Secret Areas | Collectibles

IN the whole game, there are 73 secret areas and you can tell them by the characteristic sound file that the game plays after you reach it. Depending on the circumstances, the secret area may be a small stash, as well as a big room although, what they have in common is the valuable items that they,. Nearly, always contain.
Finding the secret areas is necessary to unlock two achievements. All of the secret areas have been discussed below. The middle column of the table informs you of the part of the game world where the secret area is (main chapters, side missions, free exploration), and in the column on the right, there is information on the circumstances of reaching the secret chamber (in the case of main and side missions, the way to reach the secret chambers have been provided in the walkthrough for the game).
Number | Location | Circumstances of finding the secret area |
1 | mission: Sick Willy Mission | After you get into the apartment, you need to examine the painting on the wall, press two switches and take the ladder to the attic. |
2 | mission: Writing Wrongs | After you get to the bookbinders' you need to locate the interactive row of books (behind the counter) and press the button. |
3 | mission: taking A Fence | After you make it into the fence's apartment, you need to find the interactive row of books, pull the correct one and walk into the unlocked area. |
4 | mission: The Rule of Thumb | You need to reach the second location in Jeb's hideout, press the button behind the vase and examine the stash, where there is the iris brooch (Flowers Eternal). |
5 | Long Drop, Full Stop | After you walk into the apartment, you need to locate the interactive row of books, pull one of them and walk into the newly-unlocked secret area. |
6 | mission: A Lady's Bequest | You need to access the building's basement, locate the venting shaft at the crates and press the button, which will unlock a secret area. |
7 | mission: Casing the Cargo | You only need to access the Watch Station (it is a good idea to find the box disable all of the trap beforehand). |
8 | mission : Check, Mate | You need to access the crypt in the cellar (use the shaft, hit the arrows against the interactive buttons and climb down the rope to the very bottom). |
9 | mission: Witch of Stonemarket | You need to take the venting shaft to reach the witch's hideout. |
10 | South Quarter | The central part of the district (Eel's End) - you need to get onto the wooden balcony surrounding one of the buildings. Force the window open and walk into the empty apartment. Approach the painting over the bed and, press the secret button, loot the side stash and exit the apartment. |
11 | South Quarter | The central part of the district (Skinmarket) - you need to start by walking over the wooden planks above one of the main streets (keep going east). This way, you will get to a shaft entrance. After you walk through the shaft, you will get into a small room. |
12 | South Quarter | The Fish Hawker's Market - You need to make it over to the balconies above, located to the South-West of the Fish Market (there is the Watch Station and the South Quarter Postmaster nearby). Find the vertical bridge and hit the button behind it, thanks to which the wooden structure lowers. You can now explore the newly, unlocked secret area. |
13 | South Quarter | Fish Hawker's Market - You need to use a rope arrow to access the South Quarter Postmaster building, press the secret button and get to the highest floor in the building. |
14 | South Quarter | Fish Hawker's Market - you need to explore the area to the East of the fish market, press several buttons and access the derelict bar, where there is the Oil Box (Pinned Castinets), among others. |
15 | South Quarter | Fish Hawker's Market - you need to locate a venting shaft entrance, in the North-Eastern part of the fish market (close to the dog cages) and take it to reach a secret room. |
16 | South Quarter | The Eastern side of the district (Baron's Way South) - Near the main street, you need to find an entrance to a small venting shaft, which will take you to a small room. |
17 | South Quarter | The Eastern side of the district (Baron's Way South) - You need to explore the Southern part of the main street (near the water) and locate the grate of the venting shaft. Walk through the shaft to reach a storage area. |
18 | chapter 2 | Right after you walk through the shaft and make it onto the foundry's Office Level, climb up the stairs and explore the room at the end of the corridor. |
19 | chapter 2 | On your way to the foundry building, you need to stop in the Dust Yard location and explore the cottage to the left. |
20 | chapter 2 | During your exploration of the second part of the foundry (Manufacturing Area), you need to reach the platform above, where there is the Daisy Brooch (Flowers Eternal). |
21 | chapter 2 | During the exploration of the second part of the foundry (Manufacturing Area) you need to reach a secret room in the North-Eastern corner of the building and break into the safe, in order to obtain the Automaton's Soul (Unique Loot). |
22 | chapter 2 | During the exploration of the second part of the foundry (Manufacturing Area) you need to explore the North-most corridor and climb over the metal objects to reach a small area under the ceiling. |
23 | chapter 2 | During the exploration of the second part of the foundry (Manufacturing Area) you need to explore the central part, i.e. the one where there is the scientist, among others. Find an interactive catch, use the rope arrow and make over the rope to the plank under the building's ceiling. |
24 | chapter 2 | During the exploration of the third part of the foundry (Furnace Hall) you need to explore the side room and collect the Diamond Circle (Serendi Stone Circles). |
25 | chapter 3 | After you reach the scriptorium in the Underground Ruins, locate the interactive row of books and unlock access to a secret side chamber (among others, there is the Stonemason's Memory there). |
26 | chapter 3 | After the beginning of the chapter, you need to use the wirecutter on the box and unlock access a side room. |
27 | chapter 3 | After the beginning of the chapter, you need to follow the main corridor, find a venting shaft along your way, and enter. |
28 | chapter 3 | While exploring the first part of the undergrounds (the beginning of the chapter), you need to locate a big vertical shaft, use a rope arrow and climb up the rope to the very top. Then, jump towards a small ledge. |
29 | chapter 3 | While exploring the Underground Ruins, you need to reach the corridor that leads up to the place where the Ancient Figurine is hidden (Unique Loot). |
30 | chapter 4 | After you reach the location with the Grand Safe (still before you lower it) you need to explore the balcony at the back of the hall. |
31 | chapter 4 | After you get to the gardens in front of the Architect's estate, you need to enter the cottage on the left and unlock the sewers access. |
32 | chapter 4 | Along your way to the Architect's house, you need to reach the lower floor, where there is, among others, the lapis lazuli circle (Serendi Stone Circles). |
33 | chapter 4 | Along your path to the Keep, you need to reach the Pipeline. Start moving over the balcony, slowly, to prevent it from collapsing, to reach the secret area after several moments. |
34 | chapter 5 | You need to examine the "magical" cabinet in a bit bigger room, in the North-Eastern corner of the Men's Ward (open it, close, wait until you hear a man's voice and open again). |
35 | chapter 5 | After you reach the Men's ward, you need to take all the steps necessary to collect The Repulsion of Civility painting (The Court of Montonessi). |
36 | chapter 5 | Right after you reach the first part of the Women's ward, you need to make your way to the very bottom of the shaft on the left, i.e. to the location where there is, among others, the Rose Brooch (Flowers Eternal). |
37 | chapter 5 | While at the Treatment Center (right after you have explored room 3F) you need to reach the hall with the imprisoned scientist and collect the magnifying glass from the top of the cage. |
38 | chapter 5 | While exploring the old prison, you need to reach the rooftop of the central bridge, where there is, among others, The Mechanical Eye (Unique Loot). |
39 | chapter 6 | You need to reach the secret chapel (Old Family Chapel) on the first floor of Northcrest's estate (it requires you to examine one of the paintings in the Western corridor). |
40 | chapter 6 | After you reach the demolished ceremonial hall, you need to locate the scaffolding that will allow you to explore a part of the estate's first floor which is inaccessible in any other way. |
41 | chapter 6 | After you get to the lab, you need to use the rope arrow to reach a separate ledge, where there is, among others, the Braggart's Memory (Memories of the Dead). |
42 | chapter 6 | Along your way to the ceremonial hall, you need to explore the corridor in the Northern part of the first floor and make your way to the shaft located under the ceiling. Follow that shaft to get to a seemingly inaccessible room. |
43 | chapter 6 | While exploring the gardens at the beginning of the chapter, you need to unlock access to the Drainage and follow it. |
44 | chapter 7 | After you reach the first part of the Hidden City (Loading Docks Exterior), you need to use the drawbridge to get to the place where the City Artifact is (Unique Loot). |
45 | chapter 7 | While exploring the main area of the catacombs (the one with the monsters), you need to reach the lower ledge with the locked door. Enter the room, where there is the Bronzehead Bracelet (Mortal Coils). |
46 | chapter 7 | While exploring the first part of the Hidden City (Loading Docks Exterior) you need to take the path to the right, at the first opportunity, and reach an interactive catch. After you extend the rope, make your way to the small room with several items in it. |
47 | chapter 7 | You need to explore the Northern side of the cathedral's main hall and after you disable the traps (the box), use the ropes to reach a small room with a chest. |
48 | chapter 8 | After you reach the first part of the ship Treadwheel Deck, you need to climb down the stairs and locate the entrance to the optional venting shaft. Of course, you are supposed to explore the shaft. |
49 | chapter 8 | While exploring the Mine Tunnels you need to take the upper path, stop after you find an interactive catch, extend the rope and use it to reach a seemingly inaccessible area. |
50 | Stonemarket | The central part of the City (Blackfurrow) - you need to find a grate of the venting shaft, walk through the shaft and reach a small room with a chest. |
51 | Stonemarket | The central part of the City (Blackfurrow) - you need to find a grate of the venting shaft, walk through the shaft and reach an area with stairs. Press the button under the stairs and approach the newly-unlocked chest. |
52 | Stonemarket | The central part of the City (Blackfurrow) - you need to locate an interactive catch, high above, extend the rope and use it to reach the window at the building's top level. |
53 | Stonemarket | The central part of the City (Blackfurrow) - you need to examine the area around the obelisk, climb onto one of the nearby rooftops and find the place where you jump down onto the beams below. This way, you will reach an open window. Enter the apartment and shoot an arrow at the button hidden behind the bed |
54 | Stonemarket | The Southern part of the City (Moorsditch) - you need to gain access to the building, where there is the Arrogance of Nobility painting (The Court of Montonessi). |
55 | Stonemarket | The Southern part of the City (Moorsditch) - you need to use a rope arrow to reach a small balcony with locked door. Open the door, enter the apartment and take a look around for a button under the desk. |
56 | Stonemarket | The Southern part of the City (Moorsditch) - You need to explore the area around the obelisk, climb onto one of the nearby rooftops and jump down a small hole, next to the ladder. |
57 | Stonemarket | Baron's Way South - You need to explore the area at the back of the watchtower. There is a venting shaft here, which will take you to the staying place of one of the local merchants. |
58 | Stonemarket | Baron's Way South - You need to explore the area near the passage (crates) between the Baron's Way and the central part of the City. There is a venting shaft here. Walk through that shaft and use a rope arrow to reach the room above. |
59 | Stonemarket | Baron's way North - You need to explore the area around the crates that allow you to travel between the Baron's Way and the central part of the City (around Ector's Emporium). Locate the venting shaft and walk through. |
60 | Stonemarket | Ector's Emporium - you need to take all the steps necessary to gain access to the Golden Keep (Unique Loot). |
61 | Stonemarket | Old Quarters (Grandmauden) - you need to walk over the balconies above to get to the apartment at the upper floor, located to the east of the watchtower. Locate the interactive row of books, pull the right one and enter the newly-opened room. Finally, use a rope arrow onto the catch above and reach the upper level. |
62 | Stonemarket | Old Quarters (Grandmauden) - you need to start at the gate between the Old Quarters and the Clock Tower Plaza (crates). Look up, use the sharp arrow after the bridge lowers and two rope arrows on the interactive catches. Start climbing now and reach one of the windows above. |
63 | Stonemarket | Old Quarters (Grandmauden) - You need to explore the area to the South-West of the watchtower, close to the gate, thanks to which you start the seventh, and the eighth chapter. Make it over to the balconies above and jump towards the window into the apartment, where you can find, among others, the Dawn Gauzy (Pinned Castinets). |
64 | Stonemarket | Old Quarters (Muddler's Row) - you need to take the alley located to the North of the watchtower. Keep looking around, as you go, for a hole in ceiling and use a rope arrow to reach a small room. |
65 | Stonemarket | Old Quarters (Shinsworth Lane) - you need to locate two catches arranged side-by-side, and extend two ropes (rope arrows). Make your way to the very top and use both ropes to reach the window into the closed drugstore. |
66 | Stonemarket | Old Quarters (Shinsworth Lane) - You need to make your way to the rooftops in the Northern part of the Old Quarters. Find the bridge that you can lower, shoot the sharp arrow at the button and enter the apartment. Locate the interactive row of books here, pull the right one and explore the closet with the corpse. |
67 | Stonemarket | Old Quarters (Shinsworth Lane) - You need to make your way to the rooftops of the Northern part of the Old Quarters. Find the hanging rope and climb up, to the very top. |
68 | Stonemarket | Old Quarters (Shinsworth Lane) - You need to make your way to the rooftops of the Northern side of the Old Quarters. Find the venting shaft and walk through it. After you walk into the apartment, press the button. Now, extend the rope, climb down to the very bottom and jump towards another window. You will walk into the apartment, where there is, among others, the Ghost-girl (Pinned Castinets). |
69 | Stonemarket | Market Street - you need to walk through the window and walk into the warehouse that you visit during the "A Grave Matter" mission, thanks to which you will end up above the main street. Jump towards the balcony to the West and enter through the window of the neighboring building. |
70 | Stonemarket | Market Street - You need to go to the building located to the left of the gate that you take to start chapter six. Find the interactive window and enter the building. |
71 | Stonemarket | Market Street - You need to explore the area to the left of the blazing Watch Station (the one with the obelisk in front of). Climb down the rope and take the venting shaft. Find the place where there is an opponent with a document (you do not need to steal it to "complete" the secret area). |
72 | Stonemarket | Market Street - You need to explore the area to the left of the blazing Watch Station (the one with the obelisk in front of). Climb down the rope and take the venting shaft. Find the place where there is one of the merchants. |
73 | Stonemarket | Market Street - You need to explore the South-Eastern side of the district, i.e. the area at the back of the warehouse that you visit, during the "Grave Matter" side mission. Climb up the crates and reach the corner where there is a poppy. |
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