Lor San Tekka's Return | Walkthrough LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Guide
This chapter contains the walkthrough of the Lor San Tekka’s return in the LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens. This allows you to unlock Athgar Heece in the free roam mode - the character has access to a unique jetpack.
Last update: 14 July 2016
Lor San Tekka's Return is one of the longer side missions available in the LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Completing it is recommended, as it will unlock Athgar Heece in the free roam mode. Athgar is one of the few characters equipped with a jetpack and that gadget is required to reach some of the secrets hidden in the game. The mission is divided into two parts. The first one is the travel through the Kelvin gorge. During the latter one the heroes must destroy a large machine constructed by Teedo.
Unlocking the mission
This mission is unlocked after completing the second chapter of the main storyline (Escape from the Finalizer). BUT if you want to take part in it, you must accumulate at least 20 gold LEGO bricks. Gold bricks can be acquired as you progress the main storyline and discover secrets, or look for them as you explore the terrains in the game.
After you've collected at least 20 gold bricks, open the galaxy map, select planet Jakku, look for the described side mission on the list (you don't have to get to the starting location on your own) and accept the choice.
Crossing the Kelvin gorge
Start travelling to the right side. You must reach the final part of the gorge where buildings can be found. Get rid of the enemies. Afterwards, look for the valve. Get back with the valve to the device you've passed by earlier. Attach it in the device and interact with the machine.
Switch to Athgar Heece and use his unique ability associated with the jetpack. Use the device to get to the upper platform.
Continue controlling Athgar. Fly using the jetpack and reach a neighboring platform located in the upper part of the screen. Afterwards, fly to the right side. After landing on a small platform start moving along the narrow ledges. You will soon reach a larger ledge, where you must destroy the bricks and construct a ladder.
Now switch to Lor San Tekka and use the ladder to get to the upper ledge. You must travel slightly to the right and use the grappling hook on the interactive handle. After you've pulled out the part of the wall, switch to Athgar Heece. You must use thermal detonators that the character has access to, to destroy silver objects blocking the further passage.
Switch back to Lor San Tekka, use the new passage and reach the rotating mechanism that the character must interact with. Use the newly unlocked passage leading down.
While in the new area you must travel to the right. While playing as Athgar Heece you must grab onto the handle on the wall. Afterwards, switch to Lor San Tekka and interact with the nearby knob. Use it to move the handle with Athgar upwards. Now switch back to Athgar Heece and jump to the ledge on the left side.
Destroy all of the objects in the area and interact with the bouncing blocks. You must start pushing the cart located here - first upwards and then to the right.
After the cart crushes to the ground, use the newly created interactive blocks to construct a rotating mechanism and interact with it as Lor San Tekka.
Switch back to Athgar Heece. Approach the abyss on the right side and use the jetpack to safely reach the right side of the raised bridge. Look around the area with the silver surface which must be destroyed by using the thermal detonator.
Afterwards, switch to Lor San Tekka and perform a series of jump to reach Athgar. Go a little further to the right and use the grappling hook on the new handle.
Defeating Teedo
Select Athgar Heece and start looking for the silver object in the central part of the large area. You must use a thermal detonator to destroy this object.
Jump on top of one of the Lugga beasts and head to the right. Locate the weakened fragment of the wall (the one with cracks on it) and pierce through it. Select Lor San Tekka and use the newly unlocked trampoline to reach the ledge on the right side. Select the Quadnoculars here and scan the upper mechanism with it. Afterwards, reach the place with Athgar Heece and destroy the silver object with his thermal detonators.
On the left side a new place has been unlocked where you can use the Quadnoculars - use Lor San Tekka for the task. Scan the wall to reveal weakened spots on it, mount Lugga beast and pierce through the left wall.
Select Athgar Heece and start bouncing along the vertical walls to reach the upper left ledge. There's another cart here. You must push it so that it falls down and crushes.
Construct a ladder from the remains of the cart, select Lor San Tekka and use the ladder to reach the ledge on the left side. There's a rotating mechanism there which Lor San Tekka must interact with.
You can now approach the central object that fell on the ground. Bounce off it to reach the small ledge. Complete the climb and head towards the exit from the building to complete this rather short chapter.