The Sims 4: Culinary - promotion, working hours, earnings
A culinary career in The Sims 4 is worth checking out because of the practical promotion path - you develop the cooking skill while preparing meals. Our guide will help you become a culinary master - we have described what skills you need to develop in order to get a promotion. We also did not forget about the earnings, as well as the working days and hours of the various positions.
General information

This career is fairly interesting and useful. You have to choose between two branches: the Chef (A) and the Mixologist (B) which are completely different considering both their difficulty and the earnings. During the entire career you should go to work with the Inspired emotion. The Chef (A) branch is a lot easier and at the same time a lot more profitable not to mention that it requires you to focus on skills which are very useful and you will use them daily: Cooking and Gourmet Cooking. As the Mixologist (B) you will not rely on these abilities so much and you will focus on the Mixologist skill instead. The biggest challenge during this path is to make 12 friends.
Your income as a Chef (A) considering how easy this career is will be really, really good. You will earn 9840 Simoleons (working 4 days per week 6 hours per day). The Mixologist (B) branch is much worse. Not only it's really difficult but it also provides you a very low income which is 5910 Simoleons (working 3 days per week 10 hours per day).

You will Begin as an Assistant Dishwasher (1). Your promotion requirement is as easy as it can get. You have to clean your dishes 3 times (after a finished dinner click on a plate and choose the "Clean up" option). Your daily task will be cooking. To complete this task you will have to make like a 5-6 dishes every day. Click on a refrigerator and choose the "Cook" option then any meal which is available. You should "Take a thoughtful shower" an hour before your work to be sure that you have the Inspired emotion.

You will become a Head Dishwasher (2) and you will have to learn the Mixologist skill. To do so you have to buy a bar (in a building mode in a Living Room menu) click on it and choose "Make a drink" option and then select any drink that is available (you can also learn this skill from a book). Remember to complete your daily task which is cooking.

You will be promoted to the Caterer (3) position and you will have to learn the 2nd level of Cooking (although you almost surely already did accomplish that since you are cooking a lot every day). Additionally you have to prepare an excellent grilled cheese. Click on a refrigerator, choose the "Cook" option and select a grilled cheese. If you want to check the quality of your meal you can just point it with your mouse (the same way you can use to check the painting's or drink's quality). If it won't be excellent just try as many times as you have to.

You will become a Mixologist (4) and you will have to learn the 3rd level of Cooking (just keep cooking and if your food will spoil simply throw it away) and the 3rd level of Mixologist by making new drinks. After you will be promoted to a Line Cook (5) you have to develop these skills to level 4. Once you will meet these promotion requirements you will have to choose between two career branches. The first branch is the Chef (A) and the second one is the Mixologist (B).

If you will choose the Chef (A) branch you will become a Head Caterer (6 A). You will receive a Positronic Pro Magnetic Knife Rack which will help you to become Inspired. Keep cooking to complete your daily task and to learn the 6th level of Cooking. You also need to have 5 friends. The way to accomplish that is described in both the Secret Agent and Entertainment career descriptions. You will become a Pastry Chef (7 A). Click on a refrigerator and choose the "Cook a gourmet dish" option and select any option you want. You have to make five excellent meals this way (check their quality by pointing at a meal with your mouse). Try as long as you need and learn the 3rd level of Gourmet Cooking as well.

The next promotion will make you a Sous Chef (8 A). You have to learn the 8th level of Cooking and the 5th level of Gourmet Cooking (obviously by cooking more meals and gourmet meals). You also have to cook 6 unique meals. Just click on a refrigerator and select 6 unique meals one after another to complete this task.

You will become an Executive Chef (9 A) and you will have to learn the 7th level of Gourmet Cooking. You also have to learn the 3rd level of Charisma by "Practice speeches" in front of a mirror. Finally you need to click on a computer and choose the "Write" option and then select the "Cookbook" option. Writing will take you some time. The top of this career is a Celebrity Chef (10 A) position which will also provide you a great income which is 9840 Simoleons for 4 working days per week and 6 working hours per day. You will also receive few culinary gifts.

If you will choose the Mixologist (B) branch you have to remember that you will have a terrible income and you will have a challenging way to the top. Your daily task is making drinks. You will become a Head Mixologist (6 B). Keep making drinks to complete your daily task and to learn the 5th level of Mixologist as well. You also need to have 5 friends. You can read how to do that in the description of the Secret Agent or the Entertainment careers.

You will become a Juice Boss (7 B). You have to learn the 7th level of Mixologist and to make five excellent drinks as well (check their quality by pointing at them just as you checked the dish quality). Try as long as you have to.

As a Chief Drink Operator (8 B) you will receive a Vinoteca Bottle Rack which helps you to stay Inspired. Hang it on a wall and turn on its aura. You also have to learn the 8th level of Mixologist and the 5th level of Charisma (by using a mirror). Now you have a very difficult task to complete since you need to have 12 friends. Remember to keep your relationships with your older friends by calling to them, writing through a computer or meeting them from time to time. You can read about it for example in the Secret Agent career description or in the Entertainment career description.

You will become a Drinkmaster (9 B) and you will receive an Inspiring Lemonade on a Sunny Day Torchiere. You have to learn the 10th level of Mixologist and the 7th level of Charisma. Your last task is to write a book. Click on a computer and choose the "Write" > " Bar Guide" option and your Sim will take some time to finish it. If you will consider how long it took to become a Celebrity Mixologist (10 B) and how much effort it took and also how low your income is (5910 Simoleons while working 3 days per week 10 hours per day) you will notice that the Chef (A) branch is way more profitable.
Working hours and days
Rank | Position | Working Hours | Working Days |
1 | Assistant Dishwasher | 04 PM - 01 AM | Mon Wed Fri Sat Sun |
2 | Head Dishwasher | 04 PM - 01 AM | Mon Thu Fri Sat Sun |
3 | Caterer | 03 PM - 11 PM | Mon Thu Fri Sat Sun |
4 | Mixologist | 06 PM - 02 AM | Mon Fri Sat Sun |
5 | Line Cook | 02 PM - 10 PM | Mon Fri Sat Sun |
6 A | Head Caterer | 03 PM - 12 AM | Mon Fri Sat Sun |
7 A | Pastry Chef | 12 PM - 05 PM | Mon Thu Fri Sat Sun |
8 A | Sous Chef | 08 PM - 02 AM | Mon Thu Fri Sat Sun |
9 A | Executive Chef | 05 PM - 11 PM | Mon Fri Sat Sun |
10 A | Celebrity Chef | 12 PM - 18 PM | Mon Fri Sat Sun |
6 B | Head Mixologist | 06 PM - 01 AM | Mon Thu Fri Sat Sun |
7 B | Juice Boss | 07 PM - 12 AM | Mon Thu Fri Sat Sun |
8 B | Chief Drink Operator | 04 PM - 12 AM | Thu Fri Sat Sun |
9 B | Drinkmaster | 02 PM - 12 AM | Thu Sat Sun |
10 B | Celebrity Mixologist | 12 PM - 10 PM | Thu Sat Sun |
Legend: Mon - Monday, Tue - Tuesday, Wed - Wednesday, Thu - Thursday, Fri - Friday, Sat - Saturday, Sun - Sunday.
Earnings and requirements for promotion
Rank and Position | $/H | H | D | W | $/W | PR | Rew |
1. Assistant Dishwasher | 15 | 9 | 5 | 45 | 675 | Clean dishes 3 times | 334 |
2. Head Dishwasher | 15 | 9 | 5 | 45 | 720 | Skill: Mixology (2) | 368 |
3. Caterer | 26 | 8 | 5 | 40 | 1040 | Skill: Cooking (2); cook an excellent grilled cheese | 515 |
4. Mixologist | 35 | 8 | 4 | 32 | 1120 | Skill: Mixology (3), Cooking (3) | 556 |
5. Line Cook | 43 | 8 | 4 | 32 | 1376 | Skill: Mixology (4), Cooking (4) | 691 |
6 A. Head Caterer | 52 | 9 | 4 | 36 | 1872 | Skill: Cooking (6); have 5 friends | 933 |
7 A. Pastry Chef | 104 | 5 | 5 | 25 | 2600 | Skill: Gourmet Cooking (3); cook 5 excellent gourmet dishes | 1306 |
8 A. Sous Chef | 131 | 6 | 5 | 30 | 3930 | Skill: Cooking (8), Gourmet Cooking (5); cook 6 unique foods | 1959 |
9 A. Executive Chef | 253 | 6 | 4 | 24 | 6072 | Skill: Gourmet Cooking (7), Charisma (3); write cookbook | 3037 |
10 A. Celebrity Chef | 410 | 6 | 4 | 24 | 9840 | - | - |
6 B. Head Mixologist | 45 | 7 | 5 | 35 | 1575 | Skill: Mixology (5); have 5 friends | 1907 |
7 B. Juice Boss | 64 | 7 | 5 | 35 | 2240 | Skill: Mixology (7); make 5 excellent drinks | 2559 |
8 B. Chief Drink Operator | 111 | 8 | 4 | 32 | 3552 | Skill: Mixology (8), Charisma (5); have 12 friends | 3916 |
9 B. Drinkmaster | 166 | 10 | 3 | 30 | 4980 | Skill: Mixology (10), Charisma (7); write a bar guide | 4984 |
10 B. Celebrity Mixologist | 197 | 10 | 3 | 30 | 5910 | - | - |
$/H - the salary for an hour (in Simoleons);
H - an amount of hours per working day;
D - an amount of working days per week;
W - a sum of working hours per week;
$/W - a total salary per week;
PR - promotion requirements which you have to meet to be promoted to a higher position (sk. = a skill. The number in a parenthesis shows the level of a skill which you have to reach);
Reward - a reward for being promoted to a higher position (in Simoleons).
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