Deeper Trouble | Act I - side quests Dragon's Dogma Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
In short: Another journey into the depths of the well. The quest becomes active after 7 days since the completing of Deep Trouble. Simply approach the well - you'll hear a voice calling from down below.
Difficulty level: Medium. You'll be fighting another batch of Saurians and their leader. He may be a little challenging to beginners.
Go inside the well and talk to Rorric. Your job is to destroy the Saurian Nests. They're located in a new branch of the swampy part of the cave (it's been locked up till now).
Look for the new branch in the swampy part - once there, destroy the eggs and kill the beasts.
When you step into the deeper water (the side part of the cave), you'll be jumped by the leader of the Saurians. Fighting him is quite similar to other of his kind - cut off the tail, then attack the rest of the body.
After clearing out the nest, report back to Rorric.