The Thaumaturge Guide
Everyone has their own demons. The Thaumaturge guide is the best tips for beginners, to combat, exploration. We describe all main and side quests, mechanics, all Salutors, skills, fast travel, trophies, difficulty levels, system requirements, game length, controls.

The Thaumaturge Guide
This guide to The Thaumaturge will help you understand the basic mechanics and assumptions of this rather unusual RPG, as well as deal with the main storyline, side quests, and numerous secrets and collectibles. We have developed advice on adjusting the difficulty level as well as finding and getting all Salutors. The walkthrough covers all main and side quests, and in the chapter about collectibles we have listed gramophone recordings, photos, sketches and magazines to discover. Our guide also answers common questions related to, e.g. collecting XP, fast travel, changing the character's appearance, insufficient Dimension strength, passage of time, TPP camera or the risk of failing a quest. The guide ends with a list of all achievements and information about the game's length and the time needed to complete The Thaumaturge in 100%.
- The Thaumaturge: Guide content
- The Thaumaturge: Interactive map
- The Thaumaturge: Basics
- The Thaumaturge: FAQ
- The Thaumaturge: Walkthrough, all quests
- The Thaumaturge: Bosses
- The Thaumaturge: Secrets and collectibles
- The Thaumaturge: Trophies, Achievements
- The Thaumaturge: Minimum PC system requirements
- The Thaumaturge: Game length
- The Thaumaturge: Language versions
- The Thaumaturge: Release date
The Thaumaturge: Guide content
Our guide begins with a set of tips and tricks, where we have devoted attention to describing unusual solutions related to combat, world exploration, and the development of the main character and his Salutors. From other sections of the chapter on basics, you will learn about obtaining all Salutors (esoteric beings with unique abilities) or the available difficulty levels.
One of the most important chapters is the walkthrough for all main and side quests. On these pages, we have described all mandatory and optional mission objectives, as well as important choices that may affect the course of a given quest. From the guide, you will also learn about endings and battles with unique bosses.
The FAQ section contains answers to frequently asked questions. It explains, e.g. how to gain XP and earn skill points, how to solve the problem of insufficient Dimension level, how to use fast travel, how to choose a different time of day and its practicality, how to change the appearance of the protagonist (face and clothing), whether you can switch to a TPP camera instead of an isometric view, whether you can fail a quest, whether you can command the entire party, how to unlock further skills, are there any important choices, and why attacks on enemies are ineffective.
In the chapter on secrets and collectibles, we have listed the main categories of secret items - sketches, gramophone recordings, stereoscopic photographs and fashion magazines. You will find out where various collectibles are hidden in the game world, what are the requirements for obtaining secrets, and whether the collectibles have practical use.
We have also prepared a page about all Steam achievements along with instructions on how to unlock them. On separate pages of the appendix we described, among others: system requirements, console versions, or how long it takes to complete The Thaumaturge.
The Thaumaturge: Interactive map
We have prepared an interactive map on which we have marked all the most important locations, quests and collectibles in The Thaumaturge. These include main and side quests, city secrets, gramophones, stereoscopic photographs and viewpoints, fashion magazines, sketches, Salutor hideouts, important NPCs, entrances to buildings or carriages and stops for fast travel. The interactive map shows all regions of the Transcaucasia and all districts of Warsaw.
The Thaumaturge: Basics
- Difficulty levels - The page explains how many different difficulty levels there are, how they differ, and whether you can freely change the difficulty level during the game.
- List of all Salutors - We show how to obtain new creatures for the main character, as well as what unique abilities different types of Salutors have.
The Thaumaturge: FAQ
- How to change the time of day? - Learn when the game will unlock the option to set a different time of day, as well as how traveling, for example at night hours, affects the gameplay.
- How to change the hero's appearance? - We explain whether it is possible to change the protagonist's appearance, i.e. his face and clothing.
- How to gain XP? - We have compiled all the methods for gaining experience in the game, thanks to which you can receive skill points.
- How to use fast travel? - Find out when you can unlock the fast travel mechanic, what its requirements are and whether the game can temporarily block travel destinations.
- Can you switch to TPP camera? - The Thaumaturge uses isometric perspective. We explain whether it is possible to rotate the camera and whether you can move the camera behind the hero's back.
- Can you fail a quest? - This is a spoiler-free page where we explain whether there are quests that can be failed.
- Can you command the party? - Wiktor is the main protagonist of the game - here you will find out if other characters can join him, and how to manage the Salutors.
- Is there an open world? - Here you will find out if the game allows you to freely travel around Warsaw and other main locations on the world map.
- What does Dimension force too low mean? - You may receive this type of message when trying to examine an Observation. Here we explain how to deal with this problem.
- Why are my attacks ineffective? - This page explains a potential problem where the attack on the opponent deals only minimal damage.
- How to unlock skills from the tree? - You don't have access to full skill tree right away. We explain how to unlock its further branches with new abilities.
- Are there important choices? - This page, in a general, spoiler-free way, explains whether there are important decisions in the game and how they can affect the plot and the course of quests.
The Thaumaturge: Walkthrough, all quests
Main quests
- Shadows of Sins Past - this is a long prologue quest happening entirely in Transcaucasia region. On this page, we show where to find the Miracle Worker and Flawed person in the village, how to correctly question Vesna, and how to reach the Forest Clearing.
- The Mermaid City's Son - starts after you arrive in Warsaw. We show how to get out of the kettling incident, how to reach the funeral service in Powazki, and how to return to the Szulski Family Tenement House.
- What We Leave Behind - in this mission, Wiktor investigates the circumstances of his father's death. In our guide, we show how to correctly examine the study in Szulski Family Tenement House, how to question Ligia, and where the ruins that you need to search are located.
- Taming Darkness in this task, Wiktor meets with Rasputin. You will also find out when possible follow-ups to this quest may appear in your Journal.
- The Reptilian Bash - during this mission, Wiktor will participate in a soiree happening in The Imperial Hotel. On the page, we show how to prepare for the party, as well as how to correctly examine the seance room and where to find Svetlana and the Flawed person.
- Bastards of the Night - in this mission, you're tasked with renewing your acquaintance with Abaurycy. On the lnked page, we show how to escape London Bar, where is the Flawed person, and how to provoke the Salutor Lelek.
- To Dust, You Shall Return - this quest is about getting Svetlana out of Warsaw. We inform how to escort Svetlana to the Port Praga, how to win fights in the dungeon, and where Javier is.
- All Our Curses - the main objective of this quest is to get help in lifting the Golem's curse. We described, among other things, the search of the father's office and the Szulski Family Shop, the visit to the Nozyk Synagogue, and the meeting with Mordechaj.
- Children of Satan - this shorter main quest involves taking part in Rasputin's speech in the Nadarzynski family apartment. You will find out what role Wiktor may get.
- Dangerous Friends - in this quest, Wiktor plans to establish contact with thaumaturges living in Warsaw. We described all the steps leading to the meeting with Faldjey.
- A Great Uproar - in this quest, the hero must find Ariel Rofe. We show, among other things, how to search Ariel's apartment and how to arrange a meeting in the Rozycki Bazaar district.
- Clay Ambitions - this is an important quest in which you free yourself from the Golem with the help of new friends. We described the preparations for the ritual in the dungeon of the Nozyk Synagogue and the important choice regarding Ariel and the Golem.
- The Devil's Gambit - this quest contains a point of no return, crossing which means advancing to the game's finale and canceling side quests. We also described the course of the exorcism on Szymek.
- In the Abyss - in this quest, Wiktor must escape from the Citadel. We explain, e.g. how to leave the cell, how the interrogation with Ivan and Samira might proceed, and where to find the father's grimoire.
- Something Ends, Something Begins - this is a shorter story quest in which Wiktor must search Faldjey's apartment and meet the old man.
- At the Crossroads - in this quest, you have to meet Rasputin. We suggest, e.g. how to get out of the Rozycki Bazaar district and how to prepare for a conversation with Rasputin in Powisle.
- A Fourth for Bridge - this is one of the last main quests and your objective is to meet Ariel Rofe again. We explain where Ariel is staying and how important choices affect the meeting.
- The Last Days of Summer - this is a very important quest in which you choose the game's ending. We also described how meetings with Stanislaw and Ligia can proceed.
- Waiting for a Miracle - this is the final quest of Rasputin's storyline. We described, among other things, getting into the Tsar's party, learning about Rasputin's plans, and possible variants during the meeting with the Tsar.
- Close to the Apple Tree - this is the last quest of the Coterie storyline. We inform, e.g. how to infiltrate the Dolina Szwajcarska Park, how to meet with Skalon, and what the final confrontation with the Tsar looks like.
Side quests
- The Tailor's Dilemmas - in this side task, Wiktor attempts to help Tailor find inspiration. Here we show where to find new trails related to the mission and how finding them unlocks new outfits for Wiktor.
- The Art of Dying - this side quest sees you track down Salutor Moran. On the page, we show how to examine the crime scene, how to find the Flawed person, and how the confrontation with Kajetan plays out.
- Horses in the sky - this is the second side quest in which you stop the Fisherman in Powisle. We inform, among other things, how to gain access to the victim's body, how to free Kajetan from prison, and how to stop the real murderer.
- They're alive - in this mission, Wiktor is tasked with stopping further hostilities from WAS organization. On this page, we show how to examine the cemetery, where is WAS headquarters located, and possible ending variants of the quest.
- The Price of Friendship - during this mission, Wiktor is tasked with investigating the causes of Ludwig's death in The Imperial Hotel. In the provided link, we show how to start the quest, how to correctly interrogate Petya and other NPCs, and how the situation can evolve into different ending variants.
- Fearless - this is a quest in which Wiktor must catch the thief Leila in the Mirow district. You will learn how to get the Djinn Salutor, where Leila is and how to confront the woman.
- Memory Horizon - this is a quest related to visions of events from Wiktor's past. We show how to start the quest and how to watch the next visions with Upyr's help.
- Veiled with holiness - this is a small quest in which you visit to an Orthodox church in Praga. You will find out when the quest will be unlocked and where to find all the related traces.
- Quitting Time - in this quest you have to solve the problem of the strike in Southern Srodmiescie. We explain who the parties to the conflict are, as well as all possible variants for ending the strike.
- First Page - this quest involves an investigation ordered by Tobiasz Fejgin. We show how to start this quest, how to extract information from Krystian Krol and where to find the Lechites hideout.
- A rod for the hero - this quest takes place in the Port Praga district, where you can find Salutator Krampus. We explain how to gain access to the warehouse and how to search it, as well as how to follow Edek.
- Cognitive Function - this is the quest of the Flying University in which you have to steal a volume from the Antiquarian Bookshop. We show the course of the investigation and how to identify the book thiefs.
- A Story of One Lecture - this is the second quest of the Flying University, in which Wiktor will give a lecture in the Szulski Family Tenement House. We advise on how to prepare for the lecture and where the props are.
- Here We Go Again - this is Abaurycy's last side quest, in which Wiktor will help his companion in locating Kafar. You will find out how the confrontation in the warehouse can proceed.
- The Mysteries of Faith - this smaller quest involves investigating the site of the attack on a brothel in the Powisle district. We inform about the traces that can be discovered.
The Thaumaturge: Bosses
- Bukavac - this is the first boss of the game, encountered already in the Prologue i.e. Shadows of Sins Past story quest. In the provided link, we show how to reach the area with the boss, and what unique attacks the boss has in his repertoire.
- Veles is a Salutor who reveals himself during the seance in The Imperial Hotel, which is an event from The Reptilian Bash story quest. Here we provide a description of the encounter, including a breakdown of Veles' unique moveset.
- Lelek - you face this creature during the russian roulette sequence in the Bastards of the Night story quest. On this page, we show how to make the Salutor appear and how to attack him efficiently.
- Morana - this Salutor is associated with the serial killer from Powisle, whom Wiktor stops during the The Art of Dying and Horses in the sky side quests. You will find out who the person with the Flaw is and how to defeat Morana.
- Djinn - this optional Salutor can be recruited in the Mirow district when hunting the thief Leila during the Fearless side quest. You will learn how to deal with the Salutor's attacks and how to defeat him.
- Golem - this large Salutor hunts Wiktor and his family. The opportunity to stop him appears during the ritual in the synagogue in the Clay Ambitions main quest. We explain how to get the optional fight with the Golem.
- Krampus - a well-hidden Salutor associated with the warehouse in the Port Praga, which is visited during A rod for the hero side quest. We show where to find a person with a Flaw and how to defeat Krampus.
- Ivan Konechkin - this is the only character on the list who does not have supernatural abilities. Fight with Ivan in the Szulski family home is one of the more difficult regular fights in The Last Days of Summer quest.
- Final boss - one of the game's endings forces you to fight the final boss who can be a challenge. We described this battle from the Waiting for a Miracle main quest in the Dolina Szwajcarska Park.
The Thaumaturge: Secrets and collectibles
- Gramophone Recordings - we show places where you can find all 8 gramophones with vinyls of classical music.
- Stereoscopic Photographs - we have compiled all 17 sites with photos and you will also find out where the viewpoints associated with them are.
- Fashion Magazines - the website has a list of all 10 magazines and their locations.
- Sketches: Srodmiescie, Powisle, Powazki - you will find out where you can find these secrets in the Powazki Cemetery, Southern Srodmiescie, Northern Srodmiescie and Powisle districts from act 1.
- Sketches: Mirow, Praga, Bazaar - we show where these collectibles are hidden in the Port Praga, Praga, Rozycki Bazaar and Mirow districts in act 2.
The Thaumaturge: Trophies, Achievements
The Steam version of The Thaumaturge has 57 achievements. They can be related, among other things, to progress in the main plot, defeating Salutors, or unique actions performed during battles. We described all achievements on the page: Trophies / Achievements.
The Thaumaturge: Minimum PC system requirements
- Operating system: Windows10 64-bit
- Processor: Intel Core i5-10400F 2.9 GHz / AMD Ryzen 5 3600 3.6 GHz
- Graphics card: 6 GB GeForce GTX 1060 / Radeon RX 5600 XT
- RAM: 16 GB
- Disk space: about 25 GB
For more information about recommended requirements, game performance and optimization, visit the page: System requirements.
The Thaumaturge: Game length
A typical playthrough of The Thaumaturge should take about 20-25 hours. You can spend more time with the game by looking for various collectibles and minor quests, as well as trying to get different endings and checking the consequences of various important choices. For more information, visit Game Length page of our guide.
The Thaumaturge: Language versions
The game The Thaumaturge offers a multiple languages both in dialogs and subtitles. For a full list of supported languages, visit: Language versions.
The Thaumaturge: Release date
The PC version was released on March 4, 2024. For information about plans and availability of The Thaumaturge on PS5 or Xbox Series, check out this page: Console versions.

Author: Jacek Hałas
Working with since the old days, focusing on preparing guides for large and massive games, although occasionally smaller ones too. Besides more than 200 guides, his writing credits include reviews, previews, and editorials. Privately, almost exclusively a console player, most often playing action-adventure games (with a strong emphasis on good plot), racing games, and horrors. Also appreciates stealth games and tactical turn-based games in the style of XCOM. Plays a lot, not only at work but also outside of it, hunting - within the limits of reason and free time - for trophies. Apart from games, likes cycling trips, a good book (especially by Stephen King), and TV series (Stargate, The Sopranos, and Supernatural).

Author: Matthew Sawka
Master of English Philology at the University of Silesia. He began his collaboration with Gamepressure, his first job in the profession, as an external guides translator, and after just over 6 months, he permanently joined the team. Main translator of guides for, sometimes also works on some news. He is allergic to spoilers, which is funny in the context of his profession. He likes various genres - from fighting games (Street Fighter) and action-packed games (Devil May Cry), to broadly defined action games (God of War), ending with shooters (Halo), or FromSoftware games (Soulslike, Armored Core). If he's not playing at a given moment, he's most likely reading some manga, a book (mainly fantasy and science-fiction) or another Batman comic book, watching The Office, or working on another model kit from the Mobile Suit Gundam series.
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