Hitman 3: Carl Ingram - how to kill? Dubai, walkthrough
On this page of the Hitman 3 game guide, you will find information on Carl Ingram and various methods to eliminate him. The following list includes unusual ways to kill the target that require you to use certain items or perform specific actions.
Carl Ingram is one of the targets to be eliminated during the On Top of the World mission. The Bird Of Prey story quest is related to Carl Ingram, which allows the player to get close to the man and have a chance to eliminate the target silently.

Pick Your Poison

One way to eliminate Carl Ingram is to poison his meal. To do this, you must first acquire lethal poison (rat poison is not enough). The lethal poison in the form of pills is carried by Zana Kazem - the character you have to pretend to be during the Bird Of Prey story quest.
When the man walks into the garden, lure him using one of the terminals located in the lodges, then eliminate him. The pills will immediately fall to the ground from where you can pick them up.

The rat poison you can obtain along the way will also come in handy while doing this task. Disguise yourself as the Penthouse Security guard and head to the 4th floor of the building. Go through the door marked in the picture above.

You will find the rat poison on the lowest bookcase shelf, in the place marked in the picture above.

Now, go to the kitchen and wait for the security guard to move from the counter. When the cook turns toward the kitchen, poison his water.
If this action is spotted by a nearby security guard, quickly hide in the toilet. After a short while, the security guard will let it go and won't be looking for you.

Once the cook has gone to the restroom, you can prepare a meal for Carl Ingram. Finally, add the lethal poison to the food.

Now ring the little bell on the counter to call Carl Ingram to the dining room for dinner.

After a while, the victim will go downstairs and enjoy his last meal, and you, dressed as a penthouse security guard, won't arouse any suspicion.
Angry Bird
Carl Ingram can be eliminated using the explosive golf ball, but the preparation for this will be quite time-consuming.

The first step is to get a Penthouse Security Guard outfit. Then go to the place shown in the picture above - entrance to the small technical room on the 3rd floor, next to the server room. You will find the key to the room on a table in the utility room next to the server room.

Behind the red toolbox, you will find an explosive golf ball. The item is small and can easily be overlooked.

After getting the golf ball, head to the penthouse. Carl Ingram only plays golf when he gets very nervous - you have to make it happen. When Carl Ingram starts taking care of business on the phone and settles down in the living room, wait until the maid move a bit and turn on the radio.
If you are caught, you will have to hide, for example, in the hallway or outside the penthaouse area. Carl will get mad and go to his upstairs office.

Wait for the man to grab the phone again and take action. If guards are in the area, go into a nearby bathroom and turn on two taps to get their attention.

Walk up to the vacuum cleaner and turn it on - it's best to move away immediately, as this action will alert all guards and staff. Carl Ingram will get so mad that he leave his job and go to relax by playing golf.

Go outside quickly and thrown an explosive golf ball into the basket, then step back and wait.

After a while, the target will appear along with his security guard, who will not pay any attention to you. As soon as Carl Ingram hits the ball, it will explode and knock him off the roof of a skyscraper.
Black Gold Eye
An interesting way to assassinate Carl Ingram is to impale him on an oil rig model in his office. The best opportunity to do so is after completing the Bird Of Pray story quest - Carl Ingram will invite you to his apartment and tell everyone else to leave the room.

Only one security guard will remain. Get to him from behind and knock him down so he doesn't raise the alarm.

All you have to do is walk up to the desk and push Carl Ingram right onto the model of the oil rig. No one will suspect anything.
Steep Task
The next interesting way to eliminate Carl Ingram is to make him fall over the balcony railing in his own apartment. The best opportunity to do so is after completing the Bird Of Pray story quest - Carl Ingram will invite you to his apartment and tell everyone else to leave the room.

Walk up to the TV and pick up the screwdriver that is lying on the TV cabinet. The item is very small, so it is easy to miss it.

Immediately, head to the observation deck and unscrew the screw from the railing on the left. This will loosen the entire section of the glass balustrade.

Now lean against the railing a little further and enjoy the view. After a moment, Carl Ingram will join you, lean on the faulty railing, and fall.

If you don't loosen the screws, Carl Ingram will join you on the deck and lean against the railing. It will give you a chance to approach him from behind and push him out - the target will die, and the security guards won't suspect a thing.
Impactful Art
After completing the How The Mighty Fall story mission, you will have the opportunity to eliminate two targets (Carl Ingram and Marcus Stuyvesant) at the same time, using the chandelier hanging in the penthouse's living room.

First, use the control board to cut off the room from the rest of the building. Then wait for both men to approach the television.

Now all you have to do is shoot through the chain on which the heavy chandelier hangs. It will fall and instantly kill both targets.
Mile High Drop
You can take out both Carl Ingram and Marcus Stuyvesant when they go skydiving, but this requires more preparation and setting off the evacuation alarm on the top floor of the building.

In the beginning, go through the bar area and head to the art gallery. Walk across the room and enter the staff area through the narrow door on the right.

Climb the ladder to the metal footbridge and turn left. Carl Ingram will be passing in the hallway with security guards. Moreover, there will be quite a few security in the area.

Wait until all potential enemies have passed or are not looking in your direction and immediately jump over the railing - head to the left.

One guard stands at the entrance to the security room. The man is talking on the phone, so he will not pay attention to you. Go behind him, knock him down, take his belongings and hide his body in the closet in the security room - the other guard is sleeping, so he won't pay attention to you.

Before you leave this room, open the small safe - the code is 6927. Inside, you'll find an access card for the evacuation alarm switch - take it.

Go through the conference room to the reception area and then enter the penthouse. Inside you will find two alarm switches that you must activate at a certain time. You'll find the first one on the first floor, in the location shown in the picture above.

The second one is on the first floor, in the corridor next to the main entrance - two guards stand by it. Activate the alarm, then exit the penthouse.

Head to the observation deck and use the shortcut (ladder) to go down to the 3rd building level. You will get to a small cantina - go outiside. If you haven't unlocked the shortcut, run down to the 3rd floor and head to the service room at the end of the hallway. It is right next to the server room.

Now, wait for the men to wear their parachutes, and they will walk to the observation deck to jump. As soon as you spot the first target, shoot the parachute. After a while, a second target will appear on the screen - eliminate it in the same way.
Conserving Ammunition

Once you reach the 15 Mastery Level, you will be able to smuggle a sniper weapon into the Burj Al-Ghazali area, which will be necessary to pass this challenge. We suggest you hiding it in your suitcase, as you cannot move around the skyscraper with an illegal item.

In the beginning, go through the bar area and head to the art gallery. Walk across the room and enter the staff area through the narrow door on the right.

Walk straight and you will reach a ladder. You can't go upstairs with the briefcase, so put it down and pull out the sniper rifle. From this point on, any guard, staff member, or another random person will be able to detect you, so you must watch out for your every step.

Go up the ladder to the top and turn left. Before you jump over the railing, make sure no one notices you. Once you get to level 3, immediately turn left.

One guard stands at the entrance to the security room. The man is talking on the phone, so he will not pay attention to you. Go behind him, knock him down, take his belongings and hide his body in the closet in the security room - the other guard is sleeping, so he won't pay attention to you.

Go to the service room on the left and overpower one of the service workers. Hide the body in the closet.

Go through the server room into the narrow hallway and knock out the man shown in the picture above. Take the access card, and hide the body in the closet.

Return to the server room. Swipe the access card through the terminal, then pull one of the disks in the cabinet where the information is displayed in yellow.
When you pull the disk in the cabinet with green lettering, you'll set off a silent alarm, and after a while, two guards will appear in the room.

Arrange a fictional meeting (1 tile) so that both objectives appear in one place. It's also a good idea to turn off the cameras (tile 3) and open the elevator entrance (tile 2) if you want to escape the Burj Al-Ghazali this way.

Exit the server room and turn right. At the end of the corridor, you will find a narrow door. Open it using the access card you took from the guard earlier.

Walk forward until you reach the main living room of the penthouse. Carl Ingram will already be in place, and you'll have to wait a bit for Marcus Stuyvesant. Pay attention to the security guard who walks around the area.

Once he's not paying attention to you, sneak up to the container on the left and hide inside.

Now you have to wait for Marcus. Once both men are in place, Carl will dismiss the guards. Exit the container, crouch down, and sneak up to the safety switch. When you receive a signal from Grey, activate the switch.

When the men get up, position yourself so that you have both targets in line and fire. You don't have to aim for the head - the torso shot is sufficient. Before you leave the penthouse, it's a good idea to leave your sniper rifle behind to avoid raising suspicion.
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