Dragons Dogma 2: How to save the game?
DD2 offers several options for saving the game state. On this page, we will tell you how they differ and which one to use at what point.
In Dragons Dogma 2, players can save their progress in several ways. Each of the available forms of saving one's progress is treated by the game in a slightly different way. Before starting the game, it is important to familiarize yourself with all available options to avoid unpleasant surprises such as accidentally overwriting one's progress. This page explains all the available variants.
Manual saves

The basic way to save the game is to use the appropriate option from the menu. At almost any point in the game, you can navigate to the pause screen, where you can choose the last option - "System". In the "Save" tab you can decide whether you want to save the game and continue playing, save and exit to the main menu, or exit the game without saving.

To resume the game, select the "Load from Last Save" option on the title screen. DD2 will get you to the place where you last created a manual save.
DD2 also saves the game automatically. During exploration, the game will occasionally make an additional save for you, which will replace the last manual save. However, our experience shows that this automated system works quite selectively, and it is good practice to make a manual save from time to time on your own.
Saving at the tavern

An alternative way to save the game is to rest in a tavern. If you decide to use the services of a similar establishment (marked with a bed icon on the map), in addition to regenerating your health and stamina, the game will remember your location, to which you will be able to return in the future.
To load the game in the last inn you visited, select the "Load form Last Inn Rest" option from the main menu. This option will overwrite any manual save made after resting. It will be especially useful in situations where your manual save is in a rather unfortunate place, and you would like to repeat a certain section of the game. For this reason, it is a very good idea to visit taverns from time to time, which will create a series of "spare" save files for you.

What is very important - RESTING IN CAMPS DOES NOT COUNT AS REST AT AN INN! Although spending the night by the fire will allow your party to regenerate, it will not create an additional save file. The option to load the game from an inn will always place you in the last tavern where you spent the night.
Loading the game after death

If your character dies, the game will give you the option to load the game from the last save point. However, this option comes with a penalty in the form of lowering your maximum health level. This debuff will certainly not help you when trying to complete a difficult sequence again, and regaining full health will require you to rest at an inn or camp.
The second option is to load the game from the last inn where you rested. This option does not come with any additional penalty. So this is another reason why it is so important to regularly visit and save the game at the inns scattered around the map.
Can I start a new game?
Unfortunately, at the moment Dragons Dogma 2 does not support multiple saves - you can only start one game, which cannot be deleted later. To start a new playthrough from scratch, you must either complete the game and start New Game Plus, or delete all save files (which means you will not be able to go back to your original playthrough). Capcom has promised to introduce the possibility of starting a new game in the unspecified future, but for now deleting save files is the only option.
Deleting save files on PC consists of two steps. First, you need to disable Steam Cloud - to do this, go to the Steam platform and right-click on Dragon's Dogma 2 in your game library. Click "Properties" and uncheck the option "Keep games saves in the Steam Cloud".
Then you need to go into the game files and manually delete your save file. Go to Local disk (C):/Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata. Next, go to the folder indicating your Steam profile (it is saved as several numbers in a row, there will be as many folders as you have profiles registered on your computer). Now you need to find the save files for Dragons Dogma 2 - they are hidden in the 2054970 folder. Lastly, go to the remote folder and delete the win64_save folder. This will permanently delete your save files and allow you to start the game completely from the beginning.
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