Descend to the Treatment Center | Chapter 5: The Forsaken Thief Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Make sure that you have explored the entire first part of the asylum, i.e. the lobby, the Men's Ward and the Women's Ward (both floors). You can now go to the South-Eastern part of the Women's ward (first floor) [Moira Asylum - Women's Ward]. Note that the passage shown in the above is accessible now (it has been unlocked after you have collected the document on Erin). After you walk into the new room, collect the Poppy and the note (History, 3), and start squeezing between the crates [Treatment Center - Main Building].
Proceed on and find the note (Confidentiality) on your way, and collect the Syringe - 6G. Open the eastern door and approach the inactive elevator shaft. You first need to jump down here, onto the beam below and jump towards the ledge. Pick up the Magnifying Glass - 10G and climb down the stairs to the lower floor. You should focus on the Northern grate here and climb onto it to continue along your path.
Climb to the very bottom and take a look around in the darkness, which will allow Garrett to obtain Surgical Scissors - 2x12G. Return upstairs and examine the elevator shaft again. You will notice that you can climb down the ladder here, to the very bottom. Pick up the Magnifying Glass - 15G and return upstairs. You can take the eastern passage (you need to crouch here), which leads through the Treatment Center - Third Floor.