Civilization 6: Poland DLC - Jadwiga, nation overview, tips
In this chapter of our guide you will find a description of Poland, as one of the nations in Civilization 6: Gathering Storm. You will learn more about the strong sides of Poland and ways of using the culture bomb. Additionally, you will read about possibilities of growth, Winged Hussar, and Sukiennice - the special building in the business district.
Note - in order to play as Poland you need to have the Poland Civilization & Scenario pack paid DLC for 4,99€. Poland is ruled by Jadwiga, and the expansion also has a new scenario called Jadwiga's Legacy.
Nation description - Polish Empire

Poland is a nation that is focused mostly on expansion and religion victory. A few bonuses are related to that. When playing as Poland, you will want to start your own religion and use the other bonuses to strengthen your position. The remaining bonuses are useful when expanding the borders or during a war.
All of Poland's relics feature a bonus to culture, gold and an additional boost of faith points. Obtaining a relic is more profitable than in other nations. Later you can increase the faith income three times thanks to a special doctrine. By doing so you will increase the income of faith points per turn and thus you will speed up the evangelization of your religion. Mont St. Michel is a very important wonder of the world to build. Each apostle will obtain a martyr skill that will always generate a relic after a unit dies. Starting an alliance with the state city of Kandy is very useful as well - it will increase the income from all relics and it will provide a new relic for each discover nature wonder. Remember to have space for new relics or they will be lost!
Poland can easily convert rival cities to its religion. If you started your own religion, each culture bomb will convert the majority of the population of a city with the hex on which the culture bomb was used. This situation might happen if you build a military district or a fort (an upgrade created by a military engineer. It is available after building an armory in military district). Thanks to that, you don't need to worry about expansion among the cities of other nations - you can easily take away their territories. You can even plan to deliberately create new cities close to other civilizations. This will enable you to focus your missionaries on converting cities deeper in the enemy territory.
When building forts/military districts in order to use the culture bomb you must remember about the following:
- A fort cannot be created on luxury, strategic or additional resources (although the latter can be removed) and on some types of terrain, like swamps.
- The culture bomb won't expand the borders of the city outside the maximum range which is 3 fields from the center of the city. However, it will take over all fields around the district/upgrade.
- Expanding the borders of the city doesn't include fields with wonders of the world, city center, or with already built districts. If the fields included upgrades unavailable for your civilizations, they will disappear and you will receive empty fields.
- After using the culture bomb you can remove the fort upgrade.
- If you built a fort on a field with an undiscovered strategic resource, you will automatically start obtaining it.
Another useful bonus is replacing one military card with a wild one in any political system if there is at least one slot for a military card available. This bonus can be used even early in the game, for example by selecting a card that speeds up obtaining the points of the Great Prophet. Thanks to that you will obtain a prophet much faster and you will start your own religion. Later, it will enable you to select cards flexibly in order to develop your empire faster.
Sukiennice replaces marketplace and they increase production from international trade or gold income from internal trade. Thanks to that, you can increase production in your cities or you can increase gold income, even during a war. Winged Hussar is a unit between a knight and a tank. It is a very fast and strong unit. Its strength lies mostly in its special skill that enables it to push enemy one field back or to the sides. If the enemy can't be pushed to one of the 3 fields, then it receives additional damage. This enables you to push the enemies from forests or hills or to take over a barbarian camp even before you defeat the defenders.
Poland is perfect if you plan on achieving a religion victory. It focuses on accumulating faith points since the start of the game. It can expand its borders to territories controlled by other civilizations. It can immediately convert rival cities which encourages focusing on religion. Winged Hussar will help you control your territory and conquer territories of troublesome opponents. With a strong economy, you can try using winged hussars to achieve a military victory.
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