Disco Elysium: Achievements/Trophies - list, how to earn


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On this page of the Disco Elysium guide you will find a list of 33 achievements/trophies, as well as learn how to unlock them and how to get the platinum trophy. We inform about the requirements of individual achievements and what to do to get them.

The following list focuses on the basic set of trophies, i.e. those required to unlock the platinum. It does not take into account DLC achievements.

Disco Elysium

Trophy type: platinum

How to unlock: Revachol believes in you.

Comment: The platinum trophy is only available on the PS4 and PS5 consoles.

Goodest Of The Good Cops

Trophy type: bronze - Disco Elysium: Achievements/Trophies - list, how to earn - Appendix - Disco Elysium Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Really get Kim to trust you.

Comment: You need to get 10 Good Cop/Bad Cop stat points - you can track them in the journal (picture above). Talk to Kim to find out more about your partner, ask him for his opinion, try to be a good cop, reckon with his insights, etc. Check the current value often - if you make your relations with Kim worse, load the previous save.

Note - The opposite of this trophy is the achievement Baddest Of the Bad Cops. It is best to focus on them during separate playthroughs.

Biggest Communism Builder

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Employ critical theory 9 times.

Comment: This is an achievement linked to the dialog options and behaviors related to the communists (mutual aid, power for the people, workers' rights, criticism of the free market, etc.). There are more than 9 of them in the entire game. In the hero's journal there is information about the current number of communist points - this will allow you to track progress.

You can also start the quest related to the communists called Get yourself organized - this is a good opportunity to make a lot of statements on this topic.

The World’s Most Laughable Centrist

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Defend the political centre 7 times.

Comment: This is an achievement related to the dialogue options and behavior of a moralists - supporters of the political centre. There are more than 9 of them in the entire game. In the hero's journal there is information about the current number of moralism points - this will allow you to track progress.

You can also start the quest related to the moralists called Take on la Responsibilite - this is a good opportunity to make a lot of statements on this topic.

Il Coppo Del'Arte!

Trophy type: bronze - Disco Elysium: Achievements/Trophies - list, how to earn - Appendix - Disco Elysium Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Say 5 Art Cop lines.

Comment: During conversations, choose dialogue options related to painting and art (example in the picture) - the related skills are Drama and Conceptualization. An example person for conversations on this topic is Cindy the Skull on the balcony of the apartment building. There are more than 5 such dialogues in the game.

Hyperstellar Law Official

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Say 7 deranged superstar lines.

Comment: You need to earn 7 Superstar Cop points - you can track this in your journal. Further points are earned for choosing selfish dialogue options that imply that you are gorgeous and a superstar. There are more than 7 of them in the entire game.

Baddest Hustler In The Neoliberal Hood

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Preach free market for 9 times.

Comment: This is an achievement linked to ultraliberal dialog and behavior options (supporting free market). There are more than 9 of them in the entire game. In the hero's journal there is information about the current number of ultraliberal points - this will allow you to track progress.

You can also start the quest related to the free market called Become a man of plenty - this is a good opportunity to make a lot of statements on this topic.

Recruit Detective Kim Kitsuragi

Trophy type: gold - Disco Elysium: Achievements/Trophies - list, how to earn - Appendix - Disco Elysium Guide

Trophy type: gold

How to unlock: Precinct 57's finest.

Comment: You can get this achievement in the last conversation in the game, i.e. The Return quest. After giving a lengthy investigation report, you can talk to Kim and ask him about his next plans. This will allow you to invite Kim to work at Station 41 (picture above).

Kim must be present at the game's finale with you, that is, he cannot end up in the hospital. The option may also be unavailable if you have a very bad relationship with him or few Good Cop points.

Literally The Sorriest Cop On Earth

Trophy type: bronze - Disco Elysium: Achievements/Trophies - list, how to earn - Appendix - Disco Elysium Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Apologize 10 (!!!) times.

Comment: During the game, look for dialog options where you can apologize to the interlocutors for various things, such as rude behavior, lack of knowledge on the subject, or unsuccessful attempts to help. There are more than the required 10 in the entire game.

The Figurines Won’t Win Her Back

Trophy type: silver

How to unlock: They do nothing.

Comment: Do the Offer figurines to Dolores Dei side quest described in our walkthrough. You need to prepare for it in advance - examine the stained glass window in the church and purchase the Figurine Set of the Headless FALN Rider. This must be done before going to the island in the final part of the game.

Truly Rabid "Traditionalist"

Trophy type: silver

How to unlock: Say 10 "traditionalist" things.

Comment: This is an achievement linked to fascist dialog and behavior options (racism, Revachol domination, nationalism, misogyny, etc.). There are more than 10 of them in the entire game. In the hero's journal there is information about the current number of fascist points - this will allow you to track progress.

You can also start the quest related to fascism called Turn Back the Wheels of Time - this is a good opportunity to make a lot of statements on this topic.

Unbelievably Boring F**k

Trophy type: bronze - Disco Elysium: Achievements/Trophies - list, how to earn - Appendix - Disco Elysium Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Say 7 incredibly boring things.

Comment: You have to select "boring dialog options". It can be, for example, standard dialogues for a police officer, statements criticizing fame or sharing unattractive knowledge (alcoholism in the example from the picture). Use as many dialog options as possible. In the whole game, fortunately, there are more than 7 boring dialogues. You can follow the progress in the journal - this is the Boring Cop statistic.

The Lawbringer

Trophy type: bronze - Disco Elysium: Achievements/Trophies - list, how to earn - Appendix - Disco Elysium Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Say you're the law 7 times.

Comment: Statements related to this achievement are easy to recognize. Take every opportunity to tell the interlocutor that you represent the law/are the guardians of the law (example in the picture). Kim will sarcastically comment on most of this type of dialogue. There are more than 7 of them in the entire game.

Fairweather t-500 Vitreous Enamel

Trophy type: silver - Disco Elysium: Achievements/Trophies - list, how to earn - Appendix - Disco Elysium Guide

Trophy type: silver

How to unlock: Suit up. Head to toe.

Comment: This achievement requires you to obtain and wear 4 pieces of Fairweather T-500 armor. Each of them is associated with a different quest:

  1. Fairweather T-500 Greaves - You have to complete the Getting the Hanged Man's boots quest. It can be easily missed if you send the hangman's corpse to the coroner without removing his boots. You also need to clean them yourself in the Whirling-in-Rags kitchen.
  2. Fairweather T-500 Gauntlets - You can get them during the Find the armoured gloves quest. You can complete it starting from the 3rd day.
  3. Fairweather T-500 Cuirass - It is obtainable in the quest Who put the clothes in the trash?. It can be easily missed if you don't talk to Gary in one of the locations where you can meet him (he can “disappear” later in the game).
  4. Fairweather T-500 Helmet - Make sure you have the 3 previous pieces of armor and then set off on the island during the Go to the island main quest. You have encounter the big insect during the quest Inspect the phasmid and, after completing it, examine the insect's nest.

Once you have all 4 pieces of armor, equip them and examine the orb that will appear over Harry's head. The trophy should be unlocked.

The Opener Of The Eighth Seal

Trophy type: silver - Disco Elysium: Achievements/Trophies - list, how to earn - Appendix - Disco Elysium Guide

Trophy type: silver

How to unlock: Warn them of the coming end 8 times.

Comment: When talking to people, choose dialogue options related to the end of the world, the apocalypse and evil omens. There are more than 8 required conversations to unlock the achievement. You can follow the progress in the journal - this is the Apocalypse cop statistic.

Expert Advanced Remote Viewer

Trophy type: bronze - Disco Elysium: Achievements/Trophies - list, how to earn - Appendix - Disco Elysium Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: See beyond the veil 6 times.

Comment: When talking to people, choose dialogue options related to supernatural phenomenon (dark energy, curses, other worlds, etc.). There are more than 6 required conversations to unlock the achievement.

Enemy Of The Physical Realm

Trophy type: silver - Disco Elysium: Achievements/Trophies - list, how to earn - Appendix - Disco Elysium Guide

Trophy type: silver

How to unlock: Bang up 5 inanimate objects.

Comment: Banging up items can appear in the list of behavior options after interacting with them - these can be, e.g. a letter box in front of the bookstore (can be kicked twice, before and after completing the task Get two signatures for Evrart), a furnace in the Doomed Commercial Area (picture above), a trash can next to Whirling-in-Rags, a balcony door in Klaasje's hotel room or a reed tree near the pawnshop.

Each kick costs at least 1 health point. Make sure you have more of them in stock and use medicine if necessary.

Recruit Detective Kuuno de Ruyter

Trophy type: gold

How to unlock: Junior officer material.

Comment: This is a similar trophy to Recruit Detective Kim Kitsuragi, but more difficult. In the task Return to the Whirling-in-Rags, you have to get Kim hospitalized. Cuno will then replace Kim as your partner and will accompany you until the end of the game.

You can get the achievement during the last conversation in the game, i.e. The Return quest. After giving a lengthy investigation report, you can talk to Cuno and ask him about his next plans. This will allow you to invite Cuno to work at Station 41.

Baddest Of the Bad Cops

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Hit an all time low with Kim.

Comment: This is the opposite of the previously described trophy Goodest Of The Good Cops. You need to earn -5 Good Cop/Bad Cop points - you can track it in the journal.

Seek every opportunity to criticize Kim, disagree with his conclusions, reject his suggestions, show racism and prove to him that you are a bad cop.

Massive Torque Dork

Trophy type: bronze - Disco Elysium: Achievements/Trophies - list, how to earn - Appendix - Disco Elysium Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Yack about machines 4 times.

Comment: For this achievement, you must choose dialogue and behavior options where you show your fascination with machines and vehicles.

Among the examples are spotting a lever in Kim's car, Tommy Le Homme's truck (image above) and talking to him about vehicles (possible 2 points), or talking to Kim about the industrial crane in the harbor (while walking on the roof to the port).

The Most Honourable Cop in The Land

Trophy type: silver - Disco Elysium: Achievements/Trophies - list, how to earn - Appendix - Disco Elysium Guide

Trophy type: silver

How to unlock: Gather 11 honour points.

Comment: Act honorably during the game - admit mistakes, respect the opinions of others (e.g. do not forcefully open the curtains in the bookstore when the bookstore owner tells you not to), do not accept money, return the received items if the game allows it, maintain professionalism during the visual inspection of corpses, etc.

You can track your progress in the journal - the Honour stat is on the right (image above).

Venture into the HARDCORE

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Godspeed.

Comment: In the main menu, turn on extreme mode. Start the game and complete any task - the easiest way is to complete the Find Your Other Shoe task.


Trophy type: gold - Disco Elysium: Achievements/Trophies - list, how to earn - Appendix - Disco Elysium Guide

Trophy type: gold

How to unlock: Phase shifted for 3 seconds.

Comment: The achievement is a kind of easter egg - your character must move outside the playable area of the game.

Enter the Doomed Commercial Area at the back of the bookstore. Follow the corridors to the place in the picture - this is the end of the corridor with the white bird. Hide the flashlight so that darkness sets in. Save the game and load it. Harry will appear in total darkness, that is, in a place where he should not be without a flashlight - talk to Kim (find him in the darkness), and he will point out that the flashlight is off. This will unlock the trophy.

True Detective

Trophy type: gold

How to unlock: Finish the game in HARDCORE mode.

Comment: You must select the Hardcore mode before starting a new game in the options menu - we described its assumptions on the Hardcore Mode page. Reach the main ending of the game (The Return task). The achievement will unlock just before the credits.

Real musor

Trophy type: bronze - Disco Elysium: Achievements/Trophies - list, how to earn - Appendix - Disco Elysium Guide

Trophy type: bronze

How to unlock: Part cop, all hobo.

Comment: The achievement will be unlocked when you spend the night in the dumpster. At the end of the day, tell Garte that you can't afford the night, and then ask him for the key to the dumpster. When you approach the container at the back of the Whirling-In-Rags building, you will get the option to sleep in it (picture above).

Note - This action ends the game prematurely. Make sure you have created a save.

Gluten-Free Topping Pie

Trophy type: gold

How to unlock: Next you're cutting out carbs.

Comment: You have to complete the secret task Get topping pie from Gary - we described it in our walkthrough. It is available right after completing the Inspect the traps task. Gary will later disappear, meaning you won't be able to get the achievement.

Avowed Inframaterialist

Trophy type: silver

How to unlock: Don't call it a book club.

Comment: You have to unlock and complete the quest related to communists - Get yourself organized - we described it in our walkthrough.

The Icebreaker

Trophy type: silver

How to unlock: You can still move your face with your fingers.

Comment: You need to unlock and complete the quest related to fascists - Turn Back the Wheels of Time - we described it in our walkthrough.

Networthy Individual

Trophy type: silver

How to unlock: Every day you're husslin'...

Comment: You need to unlock and complete the quest related to ultraliberals -Become a man of plenty - we described it in our walkthrough.

Committee of la Responsabilite

Trophy type: silver

How to unlock: Someone should do something about this.

Comment: You have to unlock and complete the quest related to moralists - Take on La Responsibilite - we described it in our walkthrough.

What body?

Trophy type: silver

How to unlock: Solve the case without even inspecting the body.

Comment: Leave the trophy for the second playthrough, because it requires doing the investigation in a very specific way. Do not click on the body of the hanged man next to the Whirling-in-Rags - you cannot examine the body even while it is hanging. You also can't take it down. You can: examine the traces of shoes on the ground, talk with Cuno, search the dumpster.

Also, ignore the other corpses that you may come across on the west coast - they are linked to the side quest Dead Body on the Boardwalk.

In the game's finale (The Return quest), you must confirm in the final conversation that you have completed the investigation without looking at the body. Then you will unlock the achievement.

Medal dyspenser

Trophy type: silver - Disco Elysium: Achievements/Trophies - list, how to earn - Appendix - Disco Elysium Guide

Trophy type: silver

How to unlock: Here, just have one. They're free.

Comment: The achievement consists of 2 parts - receiving a medal and giving it to another person. You can get a medal from Rene - you will meet the man near the bookstore, e.g. during the Ask the petanque player about the may bells side quest. During the conversation, pass the Drama skill check and Rene will give you his medal.

You can give the medal to the Pigs - you will meet this woman during the Confront the Pigs and get your gun back quest. Lead the conversation is such a way so you can pass the Authority skill check and convince the Pigs to retire. This will allow you to “reward” her with a medal and get the trophy.

Hardie’s Heroes

Trophy type: silver - Disco Elysium: Achievements/Trophies - list, how to earn - Appendix - Disco Elysium Guide

Trophy type: silver

How to unlock: Pour one out for social democracy.

Comment: You must complete the Tribunal quest, i.e. the confrontation in front of the hostel - Return to the Whirling-in-Rags. It is important to not let Titus die during the confrontation.

Talk to Titus on the 6th day - find him again in the cafe on the ground floor. In the course of the conversation, say that people like him would be useful to RCM. This will reward you with the achievement.

Disco Elysium

October 15, 2019

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