The Great Hereafter | Act VII Dragon's Dogma Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Congratulations, you've just become a god. This allows you to sit on the throne to be able to go back to the village of Cassardis. You'll walk around it as an invisible character, who unfortunately doesn't have any special abilities.
When you're bored with how things are, leave through the city gate to go back to the underworld.
There's only one option left - quit being a god. To do it, select the Godsbane blade (in the Tools tab) and choose the option to kill yourself.
NOTE: by doing this, you will unlock New Game+. It's activated by selecting LOAD GAME! Selecting New Game from the main menu will delete your character! In New Game+, you play the game from start, but keep your level, your Pawns's level and equipment (it's transferred to storage).
It's worth mentioning that New Game+ doesn't increase the level of monsters - the game doesn't become more difficult. The only new addition is the portal to Ur-Dragon, located on the side beach in Cassardis.