Map M9 Viscount's Keep (daytime); Map M10 Viscount's Keep (night-time) | Maps Dragon Age II Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Map M9: Viscount's Keep (daytime)
1. Passage to: Hightown.
2. Companion's home: Aveline.
3. [Act I] Aveline (Main quest: A Friend in the Guard). [Act I] guards schedule (Companion quest: The Way It Should Be). [Act II] guards schedule (Companion quest: The Long Road).
4. [Act I] Bottled Scar 5:34 Exalted (Side quest: Bottled Scar 5:34 Exalted).
5. [Act I] Captain Jeven's room (Companion quest: The Way It Should Be). [Act I] Aveline (Companion quest: The Way It Should Be).
6. [Act I] Guard Eustice (Side quest: Eustice's Pommel).
7. [Act I] Viscount Dumar (Secondary quest: The Unbidden Rescue). [Act II] Viscount Dumar (Main quest: Blackpowder Courtesy).
8. [Act II] Jalen (Secondary quest: Raiders on the Cliffs).
9. [Act II] Evil tome (Side quest: Forbidden Knowledge).
10. [Act II] Seneschal Bran (Main quest: Profit and Loss).
11. [Act II] Guard Donnic (Companion quest: The Long Road).
12. [Act III] King Alistair (Side quest: King Alistair).
13. [Act I] Seneschal Bran (Secondary quest: The Unbidden Rescue).
Map M10: Viscount's Keep (night-time)
1. Passage to: Hightown. [Act II] Starting point (Main quest: Demands of the Qun).
2. [Act II] Door to the hostages room (Main quest: Demands of the Qun). [Act III] Door to the throne room (Companion quest: Faith).
3. [Act II] Arishok and other Qunaris (Main quest: Demands of the Qun).
4. [Act III] Closed door (Companion quest: Faith).
5. [Act III] Place of the battle with mages and meeting place with Sister Nightingale (Companion quest: Faith).