Areas tied to the main quests
1 – Claiming Jurisdiction - Area where you meet with Smiley.
2 – Claiming Jurisdiction - Area where you can find the DSD.
More important locations on the map
1 – Train platform - There are balconies above it, however some of them are electrified. You can get rid of the eletricity by interacting with a junction box in the side room (2 on the map).
Ventilation shaft next to one of the balconies - it leads to the security room (9 on the map).
2 – Side room - Locked door (security 2).
Junction box - it eliminates the electricity from the balconies above the platform (1 on the map). Ventilation shaft leading to an adjacent area (3 on the map).
Pocket secretary with a 3998 code to a room in the Capek station.
3 – Area with deadly gas - You can get here by going through a ventilation shaft (2 on the map) or by jumping down from the higher floor. A valve shuts off the gas supply.
Corpse with a pocket secretary - 0808 code to the maintenance room (6 on the map).
4 – Main area - It leads to the forbidden area. It's guarded by three policemen.
5 – Storage area - Locked door (security 1).
Ventilation shaft hidden behind a box - it leads to the stairs (13 on the map).
Ruzicka station keycard - you can use it on the southern door (7 on the map).
6 – Maintenance room - Locked door (security 1) - complete a hacking mini-game or use the code 0808.
You can close the blinds so that you're not seen. Ventilation shaft leading to a nearby corridor (8 on the map).
Computer (security 1), psw: ANTARES - 4 e-mails.
7 – Locked door - It has a card reader. You can find a keycard in the northern storage area (5 on the map).
8 – Corridor - You can get here by opening a door (7 on the map), by entering a shaft in the maintenance room (6 on the map) or by arriving at the security room (9 on the map).
The corridor is patrolled by a guard (he has a pocket secretary with a 8066 code to the security room) and there's also an active camera (you can disable it in the security room).
9 – Security room - Locked door (security 2) - solve the mini-game or input the code 8066. You can also get here using a ventilation shaft located above the train platform (1 on the map).
Computer (security 0) - 3 e-mails. Computer (security 3), password: Dellarocca - You can disable the camera and the alarms. Weapons cabinet.
10 – Server room - A worker is here.
Hacking software, Breach software.
11 – Corridor with a ladder - You can get here by punching through a wall. The ladder leads to level 2 (12 on the map).
12 – Area with the ladder - You can get here from level 1 (11 on the map).
There are ventilation shafts here and they lead to a nearby storage area and to the cafe.
13 – Stairs - The area is guarded by two policemen. You can get here alternatively using a ventilation shaft found in the storage area on level 1 (5 on the map).
One of the policemen carries a pocket secretary with the ANTARES password to the ticket booth terminal. A second pocket secretary with the same password is on the ground near the stairs.
14 – Cafe - One of the policemen is stationed here.
15 – Bookstore - A policeman is inside the store. You can reach the bookstore via a ventilation shaft (18 on the map).
eBook (+100XP), box with a lot of credits.
16 – Main hall: front - A policeman and two investigators are here.
There are two weapons briefcases in the area - they contain EMP ammo and grenades among other things.
17 – Main hall: back - An investigator and two policemen are here. One of the policemen is using an exo-suit. The epicenter of the explosion is here.
Computer (security 0) - 1 e-mail with the 5100 code for the storage unit in the city.
18 – Entrance to the ventilation shaft - It's hidden behind a vending machine which you must move (you must have an augmentation for picking up heavy objects).
The vents lead to the bookstore (15 on the map) and to a small area above the main hall (19 on the map).
19 – Upper ledge - One of the ways to reach it is to go through a ventilation shaft (18 on the map).
There's a junction box here - you can make the electricity to appear at the back of the main hall (17 on the map) and electrocute the policeman in the exo-suit.
20 – Side room - You can use the elevator or grab the upper ledges after a long jump in order to reach it.
The room contains a tranquilizer rifle and a lot of ammo among other things.
21 – Upper ledge - Triangle code.
22 – Side room - You can use the main entrance or reach a ventilation shaft located directly above it.
Ventilation shaft hidden behind the boxes - it leads to the side area (23 on the map).
23 – Side area - You can reach it using a ventilation shaft starting in a nearby room (22 on the map). You can also jump down to level 1 (3 on the map).