Enter the second part of the combination | Chapter 4: A Friend in Need Thief Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
After you regain control over Garrett. You will find yourself in a new location [The Keep - Safe Housing]. You will have to start avoiding the guards patrolling the area and attempting to find Garrett. First of all, try to leave the lower balconies, as quickly as possible, by using the claw to reach one of the ledges above. You should also make sure that you remain in hiding for the whole time and do not get too close to the enemies, because they move faster, and change their routes more often, due to their state of alertness.
As much as this is possible, try to reach the Northern part of this chamber, in the first place, which should be, by default, guarded by one guard. In here, you can find the generator switch shown in the above screenshot, whose pressing results in shutting off all the lights in this location. What is even more, the guard will ignore this and he will not restore the power supply. Seize the opportunity and rob the opponent off three Coin Purses - 7+3+5G and explore the Northern corridor, because there is a bracelet (The Mortal Coils - Shale Snake Bracelet) there.
You can now go South and cross the hall on its left, or its right side, depending on which you prefer. Steal among the guards and, wherever necessary, use the upper and lower balconies, wardrobes and throwables to your aid. It is also worthwhile to rob the guards, because you will obtain, as many as, four Coin Purses - 15+26+12+12G this way.
Eventually, you need to reach the Southern part of the hall, because there is a catwalk to the Great Safe there. You now need to enter the second part of the combination and again, you can use the Great Safe Combination document, to your aid here. Now you need to enter the second digits on this note, which yields the 018 combination.