Atlantis - Titty Twister | Chapter 3

As usual you shouldn't be in a hurry, especially since that Titty Twister is occupied by a lot of enemy units. You will have to watch out mostly for the guards and a very large group of them is surrounding the main stage. Aside from this problem you'll also have to pay attention to the ghouls kept in the cages above the stage and avoid being seen by them. I don't recommend attacking any of the guards near the stage, because they're standing close to each other and their lines of sight are very similar. Your current objective is to make your way to the back of the Titty Twister club and to be honest there's only one safe path leading there.

Choose a corridor located to the left of where you've started and be careful, because this area is monitored by a security camera. Wait for a good moment and walk under the camera. You can use this opportunity to visit the toilets found to the left. It's entirely optional, however you will be presented with a chance of eliminating one of the enemies (you don't have to hide the body, because the second guard won't exit the cabin).

Use the left corridor and once again get closer to the main room of the club. Notice the stairs seen on the screen above. Wait for a person guarding these stairs to move away and quickly proceed to the second floor (you can get there on foot or teleport Eric to his current destination).

It's a good idea to kill the guard mentioned before, however make sure to swiftly hide his body, leaving the corpse near the stairs or to the left of the stairs). Don't forget about the ghouls from the cages and don't get too close to the railings while standing up, because they may easily see you and sound an alarm.

The main reason for hiding the corpse of the first guard was because a new enemy will soon appear near the second staircase seen on the screen above. If you plan to go aggressive then a long-distance attack is your only option, because you can't allow this person to return to the ground level. You can also try and avoid both guards mentioned here and you can do that by hiding to the left of the stairs and waiting for the first opponent to walk past Eric.

Ignore the second staircase where one of the enemies was stopping from time to time. Instead remain on the upper level and head left. Be on a look out for a new PDA (200 experience points) in this location (screen).

Make a stop once you've reached the end of the upper balconies. You can now act in one of two different ways. The first option is to use a long-distance attack on a guard seen on screen 1. The second option is to leave this opponent alone and use teleportation to transport Eric near the stairs (screen 2). In this case you won't have to worry about the guard, because he won't leave his post.

Both options described above have the same finale and that is to get closer to the left part of the stage. Don't move too fast here, because you must avoid an additional opponent seen on the screen. You CAN'T leave cover if he's looking in your direction. Wait for this person to turn around before quickly moving towards a passageway leading to the back of the club.

Once again you must be careful, because the lower floor of the building is occupied by two new guards. If you plan on attacking your enemies then you should begin with the guard patrolling the central area of the room and follow that by killing the person making stops close to the stairs. Don't forget to drag away both bodies and consider using advanced vampiric powers to speed up the process of eliminating enemies and disposing of their corpses.

Once you've secured the ground floor enter a small room located to the left (the one without the dancers), because there's a PDA (200 experience points) here (screen).

Your next objective is to make it to the upper level. The easiest way to achieve that is to use Shadow Leap on the balustrade (screen) and if you plan on choosing this method then you will have to wait for new guards to temporarily leave the balcony, because otherwise you'll be discovered almost instantly.

If you don't have anything against eliminating enemy units then approach one of the staircases (warning - there's a security camera above the left staircase) and wait for a perfect moment to start moving towards the upper level.

I recommend that you start by eliminating the guard who's moving between the central part of the balcony and the staircase without the camera. Once he's dead take interest in his colleague - the best moment to attack him is when he's stopping next to a computer station (screen).

If you've secured the upper level then there's nothing else for you to worry about. Otherwise you will have to complete your current objective very quickly so you're not noticed. Your job is to interact with a computer terminal found on the second floor in order to unlock a door located in the main room of the Titty Twister club.

The first thing you must do is to return to the ground level. If the guards are still patrolling the back of the club then use Shadow Leap to quickly and safely avoid them. Otherwise choose the staircase without the security camera. In both cases you'll have to return to the passageway leading back to the main part of the club. The game will show a short cut-scene here informing you about an arrival of new guards and ghouls.

Just as before there's only one safe path leading to the exit from the Titty Twister. Don't even think about choosing the corridor to the right (the one with the toilets), because you would later have some serious problems avoiding enemy units. Instead turn left and carefully approach the stage which is now occupied by a ghoul.

Wait for the ghoul to start moving away from Eric and quickly proceed to the left staircase displayed on the screen above.

Face the upper balcony you were using not long ago and notice that it's now occupied by a guard and by a ghoul. Wait for the guard to stop near the right balustrade and quickly teleport Eric to the balcony. The opponent you're standing close to is an easy target and you should definitely kill him, because otherwise avoiding him would become very tricky.

You may now concentrate on the ghoul mentioned earlier. The best way to resolve this problem is to CAREFULLY approach the ghoul from its left flank in hopes of killing the monster. If for some reason you don't want to kill the ghoul then you can use teleportation or distract the ghoul to grant Eric a safe passage.

Stay sharp, because the rest of the upper level is being patrolled by two guards. Eliminating the enemies is optional, however if you decide to go ahead with it you won't encounter any major problems. The best way to act here is to wait for the guards to go their separate ways and then quickly eliminate them using long-distance powers if necessary.

Sooner or later you will have to leave the second floor and return to the ground level. I recommend using the left staircase seen on the screen above (the one closer to the ghoul you've recently avoided or killed).

Make your way to the ground level, turn 180 degrees and quickly go past the two guards located to your right (I recommend using Shadow Leap or Obfuscation to make it harder for them to recognize Eric). The exit from the Titty Twister club is located to the left and it's displayed on the screen above.
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