Types of minions | Minions Hearthstone Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Most of the minion cards do not belong do any group. In action, they do not differ from the other types at all but, because of the lack of definite group, they do not cooperate with the special combination of some of the classes like, e.g. the Beasts with the Ranger class or Pirates with the Warrior or Rogue classes.
Example cards: Elven Ranger (1), Wolfrider (3), Boulderfist Ogre(6).
Beasts belong to the second, most numerous group. Many cards of this kind has a low cost of summoning but, relatively high attack value, in turn. This makes this group best-fitting for the decks that focus on high numbers of units on the table. Additionally, this group ideally interplays with many of the Ranger's special abilities and special cards.
Example cards: Ironfur Grizzly (3), Stranglethorn Tiger (5), Timber Wolf(1).
Demons are, almost exclusively in the warlock's deck and this is the class they harmonize best. Most of them have quite powerful statistics at low Mana Cost but, the negative effects, e.g. damage to the hero, alleviate that.
Example cards: Fire Imp (1), Succubus (2), Dread Infernal (6).
This type of minions was introduced in the Goblins vs Gnomes expansion set. To be categorized as a Mech a minion has to be a mechanical being or a robot. Mechs may be both the neutral cards and the class cards. This group is fairly versatile and contains both cheap and expansive minions. Most of them have some kind of synergy with the other Mechs. For example they may reduce the summoning cost of other Mechs, increase their stats or give you a Spare Part card.
Sample cards: Micro Machine (2), Spider Tank (3), Piloted Sky Golem (6).
Murlocks are the second group that favor quantity over quality. Most of the cards from this group have mana costs. Additionally, the relatively high attack factor, and a big number of cards, make this group an ideal material for a complete deck.
Example cards: Grimscale Oracle(1), Murloc Tidehunter (2), Murloc Warleader(3).
Pirates are another group that can well serve as a core of a deck. Since most of these cards harmonize with the weapon cards, o some extent, they are the warrior's and the Rogue's best choice.
Example cards: Bloodsail Raider (1), Bloodsail Corsair (2), Southsea Captain (3).
Dragons are an interesting group of high mana cost. All of them have special abilities and high statistics, and more than half of them are legendary cards.
Example cards: Twilight Drake (4), Azure Drake (5), Alexstraza (9).
Totems are an unique minion group, available only for the Shaman. With the exception of two cards, all of the totems are to be summoned via a special Shamanic ability. Most of them perform the supportive and buffing function to all the remaining cards, and have no attack abilities at all.
Example cards: Flametongue Totem (2), Mana Tide Totem (3), Healing Totem (1).