Champion | Army TW: Rome II Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Champion is one of first characters available in the game, usually unlocked after researching first or second military technology. His main attribute is zeal.
Below you'll find possible actions along with the attribute associated with them.
Friendly province
- Increases order
- increases settlement defense against actions that use zeal
Friendly army
- increases zeal of army commander
- increases experience of all units
Enemy province
- unleashes mayhem among the population
- decreases settlement defense against actions that use zeal
Enemy army
- (authority) decreases morale and charge bonuses for the army
- (cunning) decreases melee attack and missile attack skills for the army
- (zeal) inflicts significant damage in the given unit
Enemy settlement
- (authority) reduces public order
- (cunning) inflicts minor damage to all buildings in the settlement, reduces number of slaves
- (zeal) inflicts significant damage to an individual garrison unit
Enemy general (assassination)
- (authority) kills designated target
- (cunning) kills designated target
- (zeal) kills designated target
Enemy agent (manipulation)
- (authority) persuade the target character to act in your faction's favor
- (cunning) persuade the target character to act in your faction's favor
- (zeal) persuade the target character to act in your faction's favor
As you can see champions which base their skills on zeal can perfectly eliminate single, strong units in enemy army but in the case of garrisons it is not a very useful skill. Equally effective are champions using cunning. Not only can they damage building in the settlements, completely destroying its productive capacity, but can also reduce the effectiveness of entire enemy army - an invaluable ability just before the upcoming battle. But their biggest advantage is possibility to train allied armies. If your units are not involved in the battle, the champion attached to them will provide them with constant increment of experience point, thus increasing their combat value.