The Sims 4: Aspirations - list, deviance, fortune, food, love, nature, family

Appearance isn't the most important thing. You still have to decide on your Sim's character - read this page of The Sims 4 guide to see all the possibilities. After you have picked the basic traits of the Sim, you need to pick the aspiractions of their life. It is worth pointing out that, in the case of a child, your choice has been limited to four basic and general elements only but, after you progress over to a teenager, you gain access to all the aspirations. Aspirations have been put into 10 categories and there are one, up to three aspirations to choose from. Each aspiration provides the Sim with a bonus personal trait.
Your chice is very important but, you need to know that you can alter it, at any point, in the Sim's aspiration panel [G]. Remember that what you want to focus on, during the lifetime of your Sim (career, family life, creative life) needs to be reflected by the aspiration that you choose - it is going to be easier this way and the satisfaction that you draw from your successes will be higher.
There are two aspirations here. You can pick Public enemy, where the Sima will aspire to leading a criminal life and doing mean things to the others. The second one is Chief of Mischief, where the only pleasure of the Sim is to play practical jokes on others, with malicious interactions.
Bonus trait: Dastardly - Sims enter into negative interactions with a boosted effect.
A Fabulously Wealthy Sim wants to amass a huge fortune and achieve professional success. The other possibility is the Mansion Baron where the goal is to own a huge valuable housr with lots of works of arts, windows, columns.
Bonus Trait: Business Savvy - Sims earn a bit more at work.
In the case of the Master Chief aspiration, your goal is to learn the art of cooking and exquisite cooking, starting a career in culinary arts and preparing many splendid dishes. Master Mixiologist wants to learn mixiology, own a bar and create more and more, and better beverages.
Bonus Trait: Essence of Flavor - Sims prepare food and beverages of higher quality.

You have access to, as many as, three options: painting - Painter Extraordinaire, music - Musical Genius and writing - Bestselling Author. The aim here is, of course, is to attain mastery of each creative activity, connected with the aspirations, and to create masterpieces in a given category.
Bonus Trait: Muser - Sim develops the traits faster if inspired.
A Hopeful Romantic wants to meet with multiple partners, learn about them, date a lot and develop Charisma. A Soulmate is the exact opposite and craves for stability a successful relationship, successful dates and positive relations with the spouse.
Bonus Trait: Alluring - the effectiveness of Sims, at interactions from Love category,is higher.
With the Freelance Botanist aspiration, your Sim wants to learn gardening and own a garden: to prune, fertilize, gather crops, evolve and own many happy plants. The Curator wants to amass the objects that can be found: rocks, crystals, fossils, elements etc. The Angling Ace desires to learn angling and wants to catch more and more fishes of various species.
Bonus Trait: Collector - thanks to this, the Sim will have it easier to find rare specimens.
The Joke Star wants to learn comedic skills and engage in hilarious interactions with the other Sims, write and perform comedic acts. The Party Animal Sim wants to have many friends, throw parties and take part in parties. The Friend to the World, wants to have as many friends as possible and develop Charisma.
Bonus Trait: Gregarious - These Sims, find it easier to enter relationships with others.
THe aim of a Sim with Successful Lineage is to have a child, to read to the child, teach them and wait to see them successful, i.e. fulfill their aspirations, or reach the peak of professional career. The sim with Big Happy Family wants more children, make friends with them and wait to see them get married and have their own children.
Bonus Trait: Domestic - family bonds get firm faster.
There is only one aspiration here - Body Builder where the Sim wants to attain high fitness, train for hours and mentor the other Sims on their training routines.
Bonus Trait: High Metabolism- allows the Sim to attain a higher level of fitness and to maintain a fitter body.
Renaissance Sim wants to be interdisciplinary, to develop multiple skills and to work at several different places. The Nerd Brain wants a rocket and upgrade it, to read books, develop logical skills and cosmological skills, to fix and upgrade household appliances. Computer Whiz desires to expand software development skills, spend many hours on the computer, earn money on transmissions or tournaments, to start a career of a technological guru.
Bonus Trait: Quick Learner - The Sim develops all their skills a bit faster.
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