Priest | Ready-made decks


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Priest - Basic Deck

Neutral Cards (14)

Priest's Cards (16)

Novice Engineer (2) x2

Power Word: Shield (1) x2

River Crocolisk (2) x2

Holy Smite (1) x2

Ironfur Grizzly (3) x2

Mind Vision (1) x2

Shattered Sun Cleric (3) x2

Northshire Cleric (1) x2

Ogre Magi (4) x2

Shadow Word: Pain (2) x2

Sen'jin Shieldmasta (4) x2

Shadow Word: Death (3) x2

Darkscale Healer (5) x2

Holy Nova (5) x2


Mind Control (10) x2

One very reliable Priest deck. It has an excellent battlefield control quality, excellent healing and reliable units. It focuses, predominantly, on a slow-paced game, controlling the battlefield by eliminating dangerous enemy units and taking control over his strongest cards. Additionally, in the deck, there are many healing or health-boosting cards and its basic shortcomings are lacks in the offensive and low number of AoE spells.

The Beginning Stage: Try to deploy some weaker units, the Northshire Cleric (1) or the Novice Engineer (2), at best, to gain additional cards and, eventually, eliminate the enemy units.

The Middle Stage: Keep control of the table, using cards like, e.g. Shadow Word: Pain (3) or Holy Nova (5). At the same time, try to deploy as many units as possible and buff them with the available cards.

The Final Stage: If the opponent plays strong cards, use Mind control (10) or Shadow Word: Pain (3), to remove them and open your way to the enemy hero.

Strong points

Weak Points

+ Good, reliable cards

+ Very good battlefield control

+ Good healing and buffing abilities

+ Powerful defensive abilities

- Poor offensive abilities

- Relatively slow game


Priest C'Thun

Neutral cards(14)

Priest Cards(16)

Loot Hoarder (2) x2

Power Word: Shield (1) x2

Beckoner of Evil (2) x2

Northshire Cleric (1) x2

Acolyte of Pain (3) x1

Shadow Word: Pain (3) x1

Brann Bronzebeard (3) x1

Shadow Word: Death (3) x2

Disciple of C'Thuna (3) x2

Hooded Acolyte (4) x2

Twilight Elder (3) x1

Twilight Darkmender (5) x2

C'Thuna's chosen (4) x2

Holy Nova (5) x2

Twin Emperor Vek'lor (7) x1

Excavated Evil (5) x1

Doomcaller (8) x1

Cabal Shadow Priest (6) x1

C'Thun (10) x1

Entomb (6) x1

The deck focuses on good minions with high HP that can buff C'Thun (10). It's a control type deck that takes time to start, but it is able clinch a victory in the middle stage of the game. The deck also consists of so-called Drawers.

Beginning stage: Try to draw Northshire Cleric (1), Beckoner of Evil (2), Loot Hoarder (2) or Disciple of C'Thun (3), to be able to play cards in the first turns and begin to buff C'Thun (10).

Middle stage: Keep using power-ups on C'Thun (10) and attack hostile minions. Don't hesitate to use your special abilities in order to heal your own minions. If needed, Holy Nova (5) or Excavated Evil (5) will let you clear the board.

Final stage: The final stage is pretty much using upgraded C'Thun (10). Keep in mind that if Brann Bronzebeard (3) is currently on the board, C'Thun (10) will double its damage, and thus end the game.



+ Very good cards with high HP

+ Possible to draw additional cards

+ Very good defense

+ solid attacks

- Fast decks can cause a lot of trouble

- If you are unable to draw and play cards in the first couple turns, it can be very difficult to proceed with the game further on.


Heavy Buffs Priest

Neutral Cards (12)

Priest cards (18)

Light warden (1) x2

Silence (0)

Shieldmasta (1) x2

Northshire Cleric (1) x2

Sunfury Protector (2)

Power Word: Shield (1) x2

Defender of Argus (4)

Internal Fire (1) x2

Mogu'shan Warden (4)

Divine Spirit (2) x2

Faceless Manipulator (5)

Lightwell (2) x2

Grubashi Berserker (5)

Lightspawn (4) x2


Holy Nova(5) x2


Temple Enforcer (6) x2


Mind Control (10)

The priest's strength lies in the buffing and healing cards and this is what you can find in this deck. The game focuses, predominantly on powerful buffs on the individual units and using them to attack the opponent. Additionally, the deck ensures a quite decent inflow of healing cards and abilities. This rather, has more in common with free play but, with the appropriate cards you can finish the battle in few turns.

The Beginning Stage: Summon units like Northshire Cleric (1) or Light warden (1) and use them for both eliminating the enemy units and drawing additional cards. For defense, you can use the Shieldmasta (1).

The Middle Stage: Continue attacking with the weaker units. Also try to set defense in the form of Taunt , and use, then, spells like Internal Fire and Divine Spirit to buff the Gurubashi Berserker (5) or Lightspawn (4).

The Final Stage: Continue launching the attacks described above and try to finish out the opponent. If he deploys a really strong unit or the Taunt card, you can use Mind Control (10), to seize it for yourself and create the attack window.

Strong points

Weak Points

+ Very good buffing and healing cards

+ Good card inflow

+ Potentially strong offense

+ Decent defense

- May have problems against decks centered around spells

- Relies predominantly on the effectiveness of buffed units

Dragon Priest

Neutral Cards (17)

Priest Cards (13)

Farie Dragon (2) x2

Power Word: Shield (1) x2

Novice Engineer (2) x2

Shadow Word: Pain (2) x2

Sunfury Protector (2)

Shadow Word: Death (3) x2

Injured Blademaster (3) x2

Holy Nova(5) x2

Shattered Sun Cleric (3) x2

Holy Fire (6)

Defender of Argus (4) x2

Temple Enforcer (6) x2

Spell Breaker (4)

Mind Control (10) x2

Twilight Drake(4) x2


Azure Drake (5) x2


Onyxia (9)


A priest deck that focuses on a good control of the game course and medium units. It is key here to keep control using the priest's spells while launching buffed attacks. The deck relies also on the unique abilities of dragon cards.

The Beginning Stage: Start by deploying cheap units like, e.g. Farie Dragon (2) or Novice Engineer (2). At the same time, try to keep control with your spells. A good thing to do is deploying the Injured Blademaster (3) in the third turn and healing him in the following one, which provides you with a strong card right at the beginning.

The Middle Stage: Keep eliminating the successive units of the opponent and attack him yourself. If you have a big number of cards, you can summon the Twilight Drake(4) and endow him with Taunt, which will ensure good defense.

The Final Stage: Keep attacking the enemy. If he deploys strong units, use the Mind Control (10) or the Shadow Word: Death (3). Once you get the opportunity to use Onyxia (9), deploy this unit to gain control in units and finish the opponent off.

Strong points

Weak Points

+ Good offensive abilities

+ Great control of the battlefield

+ A lot of healing abilities

- Quite unique defense

- No good buffs

Mech Priest

Neutral Cards (10)

Priest Class Cards (20)

Mechwarper (2) x2

Northshire Cleric (1) x2

Spider Tank (3) x2

Power Word: Shield (1) x2

Mechanical Yeti (4) x2

Shadow Word: Pain (2) x2

Piloted Shredder (4) x2

Shrinkmeister (2) x2

Loatheb (5)

Dark Cultist (3) x2

Sneed's Old Shredder (8)

Velen's Chosen (3) x2


Shadow Madness (4)


Holy Nova (5) x2


Upgraded Repair Bot (5) x2


Vol'jin (5)


Cabal Shadow Priest (6) x2

This Priest deck is focused on Mechs which provide a strong advantage in the early game although even later on they are still fairly valuable. It entwines the strength of Mech minions with the Priest class buffs. It also has a very good combos against a minions with the low attack value.

Early game: Begin with the very aggressive strategy. Begin from Mechwarper (2) in your first or second turn and use it to play as many Mechs as you can for example Spider Tanks (3), Mechanical Yetis (4) or Piloted Shredders (4). Use also your power ups such as Power Word: Shield (1) or Velen's Chosen (3) to increase your minion stats. Your main target to receive an upgrade is either Spider Tank (3) or Mechanical Yeti (4).

Midgame: Use your usual minions to attack your enemy and your buffed up minions to trade with his own minions. Play also Dark Cultists (3) to limit the enemy's options. Remember to heal your minions as often as you can.

Late game: If you need more cards play your Northshire Cleric (1) but only if you already have at least one damaged minion on the board. Use Holy Nova (5) to remove a group of small minions an heal your own minions at the same time (it may nicely combo with Northshire Cleric (1)). If your enemy will play anything with more Attack than 3 you can debuff it with Shrinkmeisters (2) and then destroy it with Shadow Word: Pain (2) or, if you prefer to control it, use Shadow Madness (4) or Cabal Shadow Priest (6).

Strong points

Weak points

+ Very strong in the early game and fairly strong later on

+ Good buffs and control cards

- Lack of strong offensive spells

- May have some problems with the control-oriented decks

Holy Champion

Neutral cards (8)

Priest cards (22)

Injured Kvaldir (1) x2

Circle of Healing (0) x2

Wild Pyromancer (2) x2

Power Word: Shield (1) x2

Injured Blademaster (3) x2

Flash Heal (1) x2

Sylvana Windrunner (6) x1

Northshire Cleric (1) x2

Ysera (9) x1

Resurrect (2) x2


Shadow Word: Death (3) x2


Thoughtsteal (3) x2


Auchenai Soulpriest (4) x2


Holy Champion (4) x2


Holy Nova (5) x1


Vol'jin (5) x1


Lightbomb (6) x1


Cabal Shadow Priest (6)x1

This deck is based on cards that will help you control the battle. It consists of powerful minions that can be strengthen by healing or convert healing to damage (Auchenai Soulpriest (4)). Holy Champion is a very important card in this deck. It can be buffed by healing any minion.

Beginning phase: Try to draw Northshire Cleric (1), Injured Kvaldir (1) or Injured Blademaster (3) during the first rounds. Mind that using one Circle of Healing (0), you can place 2/4 (Injured Kvaldir (1)) or 4/7 (Injured Blademaster (3)) on the table early in the game and then you can draw cards thanks to the priest.

Middle phase: Try to make good trades with enemy minions and keep your units alive. If you control the battle, you can use Thoughtsteal (3) to steal some of the enemy cards.

Ending phase: If you need cards, play Northshire Cleric (1), but only if you have at least one wounded unit on the table. Use Holy Nova (5) to get rid of a bunch of weaker or wounded minions, heal your own units and buff Holy Champion (4). The Auchenai Soulpriest (4) + Circle of Healing (0) or Lightbomb (6) combo can quickly clear the table of enemy minions.



+ Very strong during the beginning phase; also pretty good during the next phases

+ Huge healing ability

+ The ability to buff Holy Champion and increase her damage largely

+ A solid burst using Auchenai Soulpriest + Flash Heal combo

- If you don't draw a card that allows you to quickly clear the table, you might have some trouble during the middle phase

- Might be difficult against aggressive decks

Priest Justicar

Neutral cards(11)

Priest Cards(19)

Zombie Chow (1) x2

Circle of healing (0) x2

Wild Pyromancer (2) x2

Power Word: Shield (1) x2

Deathlord (3) x2

Northshire Cleric (1) x2

Injured Blademaster (3) x2

Light of the Naaru (1) x2

Sludge Belcher (5) x2

Shadow Word: Death (3) x2

Justicar Trueheart (6) x1

Thoughtsteal (3) x2


Auchenai Soulpriest (4) x2


Holy Nova(5) x1


Vol'jin (5) x1


Lightbomb(6) x2


Cabal Shadow Priest(6) x1


It's a deck that will allow you to take control of the board. You can use these spells and minions to convert healing into damage (Auchenai Soulpriest (4)). When facing difficult opponents (e.g. Handlock) 2 x Lightbomb (6) will help you stop hostile actions.

Beginning stage: Try to draw Northshire Cleric (1), Zombie Chow (1) or Injured Blademaster (3) in the first turns. If the opponent plays minions with little damage, use previously mentioned minions and Northshire Cleric (1) to draw cards.

Middle stage: engage into battle with hostile minions and keep your own units alive. If you feel that you are controlling the game, use Thoughtsteal (3) and steal some of your opponent's cards. Deathlord (3) or Sludge Belcher (5) can slow down the pace of the game.

Final stage: If you need cards, play Northshire Cleric (1). However, have at least one injured minion on the board. Use Holy Nova (5) to get rid of weaker of injured foes. A combination of Auchenai Soulpriest (4) + Circle of healing (0) or Lightbomb (6) can clear the board as well. Justicar Trueheart (6) will improve your health or damage if Auchenai Soulpriest (4) on the board.



+ This deck is good at every stage of the game

+ multiple ways to heal

+ Solid burst thanks to Auchenai Soulpriest, light of the Naaru and Zombie Chow

- Slow and not so exciting,

- Can have a lot of problems with aggressive decks.


March 11, 2014

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