Civilization 6: Entertainment Complex / Street Carnival - bonuses, buildings
This chapter of Civilization 6 game guide is dedicated to entertainment complex and its unique version, available only for Brazil - Street Carnival. Here, you will find important information about said district in Civ 6 and tips that will allow you to use its full potential.

Domestic trade | +1 to food |
International trade | +1 to food |
Profit | +1 to amenity |
At a glance it can be noticed that entertainment complex as a singular structure doesn't have much impact on gameplay. It has a very small trade profits which don't have a direct impact on any of the areas that can, at this stage of game, generate any useful bonuses. Despite that it is one of the most important districts which cannot be ignored because it has a tremendous impact on the development of your cities. Notice that this district gives you no profits which changes when you decide to develop its infrastructure. Regardless, entertainment complex is important from strategic point of view and only your skills will decide when you have to build it. Don't forget about it but nothing prevents you from giving it only just the amount of production points for its development so you can fulfill city's recent needs. When its development slows down you have to find the source of problem and react. For a middle part of scenario, entertainment complex is a solid ground that allows to save up your production for more useful buildings or districts. Remember, that amenities influence citizens' happiness so try to not only focus on fulfilling the most basic needs because rising citizens' amenity will lead to a faster development of your city. It is especially important during the beginning and the middle part of a scenario where you can outrun your enemies. Number of citizens multiplies the bonus from each district. The faster your city develops, the greater excess of points you can get.
Bonuses - Street Carnival
Domestic trade | +1 to food |
International trade | +1 to food |
Profits | +2 to amenity Unlocks Carnival project which provides 1 amenity upon activating and gives Great People points after completing. |
This district, available only for Brazil, may seem to not be that much different from the regular one. However, after right after building it, it provides two amenities and additionally allows you to use a unique project that, for a small cost, greatly increases district's potential. It also gets you closer to hiring Great People.
Name | Cost | Bonus |
Arena | 135 production points Maintenance 1 Gold | +1 to amenity |
Tlachtli (Aztecs only) | 135 production points Maintenance 1 Gold | +1 to amenity +2 to faith +1 to Great General |
Brazil can build their unique Street Carnival district, while Aztecs have the access to a unique building for a regular one. You can notice the difference between the unique function of this building and the regular one, both being the first step in developing this type of district. With the same costs of construction and maintenance Aztecs can generate additional faith Great General points. When you look at the profits that Aztecs can get from this building you might think the game is unbalanced. However, notice that Entertainment Complex is accessible in later part of the game and without solid ground in the early part Aztecs might not get any profits from it.
Zoo | 405 production points Maintenance 2 Gold | +1 to amenity Bonus extends to all city centers within 6 tiles. |
Stadium | 600 production points Maintenance 3 Gold | +2 to amenity Bonus extends to all city centers within 6 tiles. |
With growing demands, you can start a further development of a district. Notice, that buildings in the table above work for regions which means that their bonuses can work in different cities as long as their centers are in the 6 tiles radius. Thanks to that you can cumulate bonuses so the profits should persuade you to construct city complexes and building single districts in cities you can cumulate regional bonuses without restrictions. A single structure won't grant you that much profits but if construct few districts close to each other then you can fulfill your citizens' needs for the entire scenario. In this case you just have to take care for citizen slots and housings and, thanks to that, cities will develop dynamically resulting in more gold in your treasury.
Project - Carnival (Brazil only)
When active generates +1 to amenities. When completed gives +1 to Great People points (Engineer, Writer, Artist, Merchant and Musician).
This project differs greatly from those described in previous sections. You don't get any profits while it is being fulfilled but right after its activation you get bonus to housings. Previous projects should be done in dribs and drabs because of profits received per turn. In this case, depending on your needs, you can start the project to get amenities for your citizens but you should end it fast enough so you can have the ability to start it again when your city is depleted from amenities.
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