Hitman 3: Imogen Royce - how to kill her? Chongqing, China, walkthrough
This page of the Hitman 3 game guide describes Imogen Royce and various methods to eliminating her. The following list includes unusual ways to kill the target that require you to use certain items or perform specific actions.
Imogen Royce is one of the main targets to be eliminated during the End Of An Era mission in Chongqing, China. The Certainty Principle story mission is related to Imogen Royce, and it allows the player to get close enough to the woman to have a chance to silently eliminate her.

Cooling Down
One non-standard way to eliminate Imogen Royce is to drown her in coolant, in the Data Core room. To accomplish this, you first need to complete several steps.

Approach the hidden passage to the ICA facility and enter the code 0118 to gain access. Then go through the corridor to the inside of the underground complex.

Go down the stairs and turn left inside the room. You will notice a gable vent on the right - hack it with your camera.

Hide behind the desk of one of the guards. When none of the men are looking in your direction, sneak to the double doors at the other end of this room.

Go through the hallway - watch out for the camera on the left. If it detects you the guards will start hunting you down.

If the man marked in the image above is not standing next to the bodyguard, you will have to wait until he finishes drinking his water and approaches the desk on the left.

Hack the lock on the left then and sneak inside. Take the level two clearance from the desk.

Now go back to the hallway with the camera and sneak to the door. Hack the lock on the right and move on.

Go downstairs and then through the double doors. There is a ventilation shaft on the left - hack the gable vent and go inside. Go down the ladder and hack another gable vent, then go out into the hallway.

You will find a camera installed on your right. Continue past the point where the green lines are not touching the wall on the left.

Wait for the guard to approach the passage, then use the terminal to distract him. Hide in the closet and wait.

When the guard shuts down the terminal, get out of the closet, incapacitate him, and put on his clothes. Hide the body in the closet.

Go to the next room. On the right is a ventilation shaft that will take you straight to Imogen Royce's studio.

Once inside Royce's office, approach the computer and fire one employee - Jeremy Bolt. He is the one standing at the main door leading to the Data Core. After he's fired, he will start a contention with Royce's private bodyguard, so he will not accompany her to the location where you will eliminate her.

Return to the ventilation shaft and go out into the corridor. Keep right inside the ventilation shaft. Watch out for the camera on the right. After entering the shaft, go right and then turn left twice and continue ahead.

You will notice another grid on the left side - open it. Jump to the narrow passage and through the next grate to the Data Core room.

Crouch in the spot shown in the image above and wait for Imogen Royce. Remember, there is still one employee - Alicia Reynolds - in the room to the left, by the computer.

Wait for Imogen Royce to approach the terminal. After a short while, she'll lean against one of the railings - make sure Alicia Reynolds isn't looking in your direction, then approach your target from behind and push Royce into the coolant.
Medium Rare
The second non-standard way to eliminate Imogen Royce is to burn her the moment she enters the Data Core room. To accomplish this, you first need to complete several steps.

Approach the hidden passage to the ICA facility and enter the code 0118 to gain access. Then go through the corridor to the inside of the underground complex.

Go down the stairs and turn left inside the room. You will notice a gable vent on the right - hack it with your camera.

Hide behind the desk of one of the guards. When none of the men are looking in your direction, sneak to the double doors at the other end of this room.

Go through the hallway - watch out for the camera on the left. If it detects you the guards will start hunting you down.

If the man marked in the image above is not standing next to the bodyguard, you will have to wait until he finishes drinking his water and approaches the desk on the left.

Hack the lock on the left then and sneak inside. Take the level two clearance from the desk.

Now go back to the hallway with the camera and sneak to the door. Hack the lock on the right and move on.

Go downstairs and then through the double doors. There is a ventilation shaft on the left - hack the gable vent and go inside. Go down the ladder and hack another gable vent, then go out into the hallway.

You will find a camera installed on your right. Continue past the point where the green lines are not touching the wall on the left.

Wait for the guard to approach the passage, then use the terminal to distract him. Hide in the closet and wait.

When the guard shuts down the terminal, get out of the closet, incapacitate him, and put on his clothes. Hide the body in the closet.

Go to the next room. On the right is a ventilation shaft that will take you straight to Imogen Royce's studio.

Once inside Royce's office, approach the computer and fire two employees - Jeremy Bolt and Alicia Reynold. Jeremy Bolt stands at the main door leading to the Data Core room. After he's fired, he will start a contention with Imogen Royce's private bodyguard, so he will not accompany her to the location where you will eliminate her. Alicia Reynold can also thwart your plans so it's worth getting her out of the way. After doing so, immediately hide in the shaft.

After a while, Imogen Royce will enter the room along with her bodyguard. Wait for him to finish doing his routine and leave the room.

Exit the shaft and approach the control panel by the door - activate it to black out the windows, just in case.

Approach the computer and observe the view from the fourth camera that was installed in the Data Core room.

As soon as Imogen Royce approaches the terminal, fire Sharon Reed. The woman will approach her station and activate the coolant self-immolation, thus frying Royce.
A Shock to the System
Imogen Royce can also be eliminated by lethal electrocution. This task is a bit more complex and requires some additional steps.

Approach the hidden passage to the ICA facility and enter the code 0118 to gain access. Then go through the corridor to the inside of the underground complex.

Once inside the facility, go down the stairs, turn right and jump across at about the point marked in the image above.

Use thecamera to hack the terminal at the door leading to the break room - this will black out the windows.

Now approach the control panel on the left and activate it to get the attention of one of the people inside. Then turn off the terminal and hide inside the room on the left.

After a moment a woman will come out into the corridor - attack her from behind, stun her and hide her body in the closet in the room you left. You will have to repeat the above steps to lure the last worker out of the room.

Enter the room and toss a coin or other object near the flower, then retreat out the door.

Wait until the guard standing next to you becomes interested in the noise and enters the room. Go in behind him, close the door on the right (just to be safe), then eliminate the guard and take his clothes. Hide the body in a closet in the same room.

Exit the room and continue left. You will come to an area where you will notice three workers. Using thecamera, hack their stations to send them on a break.
If you come across Imogen Royce during this time, hide in the hallway and wait.

Enter Imogen Royce's office and take a screwdriver from the table. Return to the break room and wait.

After a while Imogen Royce will come to send her staff back to their posts. Wait until all employees leave.

You must now perform two actions before the target moves. Damage one of the cables, and then pierce the water tank with a screwdriver. Imogen Royce will be electrocuted and die instantly.
Venting Some Stress
Imogen Royce can be assassinated with deadly poison while she is in the break room, but it will require several steps in the correct order. If you have unlocked the deadly poison, you can smuggle it into the Chongqing area and immediately go to the ICA. Otherwise, you will need to get the poison and then go to an ICA facility.

You can find the Lethal Poison Pill Jar in the homeless shelter, which is linked to the Impulse Control story quest. There are cameras in the building, so you cannot move around the area without a proper disguise. Things that can distract your opponents, such as coins, will be useful to get the poison. Go to the alley near the homeless shelter, then climb the ladder to the scaffolding and through the open window into the hallway.

The next actions need to be properly synchronized because there are two guards standing at the entrance to the stairwell. Toss the first coin into the corner of the hallway, in the area shown in the above image.

As soon as one of the guards passes your position, immediately toss a second coin toward the stairs to distract the other guard.

Sneak quickly behind the first man's back and overpower him. Without wasting time, go after the second guard and overpower him as well. Change into a jumpsuit - the bodies will not be found so you can leave them here.

Go to the upper floor of the building and using the available curtains sneak to the staircase - enter the mezzanine.

Enable Instinct to see if the road is clear. If you end up in Hush's cycle where he goes down a floor below to talk to his co-worker, you'll have to wait in the stairwell a little longer. There is one guard stationed on the left, walk over to the lab area the moment he is not looking in your direction.

The Lethal Poison Pill Jar lies on the desk to the left. You can take it without distracting the people working in the room. Leave the shelter area the same way you got here - through the window from the corridor to street level.

Head to the camouflaged passage to the ICA facility. There is one bodyguard standing in the front, so it's a good idea to use the alternative route and leave at the place indicated in the picture above.

Approach the hidden passage to the ICA facility and enter the code 0118 to gain access. Then go through the corridor to the inside of the underground complex.

Once inside the facility, go down the stairs, turn right and jump across at about the point marked in the image above.

Use thecamera to hack the terminal at the door leading to the break room - this will black out the windows.

Now approach the control panel on the left and activate it to get the attention of one of the people inside. Then turn off the terminal and hide inside the room on the left.

After a moment a woman will come out into the corridor - attack her from behind, stun her and hide her body in the closet in the room you left. You will have to repeat the above steps to lure the last worker out of the room.

Enter the room and toss a coin or other object near the flower, then retreat out the door.

Wait until the guard standing next to you becomes interested in the noise and enters the room. Go in behind him, close the door on the right (just to be safe), then eliminate the guard and take his clothes. Hide the body in a closet in the same room.

Exit the room and continue left. You will come to an area where you will notice three workers. Using thecamera, hack their stations to send them on a break.
If you come across Imogen Royce during this time, hide in the hallway and wait.

Enter Imogen Royce's office and take a screwdriver from the table. Return to the break room and wait.

After a while Imogen Royce will come to send her staff back to their posts. Wait until all the workers have gone outside and go to the small technical room, behind the door on the right - you hid the bodies of two workers there earlier.

Once the target has sat down to relax, add the Lethal Poison Pill Jar to the ventilation system, then exit the room and activate the air conditioner.

As the poisoned air begins to fill the room, Imogen Royce dies. No one will suspect anything, so you can continue to move about the facility with confidence.
Bullet Points
You can find good quality sniper weapons around Chongqing - you don't have to smuggle them in, like the map in Dubai, for example. The chance to take out two mission targets at once becomes available after completing the All-Seeing Eyes mission story.

After starting the game, walk ahead and then take the stairs to the street level and enter the building shown in the image above.

Climb the staircase to the roof of the building. When you are on the roof, turn right and approach the spot shown in the image above. Jump over the wall and go across the makeshift footbridge to the balcony of the second building.

Go to the end of the balcony, then jump over the railing and climb up the gutter to the upper floor of the neighboring building.

There is a guard standing on the roof. Grab the brick and distract him so that the man turns his back to you. Eliminate him to gain access to the sniper weapon. Place the guard in the wooden crate, then take the weapon and use the metal stairs on the right to climb to the roof.

You must now shoot down 5 drones belonging to Imogen Royce. The best sniper position is on the metal balcony behind the bliboard. Before firing the shot, hold your breath (Left Shift on PC by default) to maintain good aim.

Once you've shot down 5 drones, wait for two more devices to appear over Hush's building. During this time, you will have to deal with two opponents who will enter the roof to check for any intruders.

At some point, the guards will move upstairs. Drop down at the point shown in the image above and wait until the first opponent passes your position - he will go to the balcony on the left.

Right after him, a second guard will step onto the roof. Pull yourself up then to get on the roof and overpower him.

When the second man comes down to the roof, tackle him from behind and incapacitate him. The area is clear - no one else will bother you.

Take up a shooting position and shoot down the last two drones that are hovering above the building on the left.

When all of Imogen Royce's devices are destroyed, the woman becomes furious and invites Hush to have a chat in the narrow passage between their buildings.

During the conversation, Imogen Royce will move forward a bit and align with Hush - this is the perfect time to take a shot and eliminate two targets at the same time. You don't have to aim for the head - the torso shot is sufficient.
Big Bada Boom
During the All-Seeing Eyes mission story, there is an opportunity to eliminate both targets simultaneously by exploding a gas barrel. To do this, you must first bring Hush and Imogen Royce together.

After starting the game, walk ahead and then take the stairs to the street level and enter the building shown in the image above.

Climb the staircase to the roof of the building. When you are on the roof, turn right and approach the spot shown in the image above. Jump over the wall and go across the makeshift footbridge to the balcony of the second building.

Go to the end of the balcony, then jump over the railing and climb up the gutter to the upper floor of the neighboring building.

There is a guard standing on the roof. Grab the brick and distract him so that the man turns his back to you. Eliminate him to gain access to the sniper weapon. Place the guard in the wooden crate, then take the weapon and use the metal stairs on the right to climb to the roof.

You must now shoot down 5 drones belonging to Imogen Royce. The best sniper position is on the metal balcony behind the bliboard. Before firing the shot, hold your breath (Left Shift on PC by default) to maintain good aim.

Once you've shot down 5 drones, you'll have to wait a bit for two more devices to appear over Hush's building. During this time, you will have to deal with two opponents who will enter the roof to check for any intruders.

At some point, the guards will move upstairs. Drop down at the point shown in the image above and wait until the first opponent passes your position - he will go to the balcony on the left.

Right after him, a second guard will step onto the roof. Pull yourself up then to get on the roof and overpower him.

When the second man comes down to the roof, tackle him from behind and incapacitate him. The area is clear - no one else will bother you.

Take up a shooting position and shoot down the last two drones that are hovering above the building on the left.

When all of Imogen Royce's devices are destroyed, the woman becomes furious and invites Hush to have a chat in the narrow passage between their buildings.

Wait for Hush to approach Imogen Royce and shoot the gas barrel twice. The item is faintly visible, but we highlighted it in the image above. The explosion will take out two targets simultaneously.
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