The Jungle Adventure expansion adds a completely new world known as Selvadorada - an exotic world which offers new dishes and drinks, as well as contain dangerous jungles and temples. You can get there only by sending your Sim on holidays. Take a vacation and select Selvadorada from "Holiday Worlds".
Puerto Llamante Marketplace
Visit the marketplace and buy the needed equipment before embarking on a journey.
Description: Get to know all the secrets of the Selvadorada region. Prepare suitable equipment and go to the jungle or rest, absorbing local flavors and habits. Take a look at the market, which is located right next to the tavern.
Available locations: Tavern "El Arbol Del Jaguar", Alam Museum of Archeology, Villa Selvadorada, Belomisia Trailhead. This area allows you to taste local dishes and buy equipment needed for exploration of the jungle and the temples. You can also visit the local museum to see ancient artifacts. The remaining locations serve as lodging for your Sims.
Belomisia jungle
Belomisia Jungle is a first step in your quest to explore the jungle.
Description: In the jungle it is full of wonderful views and hidden dangers. Adventure hunters can discover the ancient Epiphany ruins. Both the Sims, who do not lack the necessary skills, and those equipped with equipment bought at the market - will do well here.
Available locations: National Park - Belomisia Trailhead, Belomisia Field Station, Jungle Bungalow. The national park is a location in which you can begin exploring the jungle. The area contains a lot of dirt mounds with fossils. Belomisia Field Station and "Jungle Bungalow" serve as a lodging for your Sim.