The Sims 4: Secret Agent - promotion, working hours, earnings


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Secret agent career gives you some of the best revenue in The Sims 4. This comes at the price of a difficult promotion path, but the final salary compensates for the effort put in developing the necessary skills. This page of The Sims 4 guide, has all the requirements for promotion, as well as the earnings, and working days and hours for a secret agent's career.

General information

Its a very interesting and also a very challenging career - The Sims 4: Secret Agent - promotion, working hours, earnings - Careers / jobs tracks - Sims 4 Guide

It's a very interesting and also a very challenging career. You will have to learn a few skills at the same time especially Fitness, Charisma and Programming and the second branch also requires the Mischief. At first you will need to work with the Confident emotion. The first branch will require to keep being Confident however the second branch will require the Focused emotion instead. You will choose your branch after the 7th rank of this career. You will choose between the Diamond Agent (A) branch and the Villain (B) branch. The Villain's path is exceptional since the top position of this career will be achieved on the 11th rank instead of the 10th rank (unlike every other career).

This career is very attractive and profitable. The main problem is that you have to make a lot of friends on the first branch however there is no need for you to learn a 10th level of any specific skill (the top skill level will be exactly 8). The B branch however requires you to learn the 10th level of Mischief. The salary in both branches are very high. As a Diamond Agent (A) you will earn 12780 Simoleons (while working only for 3 days per week however for 15 hours per day) and as a Villain (B) you will earn 12875 Simoleons (on the 11th level you will work 5 days per week 5 hours per day).


You are going to start as an Agency Clerk (1) - The Sims 4: Secret Agent - promotion, working hours, earnings - Careers / jobs tracks - Sims 4 Guide

You are going to start as an Agency Clerk (1). Your daily task is to browse the intelligence database on a computer. It is also your first promotion requirement which you will complete if you will spend two hours doing it. Remember that it is your daily task and you should keep doing it in your free time. You also need to be Confident. It is very easy since you only need to click on a Mirror and choose the "Psych Self" option and then click on a sink to choose the "Wash Teeth" option.

When you will be promoted to the Intelligence Researcher (2) position you will be rewarded with a Swiveler which increases your Confident emotion - The Sims 4: Secret Agent - promotion, working hours, earnings - Careers / jobs tracks - Sims 4 Guide

When you will be promoted to the Intelligence Researcher (2) position you will be rewarded with a Swiveler which increases your Confident emotion. Put it in front of your desk and turn on its aura. Now you need to develop the Programming skill. Click on a computer and choose the "Learn programming" option what will complete this task very fast. Remember to keep going to work with the Confident emotion.

When you will become an Agent Handler (3) you will have to learn the 2nd level of Charisma (Train speeches with a mirror) - The Sims 4: Secret Agent - promotion, working hours, earnings - Careers / jobs tracks - Sims 4 Guide

When you will become an Agent Handler (3) you will have to learn the 2nd level of Charisma ("Train speeches" with a mirror). Your second task is to make three friends. It's easier if you already have some friends or family. If you live alone just go to a public place or even on a street and meet some random Sims using options from both "Friendly" and "Funny" categories.

You will be promoted to the Field Agent (4) position - The Sims 4: Secret Agent - promotion, working hours, earnings - Careers / jobs tracks - Sims 4 Guide

You will be promoted to the Field Agent (4) position. You have to learn the 3rd level of Fitness. You can use for example a treadmill. You also need to browse intelligence on your computer for two hours. You will become a Lead Detective (5) and you will receive a Reconnaissance Workstation which increases your Sim's Confident emotion. You have to keep learning until you will reach the 5th level of Charisma (use a mirror and interact with other Sims with interactions marked with sunglasses). Your second promotion requirement is to have five friends. Remember to keep calling and meeting with your old friends. Unfortunately it all takes a lot of time. You can save some time using a computer and interacting with a Sim which you want to contact with.

As a Government Agent (6) you need to return to physical training and to learn the 5th level of Fitness - The Sims 4: Secret Agent - promotion, working hours, earnings - Careers / jobs tracks - Sims 4 Guide

As a Government Agent (6) you need to return to physical training and to learn the 5th level of Fitness. Remember to not deplete your Sim too much. You also need to learn the 3rd level of Programming.

You will become a Secret Agent (7) - The Sims 4: Secret Agent - promotion, working hours, earnings - Careers / jobs tracks - Sims 4 Guide

You will become a Secret Agent (7). You need to learn the 5th level of Charisma (with the already described method) and you also have to investigate 3 Sims with a computer. When you will choose the "Investigate" option in the Internet you may choose a Sim which you know. Do it three times in total however remember that you have to wait for a while before you will be able to repeat this action. When you will meet the promotion requirements you will be able to choose between two career branches: the Diamond Agent (A) branch or the Villain (B) branch.

If you will choose the A branch you will become a Spy Captain (8 A) - The Sims 4: Secret Agent - promotion, working hours, earnings - Careers / jobs tracks - Sims 4 Guide

If you will choose the A branch you will become a Spy Captain (8 A). Your daily task is to be involved into romantic interactions. The easiest way to do that is to live with a partner or a spouse. You will be able to complete this task just by flirting with your other half. You can also flirt with other Sims. Keep having the Confident emotion during your working hours. You need to learn the 7th level of Fitness and the 7th level of Charisma (you already know how to accomplish that).

You will be promoted to the Shadow Agent (9 A) position - The Sims 4: Secret Agent - promotion, working hours, earnings - Careers / jobs tracks - Sims 4 Guide

You will be promoted to the Shadow Agent (9 A) position. You need to meet three promotion requirements. First two are learning the 8th level of Fitness and the 8th level of Charisma what is not really problematic however it takes a lot of time. Your third task is to have 8 friends. Meet other Sims, invite them to your house, go to a bar and so on. Develop your friendly relationships with interactions from both "Friendly" and "Funny" categories. Don't invite and neither call anyone during night hours however you can still interact by using a computer. This task is very difficult and takes a huge amount of time. Remember that your friends can sometimes stop being so friendly so you should keep contacting them to be sure that you are still close with them.

You will be promoted to the Double Diamond Agent (10 A) position - The Sims 4: Secret Agent - promotion, working hours, earnings - Careers / jobs tracks - Sims 4 Guide

You will be promoted to the Double Diamond Agent (10 A) position. You work only 3 days per week however it's also related with working 15 hours per day. Still your salary is huge (12780 Simoleons). During this career don't be afraid of the amount of friends which you have to make to be promoted. Even though you have to learn two skills (Fitness and Charisma) you only need to develop them to the 8th level instead of the highest level possible.

If you will choose the B branch you will become a Moon Mercenary (8 B) and you will have to start going to work with the Focused emotion - The Sims 4: Secret Agent - promotion, working hours, earnings - Careers / jobs tracks - Sims 4 Guide

If you will choose the B branch you will become a Moon Mercenary (8 B) and you will have to start going to work with the Focused emotion. The best tool to accomplish that is to use a chessboard one hour before your work. Your daily task is to participate in mean interactions. Use these interactions against some random Sims from a street. It also helps you to learn Mischief which you need to develop to the 5th level. You also need to learn the 8th level of Fitness.

When you will be promoted to the [Redacted] (9 B) position you will have to learn the 4th level of Programming (use the Learn programming option on a computer) - The Sims 4: Secret Agent - promotion, working hours, earnings - Careers / jobs tracks - Sims 4 Guide

When you will be promoted to the [Redacted] (9 B) position you will have to learn the 4th level of Programming (use the "Learn programming" option on a computer). You also have to learn the 8th level of Mischief and you have to have two enemies. Keep using your mean interactions until you will be able to consider two other Sims your enemies (you can only do that if you will insult someone few times).

When you will be promoted to the Supreme Villain (10 B) position you will unlock an opportunity to be promoted one more time - The Sims 4: Secret Agent - promotion, working hours, earnings - Careers / jobs tracks - Sims 4 Guide

When you will be promoted to the Supreme Villain (10 B) position you will unlock an opportunity to be promoted one more time. You need to learn the 10th level of Mischief and the 6th level of Programming. You also have to expose three supervillains what is surprisingly easy since it is just another option from your mean interactions category. When you will be promoted to the top (11th) rank you will earn 12875 Simoleons for 5 days of work per week and 5 hours of work per day.

Working hours and days



Working Hours

Working Days


Agency Clerk

07 AM - 03 PM

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri


Intelligence Researcher

07 AM - 03 PM

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri


Agent Handler

08 AM - 04 PM

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri


Field Agent

10 AM - 06 PM

Mon Tue Wed Thu


Lead Detective

10 AM - 07 PM

Mon Tue Wed Thu


Government Agent

10 AM - 07 PM

Mon Tue Wed Thu


Secret Agent

02 PM - 10 PM

Tue Thu Sun

8 A

Spy Captain

02 PM - 10 PM

Wed Thu Sun

9 A

Shadow Agent

02 PM - 11 PM

Tue Wed Fri Sun

10 A

Double Diamond Agent

09 AM - 12 AM

Tue Thu Sun

8 B

Moon Mercenary

02 PM - 10 PM

Tue Fri Sun

9 B


06 AM - 01 PM

Tue Thu Fri Sun

10 B

Supreme Villain

02 PM - 08 PM

Tue Wed Fri Sun

11 B

Triple Agent

02 PM - 07 PM

Mon Tue Wed Fri Sun

Legend: Mon - Monday, Tue - Tuesday, Wed - Wednesday, Thu - Thursday, Fri - Friday, Sat - Saturday, Sun - Sunday.

Earnings and requirements for promotion

Rank and Position








1. Agency Clerk






Browse Intelligence Database on a computer


2. Intelligence Researcher






Skill: Programming (2)


3. Agent Handler






Skill: Charisma (2); have 3 friends


4. Field Agent






Skill: Fitness (3); Browse Intelligence for 2 hours


5. Lead Detective






Skill: Charisma (4); have 5 friends


6. Government Agent






Skill: Fitness (5), Programming (3)


7. Secret Agent






Skill: Charisma (5); Investigate 5 Sims


8 A. Spy Captain






Skill: Fitness (7), Charisma (7)


9 A. Shadow Agent






Skill: Fitness (8), Charisma (8); have 8 friends


10 A. Double Diamond Agent








8 B. Moon Mercenary






Skill: Mischief (5), Fitness (8)


9 B. [Redacted]






Skill: Mischief (8), Programming (4); have 2 enemies


10 B. Supreme Villain






Skill: Mischief (10), Programming (6); expose three Super Villains


11 B. Triple Agent









$/H - the salary for an hour (in Simoleons);

H - an amount of hours per working day;

D - an amount of working days per week;

W - a sum of working hours per week;

$/W - a total salary per week;

PR - promotion requirements which you have to meet to be promoted to a higher position (sk. = a skill. The number in a parenthesis shows the level of a skill which you have to reach);

Reward - a reward for being promoted to a higher position (in Simoleons).

The Sims 4

September 2, 2014

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