(8) Aggressive option: Securing the assembly lab - Lab 2 Deus Ex: HR Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Start with taking a cover and try to attack your opponents before they split up #1. If you do not want to attack them from a ground floor, you can try to get to upper balconies #2. Be prepared that in addition to three main terrorists there might be two more running out from nearby rooms.
Look around and pick up combat rifle ammo. Now walk to the door leading to the northern room (Storage Room 02) #1. Depending on previous fight, it might be safe here or you'll meet one guard. Go to the northern room #2, where you'll find a fragmentation grenade.
Return to main room and go to the southern storage room (Storage Room 03) #1. You have to watch out, because you can meet a terrorist here (if he didn't join the previous fight). Pick up revolver ammo and look inside the big crate #2, finding valuable weapon mod.