List of trophies in Monster Hunter World
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This page contains the list of all trophies available in Monster Hunter World. The Xbox One version has 49 achievements while the PS4 version offers 50 trophies (one of them is a platinum trophy). Each description contains our commentary that can help you unlock a given trophy faster. More challenging trophies have separate pages dedicated to them.
- A Living Fossil
- An Inquisitive Mind
- Angling for a Bite
- Bosom Buddies
- Bourgeois Hunter
- Bristles for All
- Capture Novice
- Capture Pro
- Commissioned Work
- Conqueror of the New World
- Death Begets Life
- Defender of Astera
- Elderslayer
- Established Hunter
- First Friends
- Giant Crown
- Giant Crown Collector
- Giant Crown Master
- Hunters United
- Hunters United Forever
- I Am the Reinforcements
- Impregnable Defense
- Indomitable
- Into the Deep
- Miniature Crown
- Miniature Crown Collector
- Miniature Crown Master
- Mmm, So Tasty!
- Monster Hunter
- Monster Ph.D.
- Monster Slayer
- Movin On Up
- New World Settler
- Nothing Stops This Commission
- Nowhere to Go but Up
- One Shall Stand, One Shall Fall
- Power is Everything
- Rainbow Bright
- Snuggles for All
- Spreading the Word
- Step into the Arena
- Temper Temper
- The Art of Camouflage
- The Bigger They Are...
- The Empress of the Highlands
- The Franchise Hunter
- The Hunters Life for Me
- The Sapphire Star
- Welcome to the New World
A Living Fossil
Trophy type: Silver
How to unlock: Catch a fish known as "living fossil".
Commentary: More details can be found on one of the pages in this guide.
An Inquisitive Mind
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Complete the first Investigation.
Commentary: Investigations are one of the mission types available in Monster Hunter World. Visit the Resource Center on Astera to start them - choose the one that interests you (Manage Investigations option). From now on these Investigations will appear on the quest board. Usually, their objective is to kill or catch a specific monster. One of the problems here can come from, e.g. a short time limit. Choose one of the simpler Investigations to get this trophy.
Angling for a Bite
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You have to catch your first fish.
Commentary: Fishing is one of the additional activities available in Monster Hunter World. Equip yourself with a fishing rod (your character always carries one) and go to a river. Choose where you want to cast your bait - you can do that only near rivers with fish. Wait for a fish to get closer to your bait and catch it. You can attract its attention by moving the left analog stick. Wait for your controller to vibrate and press the button displayed on the screen. Keep pushing the buttons displayed on the screen to catch a fish. You can also catch them by casting a net.
Bosom Buddies
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Become fully proficient with any Palico Gadget.
Commentary: Palicoes are feline comrades who can travel with the main hero. This trophy is simpler than you think. Palicoes use six different gadgets and one of them is called Vigorwasp. Take your Palico on every quest to level up its gadget proficiency automatically. The goal is to have that proficiency at level 10.
Bourgeois Hunter
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You need to collect 1,000,000 zeni.
Commentary: More details can be found on one of the pages in this guide.
Bristles for All
Trophy type: Silver
How to unlock: Capture a stiff, bristle creature.
Commentary: More details can be found on one of the pages in this guide.
Capture Novice
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Capture your first monster.
Commentary: Capturing a monster is an alternative to killing it. Snatch the Snatcher, a side quest that can be unlocked in the early part of the game in Astera (you need to have access to three-star quests), teaches you the basics of capturing a monster. You can also check out How to capture monsters? page in this guide.
Capture Pro
Trophy type: Silver
How to unlock: Capture 50 monsters.
Commentary: Capturing a monster is an alternative to killing it. Snatch the Snatcher, a side quest that can be unlocked in the early part of the game in Astera (you need to have access to three-star quests), teaches you the basics of capturing a monster. You can also check out How to capture monsters? page in this guide. Capture 50 monsters to unlock this trophy.
Commissioned Work
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You need to have 100,000 Research Points.
Commentary: Research Points can be acquired in different ways, e.g. by capturing monsters, completing Bounty quests, collecting herbs, examining trails left by monsters or crafting pieces of equipment for your Palico. Remember about these activities right from the beginning of the game - thanks to them you can get 100,000 points and unlock this trophy.
Note - You can spend your acquired points whenever you want to. You don't need to have 100,000 points at a given moment. The game adds these points to the counter for the trophy right after acquiring them.
Conqueror of the New World
Trophy type: Platinum
How to unlock: Unlock all trophies.
Commentary: Platinum trophies can only be unlocked on PS4. This platinum trophy is very time-consuming - prepare yourself to spend at least 250-300 hours.
Death Begets Life
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Successfully guide Zorah Magdaros.
Commentary: This trophy is unlocked automatically during the story mode. You get it after completing A Colossal Task main quest.
Defender of Astera
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You need to get access to four-star quests.
Commentary: This trophy is unlocked automatically during the story mode. You get it after killing Anjanath (The Encroaching Anjanath quest).
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You have to hunt 50 Elder Dragons.
Commentary: Elder Dragons are powerful monsters that can be encountered after unlocking eight-star quests. Elder Dragons include Kirin (this monster can also appear during lower level quests), Kushala Daora, Teostra, Vaal Hazak and Xeno'Jiiva. To get this trophy you have to kill 50 Elder Dragons in total which means that you will have to replay a lot of quests. You can, e.g. keep replaying quests with Kirin until you win 50 times.
Established Hunter
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Reach Hunter Rank 100.
Commentary: Sadly, this trophy requires a lot of grinding. XP that is necessary to level up your Hunter Rank is received by participating in hunts. A stronger monster gives you more XP after you defeat it (capture or slay). Check the options menu to see your current HR.
First Friends
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Befriend your first Tailrider.
Commentary: Tailriders can be found during your exploration of the game's world. These Palicoes appear in random places. Simply reach that location (it will be marked on the map) and befriend a Tailrider.
Giant Crown
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Record your first giant crown in your hunting log.
Commentary: A giant crown can be received after hunting a monster that was larger than its usual height (by about 1/4). Sadly, you don't have any influence here because monsters' size is always generated randomly. This means that you can't be sure whether you will encounter a bigger monster or not. However, to get this trophy you only need to hunt one beast like this.
Note - This trophy doesn't include Xeno'Jiiva and Zorah Magdaros. Ignore them while you are searching for bigger monsters.
Giant Crown Collector
Trophy type: Silver
How to unlock: Obtain a giant crown for 10 or more monsters in your hunting log.
Commentary: A giant crown can be received after hunting a monster that was larger than its usual height (by about 1/4). Sadly, you don't have any influence here because monsters' size is always generated randomly. This means that you can't be sure whether you will encounter a bigger monster or not. Hunt 10 bigger versions of monsters to get this trophy.
Note - This trophy doesn't include Xeno'Jiiva and Zorah Magdaros. Ignore them while you are searching for bigger monsters.
Giant Crown Master
Trophy type: Gold
How to unlock: Obtain a giant crown for almost every monster in your hunting log.
Commentary: A giant crown can be received after hunting a monster that was larger than its usual height (by about 1/4). Sadly, you don't have any influence here because monsters' size is always generated randomly. This means that you can't be sure whether you will encounter a bigger monster or not. Hunt all bigger versions of the monsters expect Xeno'Jiiva and Zorah Magdaros to get this trophy. These two monsters don't have bigger nor smaller versions.
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Fire an SOS flare for the first time.
Commentary: This trophy can be unlocked during any of your hunts. Pause the game and find Fire SOS Flare option to invite other players to join your hunt.
Note - This trophy can only be unlocked when you are playing in the online mode and you are connected to the game's server - your invite is sent to other players.
Hunters United
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Complete a quest via multiplayer.
Commentary: Join a mission in multiplayer mode - you have to cooperate with at least one other player. You can participate in a full hunt or you can answer an SOS Flare.
Note - This trophy can only be unlocked when you are playing in the online mode and you are connected to the game's server.
Hunters United Forever
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Complete 100 quests via multiplayer.
Commentary: Join 100 missions in total in multiplayer mode - you have to cooperate with at least one other player. You can participate in a full hunt or you can answer an SOS Flare. You should play in cooperation right from the starting - another plus of playing with others is the fact that it will be easier for you to kill a monster (cooperation doesn't increase monsters' difficulty).
Note - This trophy can only be unlocked when you are playing in the online mode and you are connected to the game's server.
I Am the Reinforcements
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Respond to an SOS Flare and help complete 10 quests.
Commentary: Players can send requests to other players and ask them to help with quests (HELP! trophy is connected with that). Here, you are the person who responds to a call. Reach any of the quest boards and select Join a Quest option. Then, you have to choose Respond to SOS tab. You have to help others in completing their quests 10 times (joining them is not enough).
Note - This trophy can only be unlocked when you are playing in the online mode and you are connected to the game's server.
Impregnable Defense
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Obtain five highly rare pieces of armor.
Commentary: Rare pieces of armor are those that are marked orange and have Rarity level 8. These items can be crafted at Smithy in Astera. These pieces of armor become available only by defeating Elder Dragons - carve the required materials from them. You can craft about 30 highly rare pieces of armor but this trophy requires you to only get 5 of them (you can either craft specific parts of a set or get single elements).
Trophy type: Silver
How to unlock: Hunt 50 tempered monsters.
Commentary: Tempered monsters are more powerful versions of the regular ones and you can start encountering them in the later part of the game. You need to have at least HR level 13 and participate in a six-star quest or higher. Look for blue trails and examine them by running Investigations. Remember that tempered monsters are more challenging. You can either kill that monster or capture it. Hunt 50 monsters of this type to get this trophy.
Into the Deep
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Earn the right to take on five-star assignments.
Commentary: This trophy is unlocked automatically during the story mode. You get it after killing Legiana (Legiana: The Embodiment of Elegance quest).
Miniature Crown
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Record your first miniature crown in your hunting log.
Commentary: A miniature crown can be received after hunting a monster that was smaller than its usual height (by about 1/4). Sadly, you don't have any influence here because monsters' size is always generated randomly. This means that you can't be sure whether you will encounter a smaller monster or not. However, to get this trophy you only need to hunt one beast like this.
Note - This trophy doesn't include Xeno'Jiiva and Zorah Magdaros. Ignore them while you are searching for bigger monsters.
Miniature Crown Collector
Trophy type: Silver
How to unlock: Obtain a miniature crown for 10 or more monsters in your hunting log.
Commentary: A miniature crown can be received after hunting a monster that was larger than its usual height (by about 1/4). Sadly, you don't have any influence here because monsters' size is always generated randomly. This means that you can't be sure whether you will encounter a smaller monster or not. Hunt 10 smaller versions of monsters to get this trophy.
Note - This trophy doesn't include Xeno'Jiiva and Zorah Magdaros. Ignore them while you are searching for smaller monsters.
Miniature Crown Master
Trophy type: Gold
How to unlock: Obtain a miniature crown for almost all monsters in your hunting log.
Commentary: A miniature crown can be received after hunting a monster that was smaller than its usual height (by about 1/4). Sadly, you don't have influence here because monsters' size is always generated randomly. This means that you can't be sure whether you will encounter a smaller monster or not. Hunt all smaller versions of the monsters expect Xeno'Jiiva and Zorah Magdaros to get this trophy. These two monsters don't have bigger nor smaller versions.
Mmm, So Tasty!
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Cook your first well-done steak.
Commentary: Cooking is one of the additional activities in Monster Hunter World. You can start it by selecting Barbeque Spit (your character always carries this item). Also, you need to have a piece of Raw Meat (can be carved from defeated monsters). Complete the grilling mini-game perfectly - remove meat at the right moment shortly after it changes its color (a black steak means that you were too late and your meat got burned). The trophy is unlocked after getting a Well-Done Steak. BBQ Master armor skill can help you in getting this trophy.
Monster Hunter
Trophy type: Silver
How to unlock: Hunt 500 large monsters.
Commentary: Large monsters are the ones connected to the quests. Hunt 500 of them to get this trophy. This can take you a lot of time which means that it will be one of the last trophies unlocked before getting the platinum.
Monster Ph.D.
Trophy type: Silver
How to unlock: Research everything about almost every monster.
Commentary: More details can be found on one of the pages in this guide.
Monster Slayer
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Hunt 100 large monsters.
Commentary: Large monsters are the ones connected to the quests. To get this trophy you have to hunt 100 of them which means that it will take you a lot of time.
Movin On Up
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Move into an upgraded room.
Commentary: Get access to seven-star quests to unlock the option to move to a better room. Speak with the Housekeeper and select "Move to a New Room" option.
New World Settler
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Establish five camps.
Commentary: You have to find camps before you establish them. Then, you have to complete Delivery quests. You should get this trophy without any problems during your playthrough.
Nothing Stops This Commission
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Earn the right to get three-star assignments.
Commentary: This trophy is unlocked automatically during the story mode. You get it after killing Pukei-Pukei (Urgent: Pukei-Pukei Hunt quest).
Nowhere to Go but Up
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Complete 50 arena quests.
Commentary: Arena quests can be started in the Gathering Hall in Astera. During these quests you have to defeat monsters by using pre-determined gear. You can complete them alone or with another player (it is easier to win in that way because the game doesn't increase the difficulty level). Complete any 50 quests on the arena. You can even replay a given quest as many times as you want to.
Note - The game counts a quest only when you complete it before the time limit!
One Shall Stand, One Shall Fall
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Earn the right to get eight-star assignments.
Commentary: This trophy is unlocked automatically during the story mode. You get it after killing Nergigante. This creature can be found in Elder's Recess (the last section of the map).
Power is Everything
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Obtain five highly rare weapons.
Commentary: Rare weapons are those that are marked orange and have Rarity level 8. These items can be crafted at Smithy in Astera. These weapons can be leveled up to this level by using materials carved from Elder Dragons. Craft 5 rare weapons to unlock this trophy.
Rainbow Bright
Trophy type: Silver
How to unlock: Capture a creature that glitters like a rainbow.
Commentary: More details can be found on one of the pages in this guide.
Snuggles for All
Trophy type: Silver
How to unlock: Capture a fluffy, snuggly creature.
Commentary: More details can be found on one of the pages in this guide.
Spreading the Word
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Collect over 50 Guild Cards.
Commentary: Players can send Guild Cards to each other while they are exploring the game's world together (open the menu, select Communication -> Player List and choose a player that will receive a card). You can get this trophy by asking others for cards or by playing with your friends.
Note - This trophy can only be unlocked when you are playing in the online mode and you are connected to the game's server.
Step into the Arena
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Complete your first arena quest.
Commentary: Arena quests can be started in the Gathering Hall in Astera. During these quests you have to defeat monsters by using pre-determined gear. You can complete them alone or with another player (it is easier to wing in that way because the game doesn't increase the difficulty level). Select a mission, preferably an easier one, and complete it.
Temper Temper
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Hunt your first tempered monster.
Commentary: Tempered monsters are more powerful versions of the regular ones and you can start encountering them in the later part of the game. You need to have at least HR level 13 and participate in a six-star quest or higher. Look for blue trails and examine them by running Investigations. Remember that tempered monsters are more challenging. You can either kill that monster or capture it. Hunt 1 monster of this type to get this trophy.
The Art of Camouflage
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Escape the Jagras pack by hiding in some shrubs.
Commentary: This trophy is acquired at the beginning of the game and it is almost impossible to miss it. During the prologue section of the game you have to hide in shrubs from a pack of Jagras because your character doesn't have any weapons.
The Bigger They Are...
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Mount your first monster.
Commentary: Your character can mount only large monsters - those that are objectives of your hunt. Look for chances to jump down on them and attack them mid-air to mount a beast. Remember that you can't let a monster to throw you off their back once you mount them. Master Mounter armor skill can help you in getting this trophy.
The Empress of the Highlands
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Earn the right to take seven-star assignments.
Commentary: This is one of the first trophies that you will get during your playthrough. It is connected with the quest during which you have to hunt Rathian (Tickled Pink quest).
The Franchise Hunter
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Complete 50 Investigations.
Commentary: Investigations are one of the types of missions available in Monster Hunter World. Visit the Resource Center in Astera to start them - choose the one that interests you (Manage Investigations option). From now on these investigations will appear on the quest board. Usually, their objective is to kill or catch a given monster. One of the problems here can be, e.g. a short time limit. The game has about 250 Investigations - complete 50 of them (preferably the easier ones) to get this trophy.
The Hunters Life for Me
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Complete 50 optional quests.
Commentary: Optional Quests are one of the mission categories available in Monster Hunter World. They are given to you in the city by characters with an exclamation mark above their heads. The game features more than 50 different Optional Quests. You don't have to complete all of them, only those that are the easiest for you.
The Sapphire Star
Trophy type: Silver
How to unlock: Solve the mystery of the Elder Crossing.
Commentary: This trophy is unlocked automatically during the story mode. You get it after killing the final boss.
Welcome to the New World
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Earn the right to get two-star assignments.
Commentary: This is one of the first trophies that you will get during your playthrough. It is connected with the quest during which you have to hunt Great Jagras (Jagras of the Ancient Forest quest).
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