The Sims 4: Writer - promotion, working hours, earnings
Working as a writer in The Sims 4 doesn't generate much revenue by itself, but requires developing writing skills - this career path lets you write books, which is a good source of extra Simoleons. This career path is quite simple, and the positions held don't require frequent trips to work, which also helps when you want to have a part-time job. All this adds up to an interesting job with many opportunities for additional activities. On this page of the guide, you will learn all the information about the writer's career - earnings, requirements for promotion, as well as about working days and hours.
General information

This career is interesting although unprofitable. You have to focus on the Writing skill and one branch also requires Charisma. This entire career irrespective of what branch will you choose requires the Inspired emotion. After you will pass the 5th rank you will have to choose between the Author (A) branch and the Journalist (B) branch.
The Author branch is easier to complete although it gives you a terrible income which is 5580 Simoleons per week (for 2 working days per week and 6 working hours per day). Thankfully you can increase this income by writing new books. Being the Journalist requires more effort since you additionally have to learn Charisma and you have to make interviews with people and the income is still not that high - only 6888 Simoleons per week (with 6 working hours per day 4 working days per week). Both branches are unprofitable and the only way to receive a decent income is to write a lot of books what will provide you a decent royalties (even 1000-2000 Simoleons per day).

Your daily task is to read some books. Click on a bookshelf and choose the "Read something" option. However the best option is to buy a book which will learn you the Writing skill. This will allow you to complete your daily task and learn at the same time. To reach the second rank in this career you have to write for 3 hours. To do so click on a computer and choose the "Write..." > "Train writing" option. Remember to always go to your work with the Inspired emotion. To do so you should go to the bathroom one hour before work, click on a shower and choose the "Think under the shower" option. After you will become a Blogger (2) your next promotion requires you to learn the 2nd level of Writing. To accomplish this you can continue to train writing or you can read a book learning Writing (volume 1). Your Sim also has to write a book (click on a computer and choose the "Write..." > "Write a book of the specific genre" > "Write a children's book" option which is probably the only option you have unlocked).

When you will be promoted to the Freelance Article Writer (3) position you will receive a very useful gift which is the painting called the Still Life with Apple and Pitcher and Books and Bottles and Flowers!. You should hang it in a room with your computer and turn on the aura which increases your Sim's Inspired emotion. Keep learning Writing using a computer or a book until you will reach the 3rd level. You also have to self-publish your book. Click on a mailbox and choose the "Self-publish..." option and then select a book which you want to publish. Remember to keep Inspiring yourself under the shower before you will go to your work and to keep reading to complete your daily task (you can point at the job evaluation in the career menu to control your task's status).

When you will become an Advice Columnist (4) you have to learn the 4th level of Writing and write 3 books. Learning new levels will unlock new literacy genres in which you can create (a tale, fiction, poetry et cetera) and you should use them. When you will become a Regular Contributor (5) you will also receive a very useful gift which is An Open Book - Framed which you can hang on your wall close to a computer and turn on its Inspiring aura. Now you need to learn the 5th level of Writing and publish 4 books as well. If you wrote 3 books before you only need to write another one and self-publish all of them. Once you will meet the promotion requirements you can choose your further path between the Author (A) branch or the Journalist (B) branch.

If you will choose the A branch you will become a Short Story Writer (6 A). Your daily task is to write new books. You need to keep being Inspired. To be promoted you need to reach the 7th level of Writing what is basically an automatic process since you are spending a lot of time writing. You also need to earn 500 Simoleons on your books. To do so you have to write new books and sell them to a publisher (by clicking on a mailbox) what is a more profitable source of income than the self-publishing. Now you have to wait for a few days for your salary. The more books you will write, the faster you will earn needed amount of Simoleons and these royalties will also be useful on one of the future ranks.

When you will become a Novelist (7 A) you have to learn the 8th level of Writing and to write 5 books (however you shouldn't sell them yet). You will be promoted to a Fan Favorite (8 A). You will receive another gift (the Nom de Plume Quill Pen) which will Inspire your Sim if you will hang it on your wall. You need to learn the 9th level of Writing and earn 2500 Simoleons from your books. Now you should publish these books which you have written not such a long time ago. Write new books and publish them as well. You will earn your royalties every day.

When you will become a Bestselling Author (9 A) you will have to learn the 10th level of Writing. Your second quest is to send a book to the Literary Digest. You can do that through your mailbox and you will have to use a book which you have written but you haven't published it yet. It is the most profitable way of publishing a book. However there is a problem which you cannot skip. To be promoted on the next rank you have to publish this way two books, however the Literary Digest will publish only one of your books per week. It means you have to wait THE ENTIRE WEEK before you will be able to send them another book and then you will finally have a chance of being promoted.

After you will become a Creator of Worlds (10 A) you will receive the Unlocked Door of Perception. You work only two days per week and six hours per day however you earn only 5580 Simoleons. So basically your job is pretty lame however you can earn a lot of money every day if you will spend a lot of extra time writing new books.

If you will choose the B branch you will be promoted to a Page Two Journalist (6 B). Your daily task is to write articles. You still have to be Inspired in work. To be promoted you need to learn the 7th level of Writing and the 2nd level of Charisma (which you can learn using a mirror or by speaking with other Sims and using interactions which have the sunglasses icon). You also have to write 3 articles. To do so your Sim has to meet with other Sims (even if they are some random people met in front of your house). During your friendly conversation you can ask them to let you interview them. Do it with three Sims and return to your home. Click on your computer and choose if you want to write a positive or negative article about a specific Sim. Writing an article doesn't take a lot of time. Remember that if you will write a negative article it will affect your relationship with Sim which your article is about.

As a Front Page Writer (7 B) you have to learn the 8th level of Writing and the 2nd level of Charisma and you have to write another 5 articles. Speak with more Sims and write new articles. The entire process takes a lot of time. You will become an Investigate Journalist (8 B) and you will receive the Where Should I Go? Ball which you can put somewhere in your house and "Observe" it before you will go to work - the Inspired Sim is guaranteed for at least 4 hours. You need to learn the 9th level of Writing and the 4th level of Charisma and you also have to earn 3000 Simoleons with your articles. You need to interview a lot of people and it's fairy monotonous. You also can use an interaction called "Make a biographical interview".

Finally you will become an Editor-in-Chief (9 B) however your work and your actions will not really change. You will receive a new interesting reward which is an Antique Typewriter. Now you can learn the 10th level of Writing and the 5th level of Charisma. You also have to earn 5000 Simoleons with your articles. Unfortunately it still means you have to focus on making interviews.

At the top of this career path you will become a Scribe of History (10 B) and you will receive a Deep Thoughts Bookcase. You have to work 4 days per week 6 hours per day and you earn slightly better than in the A branch (6 888 Simoleons) however becoming a Scribe takes a really, really lot of time so this income is pretty low. However you can still use your Writing skill to write and sell new books.
Working hours and days
Rank | Position | Working Hours | Working Days |
1 | Writer's Assistant | 11 AM - 7 PM | Mon Wed Fri Sun |
2 | Blogger | 11 AM - 7 PM | Mon Wed Fri Sun |
3 | Freelance Article Writer | 09 AM - 5 PM | Mon Tue Thu Sun |
4 | Advice Columnist | 09 AM - 5 PM | Mon Tue Thu Sun |
5 | Regular Contributor | 08 AM - 4 PM | Mon Thu Wed Fri |
6 A | Short Story Writer | 1 PM - 9 PM | Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun |
7 A | Novelist | 1 PM - 8 PM | Wed Thu Sat Sun |
8 A | Fan Favorite | 12 AM - 5 PM | Wed Thu Sat Sun |
9 A | Bestselling Author | 12 AM - 5 PM | Tue Wed Sun |
10 A | Creator of Worlds | 12 AM - 6 PM | Tue Sun |
6 B | Page Two Journalist | 08 AM - 4 PM | Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri |
7 B | Front Page Writer | 08 AM - 3 PM | Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri |
8 B | Investigative Journalist | 09 AM - 4 PM | Mon Tue Wed Thu |
9 B | Editor-in-Chief | 09 AM - 4 PM | Mon Tue Wed Thu |
10 B | Scribe of History | 10 AM - 4 PM | Mon Tue Wed Thu |
Legend: Mon - Monday, Tue - Tuesday, Wed - Wednesday, Thu - Thursday, Fri - Friday, Sat - Saturday, Sun - Sunday.
Earnings and requirements for promotion
Ran and Position | $/H | H | D | W | $/W | PR | Rew |
1. Writer's Assistant | 25 | 8 | 4 | 32 | 800 | Practice Writing for 3 hours | 407 |
2. Blogger | 32 | 8 | 4 | 32 | 1024 | Skill: Writing (2); write a book | 509 |
3. Freelance Article Writer | 38 | 8 | 4 | 32 | 1216 | Skill: Writing (3); self-publish 2 books | 611 |
4. Advice Columnist | 44 | 8 | 4 | 32 | 1408 | Skill: Writing (4); write 3 books | 703 |
5. Regular Contributor | 50 | 8 | 4 | 32 | 1600 | Skill: Writing (5); self-publish 4 books | 956 |
6 A. Short Story Writer | 60 | 8 | 5 | 40 | 2400 | Skill: Writing (7); earn 500 Simoleons publishing books | 1243 |
7 A. Novelist | 115 | 7 | 4 | 28 | 3220 | Skill: Writing (8); write 5 books | 1808 |
8 A. Fan Favorite | 202 | 5 | 4 | 20 | 4040 | Skill: Writing (9); earn 2500 Simoleons publishing books | 2421 |
9 A. Bestselling Author | 296 | 5 | 3 | 15 | 4440 | Skill: Writing (10); send two books to Literary Digest | 2885 |
10 A. Creator of Worlds | 465 | 6 | 2 | 12 | 5580 | - | - |
6 B. Page Two Journalist | 56 | 8 | 5 | 40 | 2240 | Skill: Writing (7), Charisma (2); write 3 articles | 1562 |
7 B. Front Page Writer | 83 | 7 | 5 | 35 | 2905 | Skill: Writing (8), Charisma (3); write 5 articles | 2031 |
8 B. Investigative Journalist | 145 | 7 | 4 | 28 | 4060 | Skill: Writing (9), Charisma (4); earn 3000 Simoleons publishing articles | 2844 |
9 B. Editor-in-Chief | 189 | 7 | 4 | 28 | 5292 | Skill: Writing (10), Charisma (5); earn 5000 Simoleons publishing articles | 3697 |
10 B. Scribe of History | 287 | 6 | 4 | 24 | 6888 | - | - |
$/H - the salary for an hour (in Simoleons);
H - an amount of hours per working day;
D - an amount of working days per week;
W - a sum of working hours per week;
$/W - a total salary per week;
PR - promotion requirements which you have to meet to be promoted to a higher position (sk. = a skill. The number in a parenthesis shows the level of a skill which you have to reach);
Reward - a reward for being promoted to a higher position (in Simoleons).
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