The Sims 4: Painter - promotion, working hours, earnings
A true artist pursuing a painter career shouldn't be discouraged by relatively low salaries. If your Sim continues to improve their skills, they can sell paintings themselves - this is a great source of additional revenue. Our The Sims 4 guide will tell you what skills to develop and what to do to advance your career as a painter.
General information

This is another artistic career which does not provide you a decent income by itself. You need to focus on the Painting skill and both branches require the Inspired emotion. After the sixth rank you have to choose the new branch of your career and your options are the Master of the Real (A) branch and the Patron of the Arts (B) branch.
The A branch is related to a very low income since its only 4920 Simoleons however you have to work only two days per week five hours per day. The rest of your time you can spend creating and selling masterpieces. The B branch requires the Charisma skill as well and it allows you to earn 6560 Simoleons working four days per week five hours per day. Basically you should do during this branch exactly the same thing as during the previous one - make additional paintings to increase your income. For a great big painting you will receive few hundreds Simoleons however the masterpiece can be worth much more - even over one thousand Simoleons. That's why you should remember to judge this career not only by the salaries amounts we listed.

You will begin your career as a Palette Cleaner (1). You need to work with Inspired emotion. To accomplish that take a shower one hour before your work (click on a shower and choose "Take a thoughtful shower" option). Your daily task will be just painting what is actually fairly easy. Your first promotion requirement is to admire three paintings. You can buy them, watch them in the museum or even paint them by yourself. Just click on a painting and select the "Admire" option.

You also need to learn the 2nd level of Painting. Buy an easel and start creating a small classical picture. Once you will finish you can sell it or hang it on your wall.

After you will become an Art Book Collator (2) you will receive a Picture Perfect Art Lighting which you should hang in the room where you paint and turn on its Inspiring aura. You have to keep painting every day for your daily task and learn the 3rd level of Painting. You should also use a computer and explore the internet to research art references. Your Sim has to this two times. You will be promoted to a Hungry Artist (3). You have to paint three pictures each one in different size. Basically you can use every art genre to create small, medium and big pictures. Just click on an easel and paint all three pictures one after another. It will also help you learn the 4th level of Painting which you also need to be promoted.

As a Watercolor Dabbler (4) you have to learn the 5th level of Painting. You will receive a new easel which you should start using instead of the old one since it allows you to paint higher quality paintings. Your second task is to create a great painting. Its quality can be good, excellent or it can be a masterpiece. When you will finish you can just point at it with your mouse to find out what is its quality.

You will become a Canvas Creator (5). You need to learn the 6th level of Painting and also to sell 5 paintings to the art gallery. Paint in whatever genre you want however if you want to save time you can focus on small or medium pictures and then click on them and sell them to the art gallery. You can also sell your older pictures to complete this task but only if they are not framed. The next rank is an Imaginative Imagist (6). You need the 7th level Painting and to paint three high-quality pictures in different sizes. You should start with a small one and if it will turn out to be good start painting in medium size and then the big size. HOWEVER if any of your pictures will turn out to be a masterpiece you should keep it and selling them right now will be a big waste. Also it is good to keep your high-quality paintings since they can be useful later. If you will meet the promotion requirements you will have to choose your career branch between the Master of the Real (A) and the Patron of the Arts (B).

If you will choose the A branch you will become an Artist En Residence (7 A). You will receive a new reward which is an Artist Supply Taboret. From now on your career will be pretty rough. Not only you have to learn the 7th level of Painting but also you have to paint one masterpiece what does not happen too often. You can increase your chances if you will spend your Lifetime Happiness points on the "Creative Visionary" trait (you can read about Lifetime Rewards in the chapter focused on a Sim's life). You can also increase your chances by reaching the highest level of Painting. It may take you few tries to succeed.

After you will be promoted to a Professional Painter (8 A) you will have to learn the 9th level of Painting. You will also receive a Deluxe All-Season Easel which you can use to create a higher quality paintings. You also have to create six excellent paintings, one for each genre: classical, abstract, impressionistic, pop art, realistic and surreal. Focus on small-sized paintings if you want to save your time. Remember to check if you really made an excellent paintings. If not, just try again until you will succeed.

After you will become an Illustrious Illustrator (9 A) you will have your most difficult task right ahead. You have to learn the 10th level of Painting what you will accomplish if you will just focus on creating new paintings. You also have to create and sell three masterpieces. Just try as many times as you have to. If you will create a masterpiece you will be informed by an information square in the upper right screen corner.

Remember that you still can help yourself by buying a Lifetime Reward which is a new trait named Creative Visionary (its cost is 2000 Lifetime Happiness points).

Your third task is to talk about art with a group of Sims. You have to use your interaction options smartly. You need to face at least two Sims at the same time. It's a lot easier if you have a family. You can also speak with your friends or with some random Sims you can meet on a street or in some public place such as a nightclub. During your group-conversation choose the "Describe Aesthetics" option from the "Friendly" category.

Finally you will be promoted to a Master of the Real (10 A) position and you will receive a not-so-attractive Flegel Studio Floor Lamp. You will earn 4920 Simoleons working 2 days per week 5 hours per day what is a very low amount. You can use your spare time to create new paintings. For creating big-sized excellent paintings you will receive a few hundreds Simoleons and for masterpieces you will receive over 1000 Simoleons. Considering that you can create 1-3 paintings per day you can receive even 9000 - 14000 Simoleons per week.

If you will choose the second branch you will become a Color Theory Critic (7 B). You will receive an Artiste Supply Taboret which increases the Sim's Inspiration if you will put it in front of an easel and turn on its aura. Learn the 8th level of Painting and admire 10 different work of arts which are paintings or sculptures. You probably don't have so many of them in your house. If so, the easiest way is to go to the Museum. Click on every piece of art and choose the "Admire" option. Admiring art will also become your new daily task. You should admire two or three different paintings every day to complete this task.

The last promotion requirement is to speak with 2 Sims about the color theory. It's super easy if you have additional two members of your family. If you don't you can invite your friends or meet two people on a street or in a public place. Choose the "Discuss Color Theory" option from the "Friendly" category. You don't have to talk with two people at the same time, you can do it simultaneously instead.

You will become a Fine-Art Aficionado (8 B) and you will receive an Pre-Owned Painter's Easel as a gift. You should use it from now on instead of your old easel. You have to keep painting. Learn the 9th level of Painting and (what is more difficult) paint one masterpiece. However masterpieces happen quite rare. You can increase your chances if you will spend your Lifetime Happiness points on the "Creative Visionary" trait (you can read about Lifetime Rewards in the chapter focused on a Sim's life). You can also increase your chances by reaching the highest level of Painting. It may take you few tries to succeed. Your third task is to describe aesthetics to three other Sims. It's easy if you will speak with your friends and you will just choose the "Describe Aesthetics" option from the "Friendly" category.

You will become a Composition Curator (9 B) and to be promoted to the last rank you have to complete three tasks. Learn the 10th level of Painting and the 3rd level of Charisma (the easiest way to do it is to practice speeches in front of a mirror) and (what is the most difficult task) you have to own 10 masterpieces in your house. That's why you could read before that selling masterpieces is not recommendable. You have to keep painting in different shapes and genres in hope that your Sim will create a masterpiece. You will be informed about creating a masterpiece by a box in the right upper corner. Remember that you still can help yourself by buying a Lifetime Reward which is a new trait named Creative Visionary (its cost is 2000 Lifetime Happiness points).

The top of your career will be the Patron of the Arts (10 B) position. You will work for four days per week five hours per day and basically you will receive a higher main salary than at the first branch - 6560 Simoleons. Your income is very low however you can earn more by selling your own paintings to at least double that value.
Working hours and days
Rank | Position | Working Hours | Working Days |
1 | Palette Cleaner | 09 AM - 5 PM | Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri |
2 | Art Book Collator | 09 AM - 5 PM | Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri |
3 | Hungry Artist | 09 AM - 5 PM | Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat |
4 | Watercolor Dabbler | 09 AM - 5 PM | Mon Tue Wed Fri Sat |
5 | Canvas Creator | 09 AM - 5 PM | Tue Wed Fri Sat Sun |
6 | Imaginative Imagist | 09 AM - 4 PM | Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun |
7 A | Artist En Residence | 10 AM - 7 PM | Mon Wed Thu Sat |
8 A | Professional Painter | 10 AM - 3 PM | Tue Thu Fri Sun |
9 A | Illustrious Illustrator | 10 AM - 3 PM | Mon Wed Fri |
10 A | Master of the Real | 10 AM - 3 PM | Mon Thu |
7 B | Color Theory Critic | 09 AM - 3 PM | Tue Wed Thu Sat Sun |
8 B | Fine-Art Aficionado | 09 AM - 2 PM | Tue Wed Thu Sat Sun |
9 B | Composition Curator | 10 AM - 4 PM | Wed Sat Sun |
10 B | Patron of the Arts | 11 AM - 4 PM | Mon Wed Sat Sun |
Legend: Mon - Monday, Tue - Tuesday, Wed - Wednesday, Thu - Thursday, Fri - Friday, Sat - Saturday, Sun - Sunday.
Earnings and requirements for promotion
Rank and Position | $/H | H | D | W | $/W | PR | Rew |
1. Palette Cleaner | 21 | 8 | 5 | 40 | 840 | Skill: Painting (2); View or Admire 3 different works of art | 422 |
2. Art Book Collator | 23 | 8 | 5 | 40 | 920 | Skill: Painting (3); Research Art Reference twice | 464 |
3. Hungry Artist | 26 | 8 | 5 | 40 | 1040 | Skill: Painting (4); Create 3 different-sized paintings | 510 |
4. Watercolor Dabbler | 29 | 8 | 5 | 40 | 1160 | Skill: Painting (5); create an excellent painting | 587 |
5. Canvas Creator | 35 | 8 | 5 | 40 | 1400 | Skill: Painting (6); sell 5 paintings to the Art Gallery | 845 |
6. Imaginative Imagist | 44 | 7 | 5 | 35 | 1540 | Skill: Painting (7); create 3 different-sized excellent or better quality paintings | 1088 |
7 A. Artist En Residence | 65 | 9 | 4 | 36 | 2340 | Skill: Painting (8); paint a masterpiece | 1399 |
8 A. Professional Painter | 140 | 5 | 4 | 20 | 2800 | Skill: Painting (9); paint 1 excellent painting in every genre | 1678 |
9 A. Illustrious Illustrator | 280 | 5 | 3 | 15 | 4200 | Skill: Painting (10); create and sell 3 masterpieces; Describe Aesthetics to a group of Sims | 2937 |
10 A. Master of the Real | 492 | 5 | 2 | 10 | 4920 | - | - |
7 B. Color Theory Critic | 70 | 6 | 5 | 30 | 2100 | Skill: Painting (8); Admire 10 pieces of art, Discuss Color Theory with 2 other Sims | 1259 |
8 B. Fine-Art Aficionado | 126 | 5 | 5 | 25 | 3150 | Skill: Painting (9); own a masterpiece, Describe Aesthetics to 3 other Sims | 2203 |
9 B. Composition Curator | 227 | 6 | 3 | 18 | 4086 | Skill: Painting (10), Charisma (3); own 10 masterpieces | 3273 |
10 B. Patron of the Arts | 328 | 5 | 4 | 20 | 6560 | - | - |
$/H - the salary for an hour (in Simoleons);
H - an amount of hours per working day;
D - an amount of working days per week;
W - a sum of working hours per week;
$/W - a total salary per week;
PR - promotion requirements which you have to meet to be promoted to a higher position (sk. = a skill. The number in a parenthesis shows the level of a skill which you have to reach);
Reward - a reward for being promoted to a higher position (in Simoleons).
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