(8) Peaceful option: Securing the assembly lab - Lab 2 Deus Ex: HR Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Warning! If you want to avoid killing or even stunning your opponents for all costs, read a description below on how to get to the room corner. Then scroll down to description of Step 9 (Getting to the server room).
Stand by the closest cover and take a look at 3 terrorists' behavior. Wait for a good moment and head right #1. Take cover and move slowly towards elevator #2 which can be seen in a distance (use a SPACE key, but do not hold it - just press it - you will move from cover to cover this way). Try to get to right upper corner of the room.
Now you can start eliminating enemies. First take care of a terrorist who patrols an area close to you #1. Pull away his corpse fast (it is best to hide it behind one of the tables). The next one to be eliminated should be a terrorist who walks between assembly lines #2.
Only one terrorist is left #1 but do not get fooled, because he also often changes his position. Use a moment to look around, finding stun gun ammo. Head now to the door leading to the northern storage room (Storage Room 02) or use an air vent passage behind crates #2.
Be careful, because a corridor leading to the storage room is patrolled by a terrorist #1. Stun him and explore the storage room #2, picking up stun gun ammo among other things.
Return to main room and this time go to the southern storage room (Storage Room 03) #1. This time also you'll have to eliminate a terrorist #2. Examine a crate, which your opponent was examining and you'll find valuable weapon mod.