the Vendrien Guards) - she is set free and goes back to her allies
- Make her work till she dies (Minor Favor of the Scarlet Chorus) - the woman becomes a slave in the camp
Regardless of her fate, the matter of the vellum will not be resolved.
Lantry the Sage
As soon as you interrogate Variah Kel, Lantry, another prisoner will join your conversation. Select one of the lines and make him read the vellum. He will announce that he requires a couple of hours to decipher the message. You may explain that he needs to explain it right away or die, but this won't lead to anything.
The following dialogue options were listed in a way that make them easier to follow.
First you will decide whether to allow him to read the note or kill him. Select the former and The Fifth Eye will disagree, due to the fact that time works against you. Regardless of the decision to untie him or inform the Archon about this, or defend him, the following options will be triggered. Choose the second one and you will skip some lines.
Path I:
Defend him during the trial - fight the Scarlet Chorus
Path II
Demand to set the prisoner free - The Chorus will not allow you to walk away with their prisoner
Decision 1: Use strength and see if The Fifth Eye dares to disobey your orders (requires Athletics 32)
- I Tell him to set the prisoner free - The Fifth Eye will set him free.
- II Appreciate his determination and agree for the trial to take place (Gain Minor Favor and Wrath of the Chorus) - fight the Scarlet Chorus
Decision 2: Agree to engage combat - fight the Scarlet Chorus
Path III:
Explain that you need the prisoner alive - the Chorus will still request the trial - get back to the previous option.
Path IV
Focus on the information which alive prisoner would deliver - a conflict between Barik and Verse emerge (if they are in your team) and you will move back to the previous dialogue option.
Path V
Announce that you cannot interfere with the Scarlet Chorus (Minor Favor of the Scarlet Chorus) - Lantry will ask you for assistance during the trial
Decision 1: agree to represent him - fight the Scarlet Chorus
Decision 2: announce that his fate is none of your concern - Lantry will be interrogated by the Archon, and the storyline moves on.
Lantry can become your companion but in order to join make this possible, you need to accept the trial, or put enough pressure on Fifth Eye (dialogue options II-1-I). Regardless of your decision, the storyline will not change and it will only determine if the old man joins your team or not. At this stage of the game it is better to make him your companion. If you are going to support the Scarlet Chorus, you should agree to the trial. If you are supporting the Disfavored, you can mock the m as much as you want (as long as Lantry lives). Draw your attention to the fact that Verse will show her Loyalty. If you take part in the fight.
Once Lantry translated the text, you will be sent to Tripnettle Wilderness, and your task will be to convince the rebels to surrender before the actual battle begins. Before you leave the camp, make sure to search all the treasure chests.
Tripnettle Wilderness
As soon as you enter the location you will notice a group of Scarlet Chorus soldiers. The group is commanded by Fake Limp, who, apparently knows Verse. If she has joined your party you will be able to take advantage of the situation to gain some extra Reputation points with Verse. If you don't care about this you can simply ignore this. If you, however, will ask about the relationship, you will continue with the quest. During the conversation you can mock them and accuse them of lying, or you can approach them with more kindness. In both cases you can gain Reputation points with the Scarlet Chorus, although only a small amount. Ultimately, the man will promise to support you.
To get to another character associated with the quest you must head east from the group of Scarlet Chorus soldiers. All of the routes leading north will be blocked - in order to get to the commander of the rebels you must follow a trail prepared by the developers of the game. You will stumble upon groups of enemies and a number of traps along your way. Move along the path slowly and don't forget to make use of the stealth mode, allowing you to detect and disarm traps (required 36 points of Subterfuge)
Pelox Florian
The commander of the Vendrien Guard can be found in the central point of the Tripnettle Wilderness. According to the orders received from the members of the Scarlet Chorus you have to convince the man to lay down their arms and surrender to the Chorus. The quest can be completed in a number of ways, depending on the way you lead the conversation with Pelox Florian. Below you can find a complete list of all of the choices and their consequences. The choices that you can make are marked in italics.
Path 1
Tell him to surrender - he will mock your party
Choice 1:
Make it clear that Chorus knows his whereabouts - the rebels will attack you [Decisions - Variant 2]
- Vendrian Guard - gain moderate Wrath
Choice 2:
Tell him that he will meet with the Voices of Nerat (Required 41 Subterfuge) - he will like the idea, will agree to surrender and ask about his people:
Option 1:
Allow the rebels to leave - he will order his man to leave
1. Make it clear that you can't come back empty handed [Decisions - Variant 1]
- Vendrian Guard - gain minor Favor
2. Order the man to follow you - [Decisions - Variant 1]
- Vendrian Guard - gain minor Favor
3. Let the man run away with the rest - Barik will object to such a solution.
A. Whisper that you have your own reasons - Florian won't believe the sincerity of your words
AA. Order him to run away before you change your mind - He will ask you why you're letting him escape and Verse will join him in this question.
1. It's not your war - [Decisions - Variant 3]
- Vendrian Guard - gain moderate Favor
- Verse - gain moderate Fear
- Barik - lose moderate Loyalty
2. You have your own reasons [Decisions - Variant 3]
- Vendrian Guard - gain moderate Favor
- Verse - gain moderate Fear
- Barik - lose moderate Loyalty
3. Remain silent [Decisions - Variant 3]
- Verse - gain moderate Fear
- Barik - lose moderate Loyalty
4. Too many people have died already [Decisions - Variant 3]
- Vendrian Guard - gain moderate Wrath
- Verse - gain moderate Fear
- Barik - lose moderate Loyalty
5. You don't kill fools [Decisions - Variant 3]
- Vendrian Guard - gain moderate Wrath
- Verse - gain moderate Fear
- Barik - lose moderate Loyalty
BB. Attack him - the rebels will attack you [Decisions - Variant 2]
Vendrian Guard - gain moderate Wrath
B. Remain silent - Florian won't believe the sincerity of your words - check [A]
- Barik - lose moderate Loyalty and gain moderate Fear
C. Agree with Barik and order Pelox to surrender - if you didn't favor Vendrian Guard up to this point, Pelox Florian will attack you [Decisions - Variant 2]
- Vendrian Guard - gain moderate Wrath
Option 2:
Allow Pelox and his man to leave - check [Option 1 - 3.]
Option 3:
Attack them - [Decisions - Variant 2]
- Vendrian Guard - gain moderate Wrath
Choice 3:
Promise to let his man leave - if you didn't favor Vendrian Guard up to this point, Pelox Florian will attack you [Decisions - Variant 2]
Choice 4:
Allow the man to leave - check [Path 2 - Choice 4]
Choice 5:
Attack him - the rebels will attack you [Decisions - Variant 2]
- Vendrian Guard - gain moderate Wrath
Path 2
Suggest a conversation - Pelox will agree to it
Choice 1:
Graven Ashe wants to know about the fate of captured Disfavored (Required 41 Subterfuge) - it does not contribute to the conversation
Choice 2:
Tell him that the Scarlet Chorus wants to capture him. Allow the rest of the rebels to leave - Pelox will be interested.
- Verse - gain moderate Fear and lose moderate Loyalty
- Barik - gain moderate Fear and lose moderate Loyalty
Option 1: The Chorus is only an ally - if you didn't favor Vendrian Guard up to this point, Pelox Florian will attack you [Decisions - Variant 2]
- Vendrian Guard - gain moderate Wrath
Option 2: You like it when the Archons are dissatisfied - Pelox will get away [Decisions- Variant 3]
- Vendrian Guard - gain moderate Wrath
Option 3: Attack him - encounter [Decisions - Variant 2]
- Vendrian Guard - gain moderate Wrath
Choice 3:
Ask him what is his business in the Tripnettle Wilderness - it does not contribute to the conversation.
Choice 4:
Allow him to run away - Verse will object
Option 1: Whisper to her that you have your own reasons - check [Path 1 - AA]
- Verse - lose moderate Loyalty and gain minor Fear
- Barik - lose moderate Loyalty and gain minor Fear
Option 2: Remain silent - check [Path 1 - AA]
- Verse - lose moderate Loyalty and gain moderate Fear
- Barik - lose moderate Loyalty and gain moderate Fear
Option 3: Pelox must surrender - if you didn't favor Vendrian Guard up to this point, Pelox Florian will attack you [Decisions - Variant 2]
- Verse - gain moderate Loyalty
- Vendrian Guard - gain moderate Wrath
Choice 5:
Attack him - encounter [Decisions - Variant 2]
- Vendrian Guard - gain moderate Wrath
Path 3
Attack him - encounter [Decisions - Variant 2]
- Vendrian Guard - gain moderate Wrath
The discussed quest is gained from the Scarlet Chorus, which is why you won't have many opportunities to gain points with the Disfavored. The whole conversation is limited to reputation with your party members and the Vendrian Guard. You can find a detailed description of all of the consequences that might occur because of your choices during the conversation.
Regardless of your choices during the conversation, you will be forced to attend a meeting with the Archons. However, depending on your choices the future events might look completely different.
Variant 1: Capture Pelox Florian
After the conversation your party will be intercepted by Fake Limp. He is surprised by the fact that you've managed to capture Florian. You gain moderate Favor of the Scarlet Chorus. Ultimately, the Chorus takes away the prisoner and you have to deal with a small group of Vendrian Guard soldiers.
After you've defeated the rebels, head directly to the Disfavored Camp and enter Ashe's tent to attend the conversation. If you favor the Scarlet Chorus you will be able to gain benefits from the fact that you've managed to capture Florian.
Variant 2: Kill Pelox Florian
If you've decided to kill Florian you must be prepared to face an enemy that outnumbers you. Reinforcements will come from north and south, although the southern group will join you only after you've dealt with the remaining enemy forces. Afterwards, head towards the place where Fake Limp was located and start a conversation. As you can imagine, this outcome will lead to Wrath with the Scarlet Chorus.
Ultimately, you have to head to the Disfavored Camp to take part in the Archon meeting. The fact that you've killed Florian won't miss their attention. You will be able to use this opportunity to gain some favor with the Disfavored.
Variant 3: Let Pelox Florian go
If you decide to let Florian go you must be prepared to lose some Loyalty points with your party members. Additionally, when Florian gets away Fake Limp will arrive at the scene and will demand an explanation. Regardless of your choices during the conversation you will be forced to fight them and gain Wrath with the Scarlet Chorus. Limp's group shouldn't be much of a challenge.
Afterwards, head to the Disfavored Camp and take part in the Archon meeting. If you've freed Florian you won't have any problems to avoid the consequences, but it will only matter if you've also freed other members of the Vendrian Guard.
The time to decide
The conversation with the Archons will force you to decide which side you want to support. It's not a permanent choice, but you will be facing the consequences of it during the rest of the game. Regardless of your choices, there will be a class between the leaders of the factions. The quicker you decide to support one of the sides, the bigger the chance that you will retain full favor of a given Archon and his faction. You won't gain anything by drifting between both of them - sooner or later you will be forced to make a final decision.
The conversation will also focus on the topics of all of the objectives you've completed so far. Depending on your choices during those objectives, different factions will be more or less favorable towards you. After you decide which of the sides you want to support you will be faced with a choice - whether you want to remove a party member representing a different faction from the group.
After the conversation ends you will be moved out of Ashe's tent (if you've selected the Chorus) and the Disfavored camp will be closed, or you will remain in the tent (if you've selected the Disfavored) but you won't have access to the Scarlet Chorus' camp.