Dragons Dogma 2: How to cross the border?
After completing the first major act of Dragons Dogma 2, you will have to go to Battahl to continue the main storyline. On this page of the guide we have described how to legally cross the border between Vermund and Battahl.
After the conclusion of the first act of Dragons Dogma 2, to continue with the story, you'll need to cross the border to enter Battahl, a neighboring nation. This objective will be given to you after taking part in the false Arisen's coronation along with Captain Brant, and this event we describe on a dedicated page of our guide. However, there is a problem - to cross the border between kingdoms, you need an Entry Permit. On this page of our guide, we show how to cross the border to Battahl.
- How to obtain an Entry Permit?
- How to cross the border with a Merchant's Border Entry Permit?
- How to cross the border with a Beastren Border Entry Permit?
- How to cross the border without a Permit?
How to obtain an Entry Permit?

- An Entry Permit is received from Captain Brant after the coronation of the false Arisen. The task to reach the border is a story objective and also a point of no return, which passing cancels many quests. After the failed confrontation, Brant asks for time to formulate a new plan. Do as he says - you can sit on a bench with a red scarf next to the Captain and choose to Doze Off (button visible in the bottom right corner of the screen) to quickly fast forward the time.
- After waiting a few hours and talking to Brant, he will order you to go to Battahl, providing you with an Entry Permit that will allow you to get past the border crossing and into the country.
- The exact type of the received Permit depends on your decision made in one of the previous quests for Brant - The Arisen's Shadow. You can look up the quest on a separate page of our guide. If you have managed to capture the spy, Brant will give you Merchant's Border Entry Permit taken from him. If you haven't completed the quest or let the spy go free, Brant will give you Beastren Border Entry Permit.

- With the Permit in hand, regardless of the type, you must travel to the border. The crossing is in Checkpoint Rest Town, far west from Vernworth - you can ride an Oxcart there (the transports leading to that destination can be found at the western gate of the capital). After reaching the town, approach the border crossing in the southern part of the settlement.
How to cross the border with a Merchant's Border Entry Permit?

- If Merchant's Border Entry Permit was the Permit you received from Brant, the crossing will be immensely easy. Simply approach the gate, watch a cut-scene, talk to the guard and show him the Permit.
- You can now freely cross the border whenever you want. The gate will automatically open when you approach it. You can now proceed with the main storyline and explore the new region of the game.
How to cross the border with a Beastren Border Entry Permit?

- If Brant gave you the Beastren Border Entry Permit, things will get a little more complicated. Further developments depend on the race of your hero that you've chosen at the beginning of the game in the character creation screen. If you are a Beastren, just showing your pass is enough to freely cross the border.
- If playing as a Human, the Permit alone won't do the trick. To cross the border, you need a disguise - Beastren Mask, which when equipped allows the player to pass as Beastren. The mask can be found in Ibrahim's Scrap Store, a shop of a local forger. This store is fortunately also in Checkpoint Rest Town, which means right next to the crossing, and additionally, it will be marked with a quill and paper icon.

- You have to buy the mask for 8,700 G (Watch out - Ibrahim also sells counterfeit versions of valuable items that you may consider buying). To not get scammed, pay attention to the item's description and typos in item names e.g. fake Ferrystones are called Ferristones). Equip the newly bought mask, return to the crossing and show the guard your Permit.
- The crossing is now open, but every time you want to cross the border, you'll need to equip the Beastren Mask, so make sure to not sell it and keep in inventory. You can now proceed with the main storyline and explore the new region of the game.
How to cross the border without a Permit?
If you haven't reached the moment in the main story where you receive the Permit, you still can cross the border between warring nations. There are 2 ways to do this:

- The first option involves sneaking through the gate as a stowaway in one of the carts passing through the gate. Carts appear at the checkpoint every now and then and are easily let through by the guards. Make use of it and at the right moment, jump on the cart's canopy or swiftly run by next to it when it is led through the gate. Another good approach is to sneak inside the cart, but for this to work, you must make sure that there is nobody inside. The NPCs will not be thrilled with your sudden intrusion into the vehicle.
Carts most often cross the border during the afternoon or evening. Use one of the town benches to fast forward the time.

- Another viable alternative is crossing through a location called Thunderclap Cave. The cave connecting the nations is located west of the border crossing. To get there, leave Checkpoint Rest Town through the northern exit, and then head west along the deep riverbed. Over time, you will reach a paved road that will lead you to the cave. Be careful, however, as the cave is home to dangerous monsters who can easily kill a less experienced team.
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