Remains of the Outlaw Bearded Beast; Eustice's Pommel Dragon Age II Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Remains of the Outlaw Bearded Beast
Received from: Automatically after finding the Remains of the Outlaw Bearded Beast [Bone Pit]
Finding the remains will be possible after starting to perform an additional quest Bone Pit and unblocking the localization with the same name. Luckily the area will be active after finishing your work in the mine. After reaching the place go south for a while and the Remains of the Outlaw Bearded Beast should be visible by the rocks#1 (M31, 2). Now you can leave the area and go during the day to localization [Docks]. Find Arintal The Smaller in the southern part of the docks #2 (M19, 6). As a reward for passing the remains of the bandit to him you will get 1 sovereign.
Eustice's Pommel
Received from: Automatically after finding Eustice's Pommel [Bone Pit - The Mines of Bone Pit]
Finding the capital will be possible after taking part in an additional quest Bone Pit. After getting to the localization [Bone Pit - The Mines of The Bone Pit] (M32, 1) you will start to explore the areas occupied by the dragons. The capital can be found in the southern part of the mines, to be more precise, near the narrow passage #1. Be careful because while using the passage (M32, 4) you will be attacked be a group of Dragonlings #2, which you have to eliminate first.
After eliminating all Dragonlings, explore the area south from the passage and you will come across a bag #1 (M32, 5) with Eustice's Pommel. Now you can leave the area and go during the day to localization [Hightown - Viscount's Keep]. Go to the southern part of the citadel and find Eustice's guard #2 (M9, 6). As a reward for giving her the capitol you will get 1 sovereign.