List of achievements in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided


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Below, you can find a list of achievements / trophies available in the basic version of the game Deus Ex Mankind Divided You can get them in every version of the game, i.e. the PC version (Steam achievements), Xbox One and PlayStation 4 (trophies)

Note - Achievement list is under construction.


Requirements: You pieced together the mysterious contact and aided Helle in remembering who she really is.

Notes: Jensen helps Helle as a part of the titular side quest that becomes available during his second visit to Prague. The detailed walkthrough for this quest can be found in a different chapter of our guide.

****! Taser First!

Requirements: You have to acquire the "Quad Arc" upgrade of the Tesla Knuckle, aim at four targets at once, and fire.

Notes: Tesla Knuckle is one of the experimental upgrades, and you can become its owner once you complete Getting in Top Shape Again mission. Aside from unlocking the basic augmentation, you also have to buy its upgrade, called "Quad Arc". Once you do that, go to any location with at least four enemies, to aim at the required number of targets.

A Heated Combination

Requirements: You have to input the classic code on the first keyboard found in the game

Notes: The classic code is 0451, and you have to use it to open the first door found during the first mission in Dubai.

Adept of the Metaverse

Requirements: You have to finish all tutorials during the first mission in Dubai.

Notes: This means the tutorials involving using covers, avoiding detection and conducting fights.

All in the Family

Requirements: You aided Otar when he sought help with a family matter.

Notes: Otar Botkoveli runs a casino in the sewers underneath Prague. You can meet with him during the side quest The Calibrator. During this task, you have to agree to do Otar a favor in the near future for receiving the calibrator. The gangster will contact Jensen again during the main quest The Rucker Extraction, asking him to murder Louis Gallois. Either comply with his wishes, or warn Louis (Otar has to think that Louis died). Once you've returned to Prague, you need to wait until Otar contacts you. This time, you'll receive another quest - All in the Family. Complete it according to Otar wishes, which means kidnapping Dominik. Note - detailed walkthroughs of these quests can be found in other chapters of this guide.

And Embrace What You've Become

Requirements: You have to install any experimental upgrade.

Notes: The experimental upgrades are available after making a visit to Vaclav Koller during the main task Getting in Top Shape Again. Choose any of them (ex. Remote hacking) and buy it for Praxis points.


Requirements: You need to score a point on the basketball field near the Church of the MachineGod.

Notes: The Church of the MachineGod becomes available only if you decided to complete the main quest Facing the Bomb Maker. Once you arrive to this location, visit the courtyard at the back. Pick up the ball and try to score (you can try a distance throw or get closer to the basket).

Between Technology and the Divine

Requirements: You have to win a debate with Talos Rucker.

Notes: Meeting with Rucker takes place during the main quest The Rucker Extraction, while exploring The Utulek Complex. The detailed instructions how to win the debate with Rucker (it's the most complex conversation during the game) can be found in the walkthrough for this quest.

Core Driller

Requirements: You have to use the ice driller to bypass a large section of GARM facility.

Notes: The G.A.R.M. Facility is visited during the main quest GARM. The ice driller can be found not long after the beginning of the mission. To activate it, you need to place a biocell in the control panel, then lead the driller to the drill site, creating a tunnel to hangar 2. The detailed instructions for the procedure can be found in the walkthrough for the whole quest.

Cult of Personality

Requirements: You have to discover Richard's secret, deprive him of control over the cultists, and expose as a fraud.

Notes: All these actions are completed during a side quest Cult of Personality, and a very detailed walkthrough can be found in a separate chapter of our guide. You have to choose a variant of the task which consists of installing scrambling devices in the cult's headquarters. Then, you have to take part in a debate with Richard and win it - in order to do that, choose right and upper dialogue options.

Data Detective

Requirements: Breach: Complete a Darknet file.

Notes: -

Data Disciple

Requirements: Breach: Complete all servers in the Tier 1 Network.

Notes: -

Data Expert

Requirements: Breach: Complete all servers in the Tier 2 Network.

Notes: -

Data Master

Requirements: Breach: Complete all servers in the Tier 3 Network.

Notes: -

Express Elevator to Hell, Going Down

Requirements: You have to attack enemies using the Icarus Landing System upgrade and then finish them using Typhoon.

Notes: Begin with buying both augmentations. Then, reach a ledge, roof or other platform located above a group of enemies. Make a jump, and while in the air, press the button responsible for activating Icarus Attack. Once you hit your fist into the ground, activate Typhoon.

Foxiest of the Hounds

Requirements: You have to complete the game without any alarms.

Notes: This requirement also applies to the introductory mission in Dubai. It is worth mentioning, that alarm can be caused not only when Jensen is detected by an enemy or a camera, but also when he crosses a laser beam, or fails the hacking mini-game. Save often and try to play flawlessly.

Fresh Out of the Package

Requirements: Using Koller and neuroplasticity calibrator, you have to disable the overclocking of experimental augmentations.

Notes: This achievement is connected to eliminating the negative effects of the experimental augmentations. First, you have to complete the side quest The Calibrator, which involves finding the titular device. In the further part of the game, await the moment when the side quest The Fix will be unlocked, then meet with Koller to install the calibrator.


Requirements: You have to travel through enemy territory undetected.

Notes: To complete this achievement, you can choose any location where enemies are present. Remember that you can facilitate remaining hidden using certain augmentations, especially camouflage.

God Killer

Requirements: Win the debate with Allison Stanek.

Note: Meeting with Allison Stanek takes place if you decided to proceed with the main quest Facing the Bomb Maker. In the first part of the conversation, use this sequence: upper dialogue option (criticizing Allison - personality type Alfa), right dialogue option (focusing Allison's attention - personality type Omega). In the second part of the conversation, employ this sequence: upper dialogue option (criticizing Allison - personality type Alfa) and left dialogue option (advice for Allison - personality type Beta). Allison should back away from her plans to participate in the Ascension ritual, and the achievement will be yours.

Ground Mail Was a Better Option

Requirements: You have to deactivate a drone with an ideal result using the Remote Hacking augmentation.

Notes: Remote Hacking is one of the experimental augmentations, so you can unlock it only after meeting Koller in the Getting in Top Shape Again main quest. You also have to buy an upgrade to this augmentation, called Security domination, which allows you to hack the flying drones. Hacking of a drone has to be conducted perfectly, i.e. in each of three tries you have to press the right button in the perfect moment. Crashing of the drone will be the confirmation of a completed hack.

Handle with Care

Requirements: Help Olivie escape Prague.

Notes: Olivie is met as a part of the side quest Fade to Black, which becomes available during the second visit in Prague. A detailed walkthrough is available in the other chapter of our guide. As a reminder: you can guarantee safe passage for Olivie by bribing Vlasta or persuading him through a skillful conversation.

He's [Not] Dead, Jim

Requirements: Use the antidote to save James Miller - List of achievements in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Hints - Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Game Guide

Requirements: Use the antidote to save James Miller.

Note: This achievement is connected to the main quest Securing the Convention Centre. At the end of the quest, you encounter James Miller, who is on the verge of dying. If you acquired Orchid Neutralizing Enzyme (this was possible in the main quest The Heist), you can use it on Miller (screenshot above). More details can be found in the chapters on these quests.

Honor Holds Us All Together

Requirements: You have to win a debate with Otar Botkoveli.

Notes: Meeting with Otar takes place in the casino in sewers during the side quest The Calibrator. To win the debate, you have to choose the left answers (if you have the Social Enhancer - those connected to Beta waves)


Requirements: You have to completely develop one of the branches of the upgrade tree.

Notes: You can unlock augmentations only after the visit to Vaclav Koller during the main quest Getting in Top Shape Again. Choose any group of augmentations (ex. Smart Vision, Cybernetic Leg Prosthesis, Hacking: Stealth and buy all the upgrades from the list.

Note - You cannot choose a category with only one upgrade (such as Implemented Rebreather) because you won't receive the achievement.

I Can Only Fight Enemies I See

Requirements: You have to finish the hacking challenge with active Fog Security, and without using the Reveal program.

Notes: It is a much easier achievement that it may seem, and you can complete it without any major problem in the earlier part of the game. You can complete it only if after the beginning of hacking mini-game, you don't see the whole network of connections, because of the fog obscuring the board. Complete the whole mini-game without the help of "Reveal" program, which reveals the whole board. A good tip: The distribution of the elements in the mini-game is always the same, so you can view the board, load the latest saved game, and do the same steps, knowing the way to the green registry.

I Never Asked For This

Requirements: You have to complete the game on the highest difficulty level: I Never Asked For This.

Notes: This difficulty level is available once you finish the game (on any difficulty level). It is mainly characterized by the fact that in case of the protagonist's death, you have to start a new playthrough. You can save your progress, but the game allows for only one slot, and if case of Jensen's death, all saved progress will be erased. Don't choose this difficulty level until you know the game and its mechanics well enough to be able to finish it with a minimized risk of accidental death (not only through lost firefights, but also, for example, as a result of a fall from a great height or accidental setting off a trap.

Invisible War

Requirements: You need to stun an camouflaged enemy, without losing your own camouflage.

Notes: Begin with buying the Glass Shield Cloaking upgrade. Aside from that, buy Cloaked Takedown Support, which guarantees staying hidden even using a takedown on an enemy. Once you acquire those augmentations, continue the game until you encounter camouflaged enemies (for example, mercenaries in golden masks or Marchenko's men), sneak up to any of them, and initiate a takedown.

Jack of All Augments

Requirements: You have to buy at least one augmentation from each branch of Aug Tree.

Notes: This achievement can be completed only after you've progressed further into the game, because you have to acquire a large number of Praxis points (from advancing to higher levels, and by finding Praxis kits in the game world). To complete this achievement, you can buy the cheapest upgrades from each category.

K is for Kazdy

Requirements: You have to free K and Bones from the prison cell and escort them to safety.

Notes:. These actions are connected to the titular side quest K is for Kazdy, which becomes available during the third visit in Prague (police curfew). In order to get the achievement, every escorted person must reach the destination. The detailed walkthrough for this quest can be found in another chapter of the guide

Laputan Machine

Requirements: During the showdown in Apex Centre, you have to use the Kill Switch to eliminate Viktor Marchenko - List of achievements in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Hints - Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Game Guide

Requirements: During the showdown in Apex Centre, you have to use the Kill Switch to eliminate Viktor Marchenko.

Notes: This achievement is connected to one of the last quests in the game - Stopping Marchenko. Once you arrive to the exhibition hall, you need to use the killswitch to kill Marchenko without having to fight him (screenshot above). The switch can be found in G.A.R.M. Facility or in the conference center near the catering area - detailed information regarding this subject can be found in a different chapter, containing the walkthrough for this quest.

Neon Nights

Requirements: You have to stop the production of the drug called Neon.

Notes: This achievement is a part of a side quest called Neon Nights, and in a separate chapter of this guide you can find detailed information how to complete it. As a reminder, the neon laboratory is in the canals below the southern Prague, and you have to sabotage the neon containers.


Requirements: You have to finish the game without killing anyone.

Notes: This achievement involves not only people whom Jensen can kill personally, but also various situations when somebody dies as a result of an explosion of environmental objects, poisonous gas clouds, using the switch to enable electrical discharges, or by hacking a turret or a robot. You also cannot kill Viktor Marchenko - the only boss in the game (this includes using the killswitch - ignore this gadget). Instead, you have to stun him, so he can be taken into custody alive.

Note #2 - Don't worry about the situation in the side quest "The Golden Ticket", when your actions can lead up to a battle that can result in the death of Drahomir and some of the police officers. The game doesn't count up these deaths as your kills. This includes the eventual death of Singh, if he is shot by the mercenaries in golden masks in the first main quest "Black Market Buy".

Ramming Speed!!

Requirements: Ram Dash into an enemy with a fully charged Icarus Dash.

Notes: Icarus Dash is one of the experimental augmentations, which can be unlocked after meeting Vaclav Koller in the main task Getting in Top Shape Again. You also have to buy an upgrade to this augmentation - Charged Jump. Once you do that, find an enemy an charge the augmentation completely before you activate it.

Ruthless Efficiency

Requirements: Fully upgrade a weapon of your choice.

Notes: Install the upgrades in every slot of a weapon of your choice. The upgrades can be found in the game world, or bought from certain dealers.


Requirements: You have to agree to cooperate with the hackers from Samizdat group, and send their message by breaking in to the city center of information.

Notes: Both these actions are connected to a side quest, Samizdat, which is completed in northern Prague - the walkthrough is in a separate chapter of our guide. The bottom line is: once you arrive to the hackers' hideout, you have to agree to help them get leverage over Picus. Once you find the documents in the bank, you have to deliver them to K and break to the center of information.

Singh no Swan Song

Dont fight the enemies in golden masks, reach the helicopter before Singh gets shot down. - List of achievements in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Hints - Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Game Guide
Don't fight the enemies in golden masks, reach the helicopter before Singh gets shot down.

Requirements: Have Singh's back when it matters the most.

Notes: During the final part of the introductory mission in Dubai, you cannot let Singh die. The easiest way to keep him alive, is to quickly reach the chopper with the intent to sabotage it. This action will automatically complete the mission, and will save Singh from death by the enemies in golden masks.

Slow & Sharp

Requirements: Land an Explosive Nanoblade Shot on three enemies at once while the Focus Augmentation is active.

Notes: The Nanoblade and the Focus Augmentation are experimental augmentations, which can be unlocked once you complete the main task Getting in Top Shape Again. Reach any place with a big group of enemies. Wait until the enemies align next to each other, turn in their direction and activate the Focus Augmentation to slow down the time. Then, throw the Nanoblade. If the enemies weren't very far off, you should hit at least three enemies without a problem.

So Many Cucumbers

Requirements: You have to make the enemies hit one of the cucumbers - List of achievements in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Hints - Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Game Guide

Requirements: You have to make the enemies hit one of the cucumbers.

Notes: The ability to unlock this atypical achievement appears during the main quest The Rucker Extraction - the one involving the visit to The Utulek Complex. After the meeting with Talos Rucker, you'll begin to explore Ty Zahrada Gardens. You have to visit a small marketplace in this area. Find the cucumbers (they can be found, for example, by the entrance to the big glasshouse - screenshot above), place yourself next to them, and allow the enemies to notice you. Make sure that while under enemy fire, at least one cucumber gets hit. You should change the difficulty level earlier, so Jensen won't die before one of the cucumbers gets hit.

Spokes in Two Wheels

Requirements: During the showdown in Apex Centre, you have to stop Marchenko before he detonates the bombs and save the delegates before they get poisoned by the Orchid.

Notes: This achievement is connected to two final quests of the game - Stopping Marchenko and Protecting the Future. In both these tasks you need to stop Marchenko before he uses the detonator, and save Nathaniel Brown and the delegates before they get poisoned by the Orchid. The detailed walkthrough can be found in the respective chapters.

Tablet Collector

Requirements: You have to find and read every unique eBook.

Notes: The list of eBooks can be found the chapter Listings in our guide. Make sure you get acquainted with the location list in this chapter, as some of these can be easily overlooked, not only by careless exploration, but also through, for example, incorrect behavior while completing quests.

The Golden Rookery

Requirements: You have to find the golden penguin, and return him back to his colony - List of achievements in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Hints - Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Game Guide

Requirements: You have to find the golden penguin, and return him back to his colony.

Notes: This achievement can be completed once you reach the Utulek complex, during the main task The Rucker Extraction. The golden penguin can be found in the room on the level seven of Golem city. His exact location is shown on the attached screenshot.

Once you pick up the penguin, you have to carry it all the way to RVAC Row - List of achievements in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Hints - Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Game Guide

Once you pick up the penguin, you have to carry it all the way to RVAC Row. "Golden Penguin Rookery" is in a long corridor on Row's level one, and it's shown on the above screenshot. You can reach this place by breaking through the wall and turning off the discharges. As a reward for the delivery, aside from the achievement you'll also receive a Praxis Kit.

The Golden Ticket

Requirements: You have to authenticate the permit for either Irenka or Edward.

Notes: This decision is a part of a side quest The Golden Ticket, a detailed walkthrough of this quest is in a separate chapter of the guide. You have to complete the whole task, i.e. reach the registration center and decide whether to authenticate Irenka's or Edward's permit. The achievement will be granted regardless of the person you've chosen.

The Harvester

Requirements: You have to convince detective Montag that Angela Gunn wasn't murdered by either Johnny Hunn or Radko Perry.

Notes: This achievement is connected to the side quest The Harvester which can be completed during the second visit to Prague. You have to make a thorough investigation that will allow you to choose an unidentified copycat of the Harvester as the culprit during the last conversation with Montag. The walkthrough for this quest can be found in a different chapter of the guide.

The Invincible Body Blocking an Iron Devil

Requirements: You have to block an incoming enemy explosive using the Titan shield.

Notes: Titan Shield is one of the experimental upgrades, so it can be bought once you complete the main task Getting in Top Shape Again. Begin fighting with any group of enemies, and wait for a moment when one on the guards will decide to use a grenade. Activate the shield in a right moment, to protect Jensen from the explosion.

The Last Harvest

Requirements: Win the debate with Daria Myska.

Note: This conversation may take place during the side quest The Last Harvest which becomes available during the third visit in Prague (police curfew). The detailed walkthrough as how to prepare for this conversation (meeting with doctor Cipra) and how to win the debate can be found in the chapter describing the mentioned quest.

The Net is Vast and Infinite

Requirements: You have to complete the visit in virtual reality without causing any alarms.

Note: Virtual reality is visited by using the NSN device in the main quest Checking Out the Men in Charge. During the exploration, don't get noticed by cameras and don't set off any traps. A detailed walkthrough can be found in the respective chapter of our guide.

The Supreme Enlightened

Requirements: You have to watch an extra scene during the credits.

Note: The cut-scene starts about halfway through the credits.

This is Great for Spring Cleaning

Requirements: You have to use Knockback and Precision functions the P.E.P.S. Arm Cannon at least once.

Notes: The P.E.P.S. Arm Cannon is one of the experimental augmentations. It can be unlocked once you visit Koller during the main quest Getting in Top Shape Again. Also, unlock two upgrades to this augmentation, Knockback and Precision. The important information is that both these augmentations have to be activated, during the same fight.

Time Traveler

Requirements: You have to deliver the Neuroplasticity Calibrator to Koller before he asks you to find it - List of achievements in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Hints - Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Game Guide

Requirements: You have to deliver the Neuroplasticity Calibrator to Koller before he asks you to find it.

Notes: After you arrive to Prague, ignore the main quest Getting in Top Shape Again, which involves meeting Vaclav Koller to fix Jensen's augmentations. Instead, go to the metro station, reach northern Prague and enter the canals under Cista district. The Calibrator is in the casino under this district, and can be found in the safe seen on the attached screenshot. (key code to the safe: 4863). Once you retrieve the calibrator, return to southern Prague and meet Koller.

We Are Human Beings

Requirements: Finish the game on any difficulty level.

Notes: -

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

August 23, 2016

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