Map M43 Sanctuary; Map M44 Deep Roads | Maps Dragon Age II Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Map M43: Sanctuary
1. [Act I] Starting point (Main quest: Enemies Among Us).
2. [Act I] Keran and Tarohne (Main quest: Enemies Among Us).
3. [Act I] Sack (Side quest: Grimoire of the Apprentice).
4. [Act I] Passage to: Darktown (Main quest: Shepherding Wolves).
Map M44: Deep Roads
1. [Act I] Starting point (Main quest: The Deep Roads Expedition).
2. [Act I] Monstrous Spider and other Spiders (Main quest: The Deep Roads Expedition).
3. [Act I] Sandal (Main quest: The Deep Roads Expedition). [Act II] Ivan (Secondary quest: Fool's Gold).
4. [Act I] Room with an Ogre and traps (Main quest: The Deep Roads Expedition).
5. [Act I] Dragon and Dragonlings (Main quest: The Deep Roads Expedition).
6. [Act I] Passage to: Primeval Ruins (Main quest: The Deep Roads Expedition).
7. [Act II] Starting point (Secondary quest: Fool's Gold).
8. [Act II] Emrys (Secondary quest: Fool's Gold).
9. [Act II] Merin (Secondary quest: Fool's Gold).
10. [Act II] Golem (Secondary quest: Fool's Gold).
11. [Act II] Fight with an Ogre and Darkspawns (Secondary quest: Fool's Gold). [Act III] Grey Wardens camp (Secondary quest: Finding Nathaniel).
12. [Act II] Treasury (Secondary quest: Fool's Gold). [Act II] Lyrium-Laced Bilge Hoop (Side quest: Lyrium-Laced Bilge Hoop).
13. [Act II] Exit from the Deep Roads (Secondary quest: Fool's Gold).
14. [Act I] Grey Wardens search starting point (Main quest: The Deep Roads Expedition).
15. [Act III] Starting point (Secondary quest: Finding Nathaniel).
16. [Act III] Nathaniel and Darkspawns (Secondary quest: Finding Nathaniel).
17. [Act III] Temmerin Glavonak (Secondary quest: Finding Nathaniel).
18. [Act II] Exit from Deep Roads (Secondary quest: Finding Nathaniel).